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Asia Smart City Alliance (ASCA)

Last updated date:2024/8/7

Asia Smart City Alliance: ASCA外部サイト)

Following our 4th Asia Smart City Conference Declaration (Yokohama Declaration) at the conference, we are delighted to launch the Facebook page of the Asia Smart City Alliance (ASCA).

The ASCA aims to enhance City to City Cooperation towards smart city development in Asian region to deliver knowledge on smart city development to City Leaders. It employs holistic approach to create urban solutions beyond existing sectoral approaches and to accelerate the importance of Long Term Vision in urban planning for smart city development.

We regard the “Smart City Development” as sustainable city development through enhancing public private partnership (PPP), combining innovative technologies for better quality of life (QOL) of citizens at entire segments of society with measurable outcomes, while utilizing Information and Communication Technology (ICT).

Asia Smart City Alliance (ASCA) Secretariat
(Development Cooperation Division, International Affairs Bureau, City of Yokohama)
E-mail: [email protected]

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