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Activities (FY2018)
Last updated date:2024/10/17
* YWBA: Yokohama Water Business Association
Signing of Memorandum of Understanding to move toward initiating JICA Grant Aid Project (Cebu, the Philippines)
January 11, 2019
The signing ceremony along with the briefing took place in Cebu City, the Philippines, with regard to the survey contents including the large-scale facility building project to improve water environment in Cebu, as part of the JICA grant aid project: the Preparatory survey for the septage management project for Metro Cebu Water District’s service area. The Governor of Cebu and the Director General of the Yokohama Environmental Planning Bureau, both attended the ceremony to witness the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) by JICA and Metro Cebu Water District.
The consortium including two YWBA member companies* are undertaking the relevant survey. The City of Yokohama will continue to contribute to sustainable development in Metro Cebu utilizing its technologies and know-how supporting YWBA members’ business expansion in Cebu.
* Yachiyo Engineering Co., Ltd, Yokohama Water Co., Ltd.
Signing ceremony
FY2018 Chief Executive Meeting of the Yokohama Water Business Association
November 26, 2018
The chief executive meeting of the YWBA was held in late November. The City of Yokohama shared the activity reports and future plans with the YWBA chief executives.
Chief executive meeting
Facility Tour in conjunction with the 7th Asia Smart City Conference
November 13, 2018
The Asia Smart City Conference is an international conference that brings together city leaders in Asia and representatives from international organizations, academic institutions and private companies, aiming at establishing a knowledge hub for Smart Cities. At the conference, city leaders share their visions for growth as well as their current challenges and needs. They can also network and take part in cross-cutting discussions on urban development. The theme of this year’s conference was “Fostering a Marketplace for Co-innovation”.
On the day before the conference, the participants toured the Wastewater Treatment Plant in the northern district to view smart city development in Yokohama.
Participants of the Asia Smart City Conference
Viet Water 2018 (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)
November 7-9, 2018
The City of Yokohama put up a booth at Viet Water 2018, which is the biggest water-related exhibition in Vietnam, and made a presentation in the technical seminar.
The booth featured posters and videos showcasing the initiatives of Yokohama’s water and wastewater works including YWBA promotional activities together with YWBA member companies in there.
In the technical seminar, we made a presentation about international technical cooperation through Public Private Partnerships in Yokohama.
Technical seminar
Yokohama Booth
Seminar based on the Memorandum between the Yokohama Waterworks Bureau and the Vietnamese waterworks organizations (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)
November 6, 2018
A YWBA member company attended the seminar held in Ho Chi Minch City, Vietnam on the theme of “making use of IT technology in the water supply network”, based on the memorandum with a consortium of five Vietnamese waterworks organizations. The company gave a presentation about the products and exhibited at the seminar.
Since the memorandum will expire this year, the Yokohama Waterworks Bureau and the consortium of five Vietnamese waterworks organizations concluded a new memorandum to run for five years from November 2018.
In the new memorandum, toward safe and sustainable waterworks business in Vietnam, Yokohama will accept Vietnamese trainees in Japan and hold seminars in Vietnam. The city will introduce products and technologies of YWBA which contribute to improve water environment in Vietnam and support YWBA member companies’ business expansion in Vietnam. This will lead to strengthen ties with the YWBA.
Singing ceremony
International Water Association World Water Congress & Exhibition (IWA WWCE 2018 Tokyo)
September 17-20, 2018
As one of the biggest conferences organized by IWA, the IWA WWCE made its debut in Japan, with 9,815 visitors from 98 countries and regions. In the event we introduced the initiatives of the Yokohama Waterworks Bureau, the Yokohama Environmental Planning Bureau and the YWBA through panel displays as well as presentations in the business forum.
Yokohama booth
Business forum
Training course for African waterworks engineers in Yokohama
August 27 to September 21, 2018
In cooperation with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and Yokohama Water Co., Ltd., the Yokohama Waterworks Bureau accepted seven waterworks engineers from six African countries for training.
[Inception report]
Each of the African trainees reported on the situations and issues faced in each of their countries and shared information and exchanged opinions to provide the latest update on the waterworks situations in African countries. Eight staff members from four YWBA member companies participated in the event.
[Facility tour]
The trainees visited Kubota’s Keiyo Plant to see the integrated manufacturing processes of ductile cast iron pipes: melting, casting, pressure testing and coating. When told some of the background to how top quality is maintained in the production by strictly testing ductile pipes at each process stage, the trainees were astonished to hear that despite all the rigorous testing, only about one pipe a year fails the tests, realizing in their shock just how good Japanese engineering is. This tour also produced some robust opinion exchanges, serving as a great opportunity for YWBA member company employees to get to know the African trainees.
Inception report
Facility tour (Kubota's Keiyo Plant)
Technical cooperation and Sewerage Technical Seminar in Hanoi, Vietnam
August 20-24, 2018
Experts from the City of Yokohama visited Hanoi, Vietnam, to implement JICA Grassroots Technical Cooperation Project (Special Frame for Local Economic Development): Project of Capacity Building on Management of Sewage Works in Hanoi (Phase 2). They provided technical cooperation to improve the water environment in Hanoi.
The Sewerage Technical Seminar was held while they were in Hanoi, and the presentations provided by five YWBA member companies*(1) drew a great attention from the local stakeholders.
They also paid a courtesy call on the Hanoi People’s Committee Chairman together with six YWBA member companies*(2) as well as taking a site tour and holding a workshop in order to support member-companies for overseas business expansion.
*(1) JFE Kankyo Corporation, Pasco Corporation, Hinode, Ltd., Yasuda Engineering Co., Ltd., Yokohama Water Co., Ltd.
*(2) JFE Engineering Corporation, JFE Kankyo Corporation, PASCO Corporation, Hinode Ltd., Yasuda Engineering Co., Ltd., Yokohama Water Co., Ltd.
Sewerage Technical Seminar
Meeting with Hanoi People's Commitee
Singapore International Water Week 2018 (SIWW 2018)
July 9-11, 2018
Amidst even the big international water events around the globe, the Singapore International Water Week (SIWW) is a top-notch business-oriented one that focuses on technologies for water supply and sanitation. SIWW 2018 attracted some 24,000 visitors from 110 countries. The YWBA exhibited at the event together with two member companies, showcasing their technical prowess as well as publicizing the initiatives of the YWBA, the Yokohama Waterworks Bureau and the Yokohama Environmental Planning Bureau.
YWBA booth
YWBA booth
Technical training and Sewerage Technical Seminar in Yokohama (Hanoi, Vietnam)
June 25-29, 2018
We provided lectures and facility tours in Yokohama for project members of our counterpart, Hanoi City Department of Construction (DOC), in the process of implementing JICA Grassroots Technical Cooperation Project (Special Frame for Local Economic Development): Project of Capacity Building on Management of Sewage Works in Hanoi (Phase 2).
While DOC members were in Yokohama, we held “the Sewerage Technical Seminar”, where four YWBA member companies* explained how their technical prowess and knowhow could conceivably contribute to efforts in improving the water environment of Hanoi.
*Tsukishima Kikai Co., Ltd, Pasco Corporation, Yokohama Water Co., Ltd, JFE Engineering Corporation
Construction site visit
Sewerage Technical Seminar
Technical training in Yokohama (Cagayan de Oro, the Philippines)
June 27-28, 2018
City officials from Cagayan de Oro, the Philippines visited the industrial wastewater treatment facility in Fukuura, the southern part of the city and the Sewerage Center in northern district. That was a part of JICA’s overseas business support program for small and medium-sized enterprises, which Hinode Sangyo Co., Ltd. was implementing.
Facility tour (Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant)
Facility tour (Sludge Treatment Plant)
Smart City Best Practice Workshop (Suva, Fiji)
May 24, 2018
We publicized the initiatives of the YWBA and the Yokohama Environmental Planning Bureau at the Smart City Best Practice Workshop, which is one of the technical cooperation programs: ADB Future Cities Programs, implemented by the Asian Development Bank.
Panel discussion
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