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Introducing a convenient IC card PASMO.

Last updated on March 18, 2023.


What is PASMO?

PASMO face image

PASMO (Pasmo) is a convenient IC card that allows you to pay train and bus fares and shop without having to prepare coins by charging (payment) in advance.
You can easily get on and transfer trains and buses in the Tokyo metropolitan area.

Both the train and the bus will take a single ride.

PASMO is a transportation IC card that allows you to use most trains and buses in the Tokyo metropolitan area.

The ticket gate passes through with touch!

Both PASMO and Suica simply touch the reading section of the IC-compatible ticket gate or IC-compatible fee machine without leaving the regular slot.

It can also be used for shopping!

There are also PASMO and Suica member stores that can also be used as electronic money.

Use of PASMO for municipal transportation

  • You can issue municipal subway commuter passes and municipal bus commuter passes with one PASMO.
  • If you get on outside the commuter pass section, you can automatically settle the off-section fare with a charge.
  • As for the details such as release place and release time, please see municipal subway commuter pass sale window.

Municipal Subway commuter pass sales window

How to use it at the Municipal Subway

It can be used on all municipal subways (Blue Line / Green Line).

You can use it simply by touching the IC read part of the automatic ticket gate without taking in and out of the PASMO (Suica) from the regular insert.

It can be charged to PASMO (Suica) with an automatic ticket vending machine (touch panel type), charge machine, etc.

Use of PASMO on municipal buses

It can be used by all municipal buses.

Touch PASMO and Suica on the automatic change machine IC read part. The fare will be automatically deducted from PASMO and Suica.

Change machine
Firmly touch

Touch the IC read part of the automatic change machine firmly.

If you are applying child fares or various discount fares, please inform us in advance.
You can charge it inside the bus, but please charge at a station, supermarket, convenience store, etc. before boarding for smooth operation.

Type of PASMO

The difference between a name and a secret name
FeaturesRegistered PASMOAnonymous PASMO

We will keep 500 yen at the time of PASMO creation.
You will be refunded when you cancel your card.
※There is no deposit when using Mobile PASMO

We will keep 500 yen at the time of PASMO creation.
You will be refunded when you cancel your card.
※There is no deposit when using Mobile PASMO

Restrictions on useIt can be used only by registered people.It can be used by anyone.
Change of nameYou cannot change to an unregistered type.You can change it to a name.
ReissuedIf you lose it, you can reissue it. (※)It cannot be reissued.
For childrenYes, it can be used at child fares.It cannot be issued.
For persons with disabilities

Yes (Applicable to Class 1 physically handicapped, Class 1 intellectually disabled and one arbitrary caregiver.)
You can use it at the discount fare for disabled people.

It cannot be issued.
Subway commuter passSubway commuter passes and transit commuter passes by other companies can be issued.It cannot be issued.
Commuter pass for municipal buses and subwaysYou can issue it.It cannot be issued.
Municipal bus commuter passYou can issue it.You can issue a driver's commuter pass.

※To reissue, you will need a public certificate stating your registered name and date of birth.

PASMO for children

  • It is only a registered type for children. There is no secret PASMO. PASMO can be used by registered persons at child fares.
  • At the time of purchase, we will confirm your identity. If you already have PASMO or Suica for children, you cannot purchase the second PASMO for children.
  • After April 1, 12 years old, you will not be able to use both the charged amount and the commuter pass. As it will be changed to adult PASMO, please come to your local commuter pass sales counter (excluding subway ticket vending machines). We will switch for PASMO adults. If the expiration date of the commuter pass remains, a refund will be made.
  • Mobile PASMO is not available.

PASMO for people with disabilities

  • PASMO for persons with disabilities is a pair of PASMOs, a card for persons with disabilities and a card for caregivers.
  • The target persons of PASMO for persons with disabilities are Class 1 physically handicapped, Class 1 intellectually disabled, and one voluntary caregiver. It is not available for children.
  • PASMO for people with disabilities is only registered. There is no secret PASMO. This is a PASMO that can be used by the registered person and one arbitrary caregiver at a discounted fare for disabled persons.
  • At the time of purchase, check the certificate of the physically disabled or the nursing certificate. If you already have PASMO for persons with disabilities or Suica for persons with disabilities, you cannot purchase the second set of PASMO for persons with disabilities.
  • A one-year validity period is set for PASMO for persons with disabilities. Please renew at a railway operator (except some) handling PASMO within the validity period.
  • On municipal subways and municipal buses, it can be used when (1) disabled people and caregivers ride the same journey at the same time, and (2) disabled people ride alone. In addition, caregiver cannot use alone.
  • Please refer to company having you use about how to use PASMO for person with a disability in transportation company except municipal subway, municipal bus.
  • Please note that the caregiver card cannot be used if a disabled person gets on another ticket such as a special elderly ticket, a special welfare ticket, a ticket, a coupon, a one-day ticket, etc. Please give me.
  • PASMO for persons with disabilities can only be purchased commuter passes with discounts for persons with disabilities. In addition, if you purchase a commuter pass only on the card for the disabled person, you will not be able to use the caregiver card within the valid section of the commuter pass.
  • For other details, please refer to the following usage guide.

      Usage Guide (PDF: 867KB)

Please be careful

  • Registered PASMO and PASMO commuter pass cannot be used by anyone other than the registered person. Also, if you do not register your personal information correctly, you may not be able to reissue or refund it.
  • Discounts on fares for purchasing commuter passes at discounted fares for persons with disabilities and intellectual disabilities are as follows.
Whether or not the discount fare for persons with disabilities is applied when using outside the commuter pass section at a charge price
PASMO for people with disabilitiesDiscount fares for persons with disabilities are automatically applied.
Other than the above PASMODiscount fare for persons with disabilities does not apply.

Mobile PASMO

Mobile PASMO is a service that allows you to use your mobile device such as your smartphone like a PASMO card. You can purchase a commuter pass or charge at any location. For inquiries regarding services such as general usage and model change, please see the Mobile PASMO page.
Mobile PASMO (external site)

Purchase of commuter pass at Mobile PASMO

Mobile PASMO allows you to purchase commuter passes and commuter passes for municipal buses and subways. (※1、※2)
The purchase procedure must be done through the mobile PASMO app.
Purchases cannot be made at the Customer Service Center, Municipal Bus Commuter Pass Sales Counter, Municipal Subway Station (ticket vending machine / station office).
※1: Commuter passes for elementary school students and junior high school students under 12 years old cannot be purchased.
※2: Municipal buses are only available for commuter passes on all lines.

How to use Mobile PASMO

It can be used in the same way as a normal PASMO card.
※The position of the reading part varies depending on the mobile device, so please touch it carefully.
※If multiple cards are registered on the terminal, set the card you want to use before boarding.
For details on how to configure the settings, please refer to the Mobile PASMO Support page.
Mobile PASMO Support (external site)

Loss and reissues PASMO

Please refer to Pasmo Co., Ltd.'s "Repayment of PASMO".
Pasmo Co., Ltd. “PASMO Payment Return” (outside site)

※PASMO and Mobile PASMO are registered trademarks of Pasmo Corporation.

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Inquiries to this page

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Transportation Bureau Station Administration Office

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