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  2. Public hearing
  3. Proposals from citizens

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Proposals from citizens

Last updated on December 13, 2024.

 "Suggestions from citizens" is a system that allows individuals to send their opinions to Yokohama municipal administration by letter or e-mail.
 We send opinion that had you approach to department in charge from ward office of ward to live and reflect in municipal administration.
 ※"Suggestions from citizens" are not accepted over the phone. If you send us your opinions over the phone, please talk directly to the department in charge.
<Flow of processing of "Proposals from Citizens">

It is a diagram that briefly shows the flow of processing (posting, reception, answer / response, publication) of "suggestions from citizens".

1 Proposal Method

 Please send it in one of the following ways. (Click the image to go to the details page of each method.)

  • Please use the "Road Damage Report System" to report damage to roads and guardrails, or dead street trees. Please note that we do not respond individually.
  • "Suggestions from citizens" are not accepted over the phone. If you send us your opinions over the phone, please talk directly to the department in charge.

2 Reception

 Reception will be performed by the ward office Ward Administration Promotion Division of the ward where the citizens live (for those living outside the city, the Public Affairs Consultation Section of the Citizens' Bureau) and will be delivered to the department in charge of the proposal.

But we cannot accept as "proposal from citizen" when we judge that we correspond to the following contents.
ExampleThings that cannot be accepted as "proposals from citizens"
Slander, slander, or violate public order and morals of a specific individual or organization
Those whose purpose is unclear
Those that are not directly related to Yokohama, such as international and social situations.
For commercial purposes
  • In principle, opinions that are under the jurisdiction of external organizations (national, prefectural, police and other local governments, and corporations engaged in electricity, gas, transportation and other public utilities) cannot be accepted. We apologize for any inconvenience, but please contact the relevant external organization directly. Please note that depending on the situation, we may inform external organizations in consideration of personal information protection.
  • About other things that cannot be accepted, please see handling summary about conduct of "citizen's voice" business.

3 Answers

 In principle, the department in charge of the content of opinions, etc. will respond by the 10th opening date, starting from the day after the reception date.
 In the case of a document, we will respond by sending it out. If it takes time to respond, we will let you know. 

However, if it is determined that the following content applies, we will not respond.
ExampleThose who do not answer
Name, Address, e-mail address (address that can receive e-mails from Yokohama City), etc.
(Please note that if only the fax number is listed as the answer destination, you will not be able to respond unless there are special circumstances.)
When many opinions of the same sentence or the same purpose are sent or are expected to be sent, those that were widely publicized to citizens by posting ideas for opinions etc. on Motoichi homepages etc.
  • The standard of the reception date is the arrival date for letters and submission forms, and the reception date for e-mails and faxes. However, those that have arrived or received after 4:00 pm on the opening day, and those that have arrived or received on a closed day, in principle, the next open day is the reception day.
  • About the handling of other answers, please see handling summary about conduct of "citizen's voice" business.

4. Announcement

It is link to publication page of "citizen's voice".

 For the purpose of "securing transparency of municipal administration", "elimination of questions about municipal administration and information sharing between citizens", and "promoting a virtuous cycle of public hearing and measures to reflect citizen's opinions more in measures" About thing that Motoichi answered by "document" or "e-mail", we announce summary such as opinions that had you approach and answer of Motoichi to it "citizen's voice" page ()

 We will handle the following information.

  • Yokohama-shi summarizes contents such as opinions that had you approach and announces in consideration of personal information protection.
  • We will announce it within 4 weeks at the latest after responding to the poster. The announcement period is, in principle, one year.
  • We will not answer who the public opinion is.
However, if it is determined that the following content applies, it will not be announced.
ExampleNot disclosed
Those who do not wish to be published or those who cannot confirm their intention to do so
Specific individuals are identified from the points of opinions received and the answers of Motoichi to them.
Posts with the same purpose are repeatedly sent from the person who posted, and the answer has already been posted.
Posts of the same purpose are repeatedly sent from the person who posted, and if there is no history of the past, citizens who view the publication page cannot understand it
I sent an answer to the person who posted it but did not receive it.

 About the handling of other publications, please see handling summary about conduct of publication of "citizen's voice".

5 Handling of Personal Information

 Personal information such as your name will be properly managed in accordance with the provisions of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information. In addition, we use only for the purpose of referring to the duties in the department in charge of the contents of opinions and related ward bureaus, etc., and responding to opinions etc.
 In addition, about opinions outside Motoichi jurisdiction, we may tell outside organization after considering personal information protection.

6 Outline

7 Public hearing Q & A

 For various questions about public hearing, please see "Public Hearing Q & A". 

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Inquiries to this page

Public Affairs Consultation Section, General Affairs Department, Civil Affairs Bureau

Phone: 045-671-2354 (If you have any comments over the phone, please contact the department in charge directly.)

Phone: 045-671-2354 (If you have any comments over the phone, please contact the department in charge directly.)

Fax: 045-212-0911

E-Mail address [email protected] (For opinions, please use the above "Suggestions from Citizens")

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Page ID: 183-468-025


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