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Subway station media

Last updated on November 29, 2024.

Information on Subway Station Media

Image of station premises

1. Large board

Yokohama Station Grand Board

Yokohama Station Grand Board Image

It was installed at the JR Sotetsu Access Ticket Gate at Yokohama Station, which has the most users.
Large board of 5,824mm x 2,060mm (B0 x 8 sheets).

Overview of Media
Sales unitAdvertising fees (excluding tax)Start of posting
1 week350,000 yenMonday

Yokohama Station drawing

Shin-Yokohama Station Grand Board

Shin-Yokohama Station Grand Board Image

It is located near the central ticket gate, which is convenient for changing trains on other company lines.
Large board of 5,824mm x 2,060mm (B0 x 8 sheets).

Overview of Media
Sales unitAdvertising fees (excluding tax)Start of posting
1 week250,000 yenMonday

Drawing of Shin-Yokohama Station

Kannai Station Grand Board

Kannai Station Grand Board Image

Installed in front of the ticket gate on the Yokohama Stadium side
Large board of 5,824mm x 2,060mm (B0 x 8 sheets).

Overview of Media
Sales unitAdvertising fees (excluding tax)Start of posting
1 week100,000 yenMonday

Kannai Station Triple Board

Kannai Station Triple Board Image

This is a large three-sided board of 4,368mm x 2,060mm (B0 x 6 sheets) installed at the entrance to the Yokohama Stadium side. In addition to posting three consecutive pages, one or two pages can also be posted.

Overview of Media
Sales unitAdvertising fees (excluding tax)Start of posting
1 week50,000 yen (per side) / 100,000 yen (3 side set)Monday

Drawing of Kannai Station

2. Digital signage (Yokohama Station, Shin-Yokohama Station)

Yokohama Station Digital Signage

Yokohama Station Digital Signage Image

Located in the center of Yokohama Station, it is a highly visible 4K digital signage that stays immediately in the eyes of customers heading to the ticket gate.

Overview of Media
Sales unitNumber of sales quotasMenuBroadcast timeAdvertising fees (excluding tax)Start of posting
1 week1 frame

Limited sales of one company
(Fixed side sheet set)

3 minutes and 30 seconds400,000 yenMonday
1 frameLimited sales of one company3 minutes and 30 seconds360,000 yen
14 framesRoll sales15 seconds/1 frame60,000 yen

Yokohama Station drawing

Shin-Yokohama Station Digital Signage

Digital signage image of Shin-Yokohama Station

Located on the transfer line to the Sotetsu / Tokyu Shin-Yokohama Line, it is a digital signage that can appeal powerful advertisements.

Overview of Media
Sales unitNumber of sales quotasMenuBroadcast timeAdvertising fees (excluding tax)Start of posting
1 week1 frameLimited sales of one company3 minutes and 30 seconds300,000 yenMonday
14 framesRoll sales15 seconds/1 frame50,000 yen

Drawing of Shin-Yokohama Station

3-a. Free poster (concentrated poster)

You can use it freely. You can post it at any time.
The jacks on the side of the stairs and on the concourse wall allow a powerful approach to the customer.
*Please contact us for details.

Overview of Media
Station nameAdvertising fees (excluding tax)Sales unitStart of posting
Azamino, Shin-Yokohama, Yokohama, Kannai, Kamiooka, Hiyoshi

<B0> 62,000 yen per sheet
<B1> 31,000 yen per sheet

1 weekFrom time to time
Stations other than the above

<B0> 54,000 yen per sheet
<B1> 27,000 yen per sheet

3-b. Floor advertising

Floor advertisement image

It can be posted in places where many customers come and go, such as around ticket gates.

Overview of Media
Station namePosting periodAdvertising fees (excluding tax)
Azamino, Shin-Yokohama, Yokohama, Kannai, Kamiooka, Hiyoshi1 month400,000 yen
Stations other than the above300,000 yen

※Advertising fees are charged per 9m2

3-c. Smoke-proof board advertising

Smokeproof board advertising image

You can publicize with smoke-proof boards installed on the ceiling.
This is an advertisement that is noticeable to customers who are heading to the ticket gate.

Overview of Media
Station namePosting periodAdvertising fees (excluding tax)
Shin-Yokohama1 week124,000 yen
Centerkita, Centerminami, Tozuka108,000 yen

※Advertising fees are on both sides

3-d. Pillar Rolling Advertising

Pillar winding advertisement image

Since it is an advertisement with a large impact, it is recommended to deploy it in a set of several.

Overview of Media
Station namePosting periodAdvertising fees (excluding tax)
Shin-Yokohama, Kannai, Kamiooka, Hiyoshi1 week124,000 yen
Stations other than the above108,000 yen

3-e. The ticket gate sticker

Ticket gate sticker image

Customers see it every time they pass through, making it a memorable ad.
It is also possible to jack the space by combining it with the medium near the ticket gate.

Overview of Media
Station namePosting periodAdvertising fees (excluding tax)
Azamino, Shin-Yokohama, Yokohama, Kannai, Kamiooka, Hiyoshi2 weeks3,500 yen
Stations other than the above3,000 yen

※Advertisement fee is the amount per sheet

4.Station poster (AD board)

Station poster display image

It can be posted on a weekly basis in places with high visibility.

Overview of Media
 Station namePosting period  Start of posting  Advertising fees (excluding tax)


Azamino, Shin-Yokohama, Yokohama, Kannai, Kamiooka1 week  




54,000 yen  27,000 yen  13,500 yen  
Centerkita, Centerminami, Kaminagaya, Tozuka, Shonandai46,000 yen23,000 yen11,500 yen
Nakagawa, Nakamachidai, Katakuracho, Sakuragicho, Isezaki-Chojamachi, Bandobashi, Yoshinocho, Maita, Komyoji, Konan Chuo, Position36,000 yen18,000 yen9,000 yen
Niiba, Kitashin Yokohama, Kishinekoen, Mitsuzawakamimachi, Mitsusawashimocho, Takashimacho, Shimonagaya, Maioka, Odoriba, Nakata, Shimoiida26,000 yen13,000 yen6,500 yen


Hiyoshi54,000 yen27,000 yen13,500 yen
Centerkita, Centerminami, Nakayama46,000 yen23,000 yen11,500 yen
Hiyoshi Honmachi, Takada, Higashiyamata, Kitayamada, Tsuzuki Fureai no Oka, Kawawacho36,000 yen18,000 yen9,000 yen

5.Station sign

Station signboard image

It is installed at all stations.
It is an advertisement that will be remembered by customers by repeatedly seeing it.
Posting is possible from 6 months. Advertising fees vary depending on the station, location, and size.
Please contact us for more information.

6.Home door advertising

Home door image

Because it is limited to one company per station, you can promote stronger PR.
You can freely select the number of postings from 2 to 38, and you can combine them in various designs. Ideal for short-term PR.

Overview of Media
    Blue Line (only for Yokohama Station and Shin-Yokohama Station)   

  Blue Line (Stations other than those listed on the left) Green Line    

Number per station11 or less12 or more sheetsFull notice11 or less12 or more sheetsFull notice
2 weeks25,000 yen19,000 yen13,000 yen20,000 yen15,000 yen10,000 yen
4 weeks38,000 yen32,000 yen21,000 yen30,000 yen26,000 yen17,000 yen

7.Free paper rack

Free paper rack image

  • It is ideal for the distribution of information magazines.

About application, notice

Inquiries to this page

Asset Utilization Division, Management Department, Transportation Bureau

Phone: 045-671-3208

Phone: 045-671-3208

Fax: 045-322-3911

E-Mail address [email protected]

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