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Subway maintenance technician (mechanical vehicle)
Last updated on January 14, 2022.
What is a subway maintenance technician (mechanical vehicle)?
About 990,000 people. This is the number of customers who use the Municipal Subway Blue Line and Green Line a day. As long as the lives of such a number of customers are kept, it goes without saying that the maintenance and inspection of the vehicle is important. The mission of "maintenance technicians (machines)" is to prevent troubles so that the operation schedule is not disturbed. After being familiar with the structure of trains and equipment, we will support the safe operation of trains without overlooking fine changes such as "the sound is different from normal times".
①Multiple inspections of all vehicles
In addition to daily inspections, we conduct a train inspection once every 10 days, an inspection and replacement of consumables once every 90 days, a functional inspection of vehicles, a conservation inspection of important parts, and a general conservation inspection. Every step of inspection is the first step in safety.
②Among them, the inspection and renovation of the blue line is flower-shaped.
There are five types of blue-line vehicles: 3000A, 3000N, 3000R, 3000S, and 3000V. The direct management of vehicle maintenance is a flower-shaped operation for safety management. We will renovate vehicles with safer equipment while minimizing costs through direct management.
③Attendance and supervision of commissioned work such as general inspection
The highest inspection work in which all equipment such as equipment and brakes are removed and examined in detail is "general inspection". The staff supervises and supervises the contractor and provides support in terms of process supervision, etc., so that work can be performed quickly and safely.
④National qualification "Railway Vehicle Manufacturing and Maintenance Technician" can be acquired
You can take the first grade if you have at least 2 years of practical experience and have at least 2 years of practical experience and at least 7 years of practical experience or 2 years or more after passing the second grade. Please take on the challenge to expand the range of work and step up.
8:30 | Roll call, handover, paperwork |
9:00~12:00 | Vehicle inspection and wheel reduction |
12:00~13:00 |
Lunch break |
13:00~17:30 | Vehicle inspection |
17:30~19:00 | Break |
19:00~1:20 | Failure response |
1:20~6:50 | Nap |
6:50~7:45 | Failure response |
7:45~8:15 | Break |
8:15~8:30 | Failure response |
8:30 | Leaving work |
For those who are considering applying
There is a lot of work done by multiple people, and team play is essential. Please take responsibility and manage your physical condition on a daily basis so that no one can hinder you.
The Blue Line and Green Line are the aorta that runs through Yokohama. Why don't you work together to support such a train operation with your own power?
Inquiries to this page
Transportation Bureau General Affairs Department Personnel Division
Phone: 045-671-3164
Phone: 045-671-3164
Fax: 045-322-3911
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 277-290-825