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Railroad Musume "Azami Takashima"

Yokohama Municipal Subway Character

Last updated on June 1, 2020.

© TOMYTEC/Illustration: Squirrel

Along with the opening anniversary of Yokohama Port on June 2, 2018, the character of Yokohama Municipal Subway "Azami Takashima" debuted from Tomy Tech's "Railway Musume"!
As a member of the railway musume of each national bureau, we will develop characters that are loved by everyone. Thank you very much.

About "Azami Takashima"

© TOMYTEC/Illustration: Squirrel

[Name] Azami Takashima (The name comes from "Takashimacho Station" and "Azamino Station")
[Occupation] Yokohama Municipal Subway Station

  • An active and well-recognizable personality.
    If you see a person in trouble at the station, you will approach it immediately.
  • My hobby is walking.
    Retro Akarengasoko, Chinatown, port of Yokohama.
    On holidays, you can enjoy walking around various scenery along the line.
  • My favorite color is blue. When you buy accessories and clothes, you just choose the blue one.
  • I like marine sports and often go swimming in the sea or pool on holidays.

About "Railway Musume"

"Railway Musume" is a character series developed by Tomy Tech.

Inquiries to this page

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