The text is from here.
- Yokohama-shi Top Page
- Mayor's Room, Mayor of Yokohama Takeharu Yamanaka
- Activities of the Mayor
- Action Records
- Mayor's Action Record 2021
- Mayor's Action Record October 2021
Mayor's Action Record October 2021
Last updated on November 1, 2021.
Sunday, October 31
- Going out
Saturday, October 30
- Going out
Friday, October 29
- Deputy Mayor Kobayashi
- Mr. Climate Change Policy Headquarters, Yakushi-ji Temple
- Yokohama City Sports Honor Award Presentation Ceremony
- General Manager, Policy Bureau Kitta Metropolitan System Promotion Headquarters
- Director of the Department of Repair and Medical Care
- Director, Economic Affairs Bureau, Hoshizaki
- Receiving a list of donations related to measures against COVID-19 by the Yomiuri Society in Northern Yokohama, the Yomiuri Society in Eastern Yokohama, and the Yomiuri Society in Western Yokohama, and the presentation ceremony of letters of appreciation
- Director Dr. Doro Inui
- Nobuo Domae, President and Representative Director of Ryohin Keikaku Co., Ltd. (and Executive Officer)
- Nobuhide Akimoto, President and CEO of Tokyo Electric Power Company, Inc.
- 2022 budget compilation mayor hearing
- Deputy Mayor of Castle
- Mr. Health and Social Welfare Bureau Tanaka
- Mr. Matsuura, Finance Manager, Finance Bureau
Thursday, October 28
- Deputy Mayor Kobayashi
- Mr. Climate Change Policy Headquarters, Yakushi-ji Temple
- Chief of the City Kindergarten Association Karume Tournament
- Mr. Umezawa, General Manager, Co-creation Promotion Office, Policy Bureau
- Director, Ishiuchi Citizens Bureau
- Health and Social Welfare Bureau Suzuki, General Manager of Life and Welfare Department
- Yoshiyoshi Shiki Yoshida, President and Representative Director, Itsuki
- Director, Economic Affairs Bureau, Hoshizaki
- Yokohama Canon Eagles Toshio Takiguchi Owners, etc.
- Superintendent of Education Koibuchi
- The 10th Asia Smart City Conference (Yokohama International Cooperation Center)
Wednesday, October 27
- Deputy Mayor Hirahara
- Received "Opinions on Yokohama City Agricultural Measures in 2022" from Federation of City Agricultural Committees
- General Manager, Press Department, Policy Bureau Sato
- Director of Policy Coordination, Amamiya Policy Bureau
- Deputy Director General Economic Affairs Bureau Nagura
- Urban Development Bureau Sakai Seya, General Manager, Transportation Maintenance Department
- General Manager, General Affairs Bureau Uoya Compliance Promotion Office
- Regular press conference
Tuesday, October 26
- Chairman of the Kannai Kangai-District Revitalization Council Eisuke Arai
- Director of Policy Coordination, Amamiya Policy Bureau
- General Manager, Press Department, Policy Bureau Sato
- Deputy Director General Economic Affairs Bureau Nagura
- General Manager, Civil Economic and Labor Department, Economic Affairs Bureau Honda
- President of Japan Post Ichiki Minami Kanto Branch, etc.
- Received "Request for Industrial Promotion for Yokohama City Budget for 2022" from the Federation of City Industries Associations
- Mr. Hashimoto, Director of International Affairs
- Deputy Mayor Kobayashi
- Director Environmental Planning Bureau Endo
- Lecture at Management Responsibility Training (Kannnai Hall)
- Deputy Mayor Hayashi
- Director, Economic Affairs Bureau, Hoshizaki
- General Manager, Yokohama Attractiveness Creation Office, Culture and Tourism Bureau Honda
- Civic Affairs Bureau Kumasaka, General Manager, Sports Promotion Department
- Deputy Director of Economic and Cultural Representative Office in Taipei, Yokohama Branch Office
- General Manager, General Affairs Bureau Uoya Compliance Promotion Office
- Deputy Mayor Hirahara
- Director Urban Development Bureau Koike
- General Manager, International Horticultural Exposition Promotion Office, Soga Kamiseya, Urban Development Bureau
- Mr. Imatomi, Executive Director of Urban Development Bureau
- Verification inspection of “Vaccination and Test Package” technology in Yokohama Stadium
Monday, October 25
- Mr. Ken Sano, Chairman of the Childcare and Welfare Subcommittee of Japan National Council of Social Welfare
- 2022 budget compilation mayor hearing
- Nobuyuki Wakabayashi, Director, Kanto Regional Development Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, etc.
- General Manager, Policy Bureau Kitta Metropolitan System Promotion Headquarters
- Deputy Mayor Hayashi
- The 80th Summit Meeting of Nine Prefectures
- Director of the Finance Bureau, Yokoyama
- Mr. Digital Government Headquarters Shimoda
- General Manager of General Affairs Division, Ikedo
- Director of Architecture, Suzuki
- Deputy Mayor of Castle
- Deputy Mayor Kobayashi
Sunday, October 24
- Responses to COVID-19 infection
Saturday, October 23
- Responses to COVID-19 infection
- Yokohama GRITS Home Game Opening Ceremony (KOSÉ Shin-Yokohama Skating Center)
Friday, October 22
- General Manager, Civic Affairs Bureau Nishiyama Sports Division
- General Manager, Policy Bureau Kitta Metropolitan System Promotion Headquarters
- Director, Culture and Tourism Bureau Kurihara Tourism MICE Promotion Department
- Deputy Director General Economic Affairs Bureau Nagura
- Director in charge of strengthening measures against infectious diseases, Health and Social Welfare Bureau Ichikawa
- Deputy Director Medical Care Bureau Togura
- President Umeharade of Yokohama National University
- General Manager, Civil Economic and Labor Department, Economic Affairs Bureau Honda
- General Manager, Press Department, Policy Bureau Sato
- Director of Policy Coordination, Amamiya Policy Bureau
- Mayor of Moriyoshi Tsutsumi, Showa Village, Gunma Prefecture
- Deputy Mayor Hayashi
- Director, Economic Affairs Bureau, Hoshizaki
- Mr. Digital Government Headquarters Shimoda
- General Manager of General Affairs Division, Ikedo
- City Counsil Plenary Session
- Director of the Department of Repair and Medical Care
- Received “Yokohama City Budget Request Form for FY2022” from the Komeito City Council
Thursday, October 21
- Deputy Mayor Kobayashi
- General Manager, Public Relations Consultation Service Department, Civic Affairs Bureau Yamagishi
- Deputy Director Health and Social Welfare Bureau Kawai
- Director in charge of strengthening measures against infectious diseases, Health and Social Welfare Bureau Ichikawa
- Visit to Negishi Junior High School (same place)
- Dr. Koibuchi (same as)
- Response to news media coverage (same as)
- Inspection of Yokohama Loop South Line Business Sites (Same place)
- Visit to landfill, Minamihonmoku 5th Block Waste
- Deputy Mayor of Castle
- Deputy Mayor Hirahara
- Deputy Mayor Hayashi
- Chief of Crisis Management
- Director of the Department of Repair and Medical Care
- Director, Economic Affairs Bureau, Hoshizaki
- Director, Ishiuchi Citizens Bureau
- Director Environmental Planning Bureau Endo
- Deputy Director, Culture and Tourism Bureau Nakajima
- Director of Policy Coordination, Amamiya Policy Bureau
- General Manager, Press Department, Policy Bureau Sato
- Yokohama City COVID-19 Response Headquarters Meeting
- Response to news media
Wednesday, October 20
- Deputy Mayor Kobayashi
- Received "2022 Budget Requests and Proposals" from the Constitutional and National Forum City Council
- Superintendent of Education Koibuchi
- Deputy Mayor of Castle
- Deputy Director Health and Social Welfare Bureau Kawai
- Director in charge of strengthening measures against infectious diseases, Health and Social Welfare Bureau Ichikawa
- Director Urban Development Bureau Koike
- General Manager, Press Department, Policy Bureau Sato
- Director, Economic Affairs Bureau, Hoshizaki
- Deputy Mayor Hirahara
- Chief of Crisis Management
- Mr. Child and Youth Bureau Yoshikawa
- Director of the Department of Repair and Medical Care
- Visit to Matsukaze Gakuen (same place)
- Health and Social Welfare Bureau Kamijo, General Manager of Health and Welfare for Persons with Disabilities
- Director of Architecture Department, Suzuki
- Visit to the former Kamiseya communication facility (same place)
- Mr. Seya, General Manager, International Horticultural Exposition Promotion Office, Soga Urban Development Bureau
- Executive Director in charge of promoting Midori Hashimoto, Environmental Planning Bureau
Tuesday, October 19
- Tatsuyuki Ose, Director of Kanto Transport Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, etc.
- Kazuo Takahashi, President and CEO of Tokyu Corporation
- Mr. Digital Government Headquarters Shimoda
- General Affairs Bureau Sugimoto General Manager, Human Resource Development and Staff Health Department
- Deputy Mayor Kobayashi
- General Manager, Policy Bureau Kitta Metropolitan System Promotion Headquarters
- Director in charge of strengthening measures against infectious diseases, Health and Social Welfare Bureau Ichikawa
- Director, Economic Affairs Bureau, Hoshizaki
- Civic Affairs Bureau Kumasaka, General Manager, Sports Promotion Department
- Director, Culture and Tourism Bureau Kurihara Tourism MICE Promotion Department
- Visit to Koganecho Bazaar 2021 (same place)
- Culture and Tourism Bureau Kambe (same as)
- General Manager, Urban Revitalization Division, Urban Development Bureau Murakami
Monday, October 18
- Deputy Mayor Hirahara
- Yuji Onodera, Chairman and CEO of Yokohama Frier Sports Club
- Deputy Mayor Hayashi
- General Manager, Civic Affairs Bureau Nishiyama Sports Division
- Director Urban Development Bureau Koike
- Mr. Hajime Watanabe, General Director of Yokohama, Jiji Press
- Deputy Mayor of Castle
- Mr. Climate Change Policy Headquarters, Yakushi-ji Temple
- Mr. Hashimoto, Director of International Affairs
- Director, Nakano Port and Harbor Bureau
- Deputy Mayor Kobayashi
- Director Resources and Waste Recycling Bureau Kanazawa
- Mr. Health and Social Welfare Bureau Tanaka
- Director of Policy Coordination, Amamiya Policy Bureau
- General Manager, Press Department, Policy Bureau Sato
Sunday, October 17
- Responses to COVID-19 infection
- Dance Dance @YOKOHAMA "Noism Company Niigata x Juichi Kobayashi" A JOURNEY ~ Memory in Memory "" (KAAT)
Saturday, October 16
- Responses to COVID-19 infection
- Yokohama City Sports Honor Award Presentation Ceremony (Pacifico-yokohama North)
- Yokohama City Volunteer Thanksgiving Party (same as)
- Yokohama B-Korsare's Home Opening Game (Yokohama International Pool)
- Demonstration inspection of “Vaccination Test Package” technology at Nissan Stadium (same location)
Friday, October 15
- Shunsuke Shirakawa, Director of Kanto Finance Bureau, Ministry of Finance
- Director, Ishiuchi Citizens Bureau
- General Manager, Civic Affairs Bureau Nishiyama Sports Division
- Deputy Mayor Kobayashi
- General Manager, Policy Bureau Kitta Metropolitan System Promotion Headquarters
- Mr. Digital Government Headquarters Shimoda
- Mr. Health and Social Welfare Bureau Tanaka
- Koichiro Fukuyama, Director of Yokohama Broadcasting Bureau, Japan Broadcasting Corporation
- Director Environmental Planning Bureau Endo
- Tsuneo Ishiwata, Representative Secretary of Kanagawa Keizai Doyukai
- Director, Economic Affairs Bureau, Hoshizaki
- Superintendent of Education Koibuchi
- Workplace visit (Tsurumi Ward Office)
- Mayor Tsurumi Mori (same as)
Thursday, October 14
- Toru Yamano, Director, South Kanto Defense Bureau, Ministry of Defense, and others
- Director of Policy Bureau Ijichi
- French Film Festival 2021 Yokohama Lineup Press Conference (French Ambassador's residence)
- Culture and Tourism Bureau Kambe (same as)
- Deputy Mayor Hayashi
- Director, Ishiuchi Citizens Bureau
- City council member Taro Suzuki's father, late Kazumasa Suzuki, attended the nighttime (city)
Wednesday, October 13
- Opening Ceremony of BioJapan 2021 (Pacifico-yokohama)
- Visit to the venue (same as)
- Director, Economic Affairs Bureau, Hoshizaki (same)
- 2021 Salary Report and Recommendations from the Human Resources Committee
- General Manager, Press Department, Policy Bureau Sato
- Director of Policy Coordination, Amamiya Policy Bureau
- Mr. Child and Youth Bureau Yoshikawa
- Regular press conference
Tuesday, October 12
- General Manager, Press Department, Policy Bureau Sato
- Director of Policy Coordination, Amamiya Policy Bureau
- Radio program live appearance
- Deputy Mayor Hirahara
- Deputy Mayor Kobayashi
- Deputy Mayor of Castle
- Deputy Mayor Hayashi
- Director of Policy Bureau Ijichi
- General Manager of General Affairs Division, Ikedo
- Director of the Finance Bureau, Yokoyama
- Chairman Seiji Fujita of Neighborhood Associations Federation and others
- Regular Meeting of the City Neighborhood Associations Federation
- Chairman of Yokohama Port Harbor Resort Association Yukio Fujiki, Chairman of Yokohama Port Transport Association Kota Fujiki
- Mr. Hashimoto, Director of International Affairs
- Mr. Culture and Tourism Bureau Kambe
- Mr. Health and Social Welfare Bureau Tanaka
- Director of the Department of Repair and Medical Care
- Director in charge of Policy Bureau Shimada Base
- Superintendent of Education Koibuchi
- Chief of Crisis Management
- Director in charge of strengthening measures against infectious diseases, Health and Social Welfare Bureau Ichikawa
Monday, October 11
- Mr. Fumiaki Matsuo, Chairman of the Prefectural Construction Industry Association
- Deputy Mayor Kobayashi
- Director of Architecture, Suzuki
- Mr. Culture and Tourism Bureau Kambe
- Director, Ishiuchi Citizens Bureau
- General Manager, Public Relations Consultation Service Department, Civic Affairs Bureau Yamagishi
- General Manager of General Affairs Division, Ikedo
- Deputy Mayor Hayashi
- Director, Economic Affairs Bureau, Hoshizaki
- Director of Policy Coordination, Amamiya Policy Bureau
- General Manager, Press Department, Policy Bureau Sato
- Received the “2022 City Budget Request Form” from the Communist Party Municipal Council
- Director, Nakano Port and Harbor Bureau
Sunday, October 10
- Responses to COVID-19 infection
Saturday, October 9
- Responses to COVID-19 infection
Friday, October 8
- Chairman of the City Sports Association Hiroshi Yamaguchi
- Mr. Child and Youth Bureau Yoshikawa
- Deputy Mayor Hayashi
- Director, Economic Affairs Bureau, Hoshizaki
- Secretary-General of the Personnel Committee
- Director Environmental Planning Bureau Endo
- Director, Ishiuchi Citizens Bureau
- Mr. Philip Seton, Ambassador of France to Japan
- Superintendent of Education Koibuchi
- Director of Policy Coordination, Amamiya Policy Bureau
- General Manager, Press Department, Policy Bureau Sato
- Makoto Uchida, President and Chief Executive Officer of Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.
- Deputy Mayor of Castle
- Director of the Department of Repair and Medical Care
Thursday, October 7
- Deputy Mayor Kobayashi
- Superintendent of Education Koibuchi
- Deputy Mayor of Castle
- Response to news media
- Director of Policy Coordination, Amamiya Policy Bureau
- General Manager, Press Department, Policy Bureau Sato
- Mr. Hashimoto, Director of International Affairs
- Director, Economic Affairs Bureau, Hoshizaki
- Hideo Yokokawa, President of Yokohama Future Healthcare System
- General Manager, Policy Bureau Kitta Metropolitan System Promotion Headquarters
- Mr. Digital Government Headquarters Shimoda
- Yasuyoshi Oya, President and CEO of the Bank of Yokohama
- Deputy Mayor Hayashi
- Director, Ishiuchi Citizens Bureau
- General Manager, Civic Affairs Bureau Nishiyama Sports Division
- General Manager, Public Relations Consultation Service Department, Civic Affairs Bureau Yamagishi
- Yokohama-Chinatown Development Association COVID-19 Vaccination Site VisitYokohama-Chinatown
Wednesday, October 6
- Study sessions for the First and Second Special Committees of Financial Results
- City Counsil Plenary Session
- Financial Results First and Second Special Committees
- Deputy Mayor Hirahara
- Superintendent of Education Koibuchi
- Study sessions for the First and Second Special Committees of Financial Results
- Financial Results First and Second Special Committees
- Deputy Mayor Kobayashi
- Deputy Mayor of Castle
- Deputy Mayor Hayashi
Tuesday, October 5
- Deputy Mayor Hirahara
- Study sessions for the First and Second Special Committees of Financial Results
- Superintendent of Education Koibuchi
- General Manager of General Affairs Division, Ikedo
- Study sessions for the First and Second Special Committees of Financial Results
- Deputy Mayor of Castle
- Mr. Health and Social Welfare Bureau Tanaka
- Director of the Department of Repair and Medical Care
- Mr. Digital Government Headquarters Shimoda
Monday, October 4
- Deputy Mayor of Castle
- Deputy Mayor Kobayashi
- Director, Policy Bureau Sekimori University
- Takafumi Uchida, President and Representative Executive Officer, Tokyo Gas
- Deputy Mayor Hayashi
- Mr. Culture and Tourism Bureau Kambe
- Superintendent of Education Koibuchi
- Deputy Director of Education, Board of Education Secretariat Kogure
- Mr. Child and Youth Bureau Yoshikawa
- Director, Okubo Waterworks Bureau
- Director of the Finance Bureau, Yokoyama
- Chairman Kiyotaka Ishikawa, Chairman of the City Shopping Street Association (City)
- Deputy Mayor Hirahara
- Study sessions for the First and Second Special Committees of Financial Results
Sunday, October 3
- Responses to COVID-19 infection
Saturday, October 2
- Responses to COVID-19 infection
Friday, October 1
- Deputy Mayor Hirahara
- General Manager, Public Relations Consultation Service Department, Civic Affairs Bureau Yamagishi
- Director, Economic Affairs Bureau, Hoshizaki
- Consul-General of the Republic of Korea in Yokohama
- Director of the Department of Repair and Medical Care
- Director, Ishiuchi Citizens Bureau
- Mr. Takashi Ueno, President of Yokohama Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Yuzo Mimura, Chairman of Yokohama Youth Chamber, etc.
- Deputy Mayor Kobayashi
- Mr. Climate Change Policy Headquarters, Yakushi-ji Temple
- Mr. Health and Social Welfare Bureau Tanaka
- Deputy Mayor of Castle
- Superintendent of Education Koibuchi
- COVID-19 infection Countermeasures Advisory Board
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