The text is from here.
- Yokohama-shi Top Page
- Mayor's Room, Mayor of Yokohama Takeharu Yamanaka
- Activities of the Mayor
- Action Records
- Mayor action record 2023
- Mayor action record July, 2023
Mayor action record July, 2023
Last updated on August 1, 2023.
Monday, July 31
- Director, Nakano Port and Harbor Bureau
- Director Climate Change Policy Headquarters Ishikawa
- Director of Policy Coordination, Policy Bureau Kudo
- Superintendent of Education Koibuchi
- General Manager, Board of Education Secretariat Yamagishi
- Deputy Mayor Hirahara
- Urban Development Bureau Hotta
- Executive Director of Urban Development Bureau Kioka Town Development Strategy
- Director of Planning Division, Urban Development Bureau Kuroda
- General Manager, Policy Coordinator Policy Bureau Yamashita
- Deputy Mayor Okubo
- Mr. Resources and Waste Recycling Bureau Kanetaka
- General Manager, Appropriate Processing Planning Division, Resources and Waste Recycling Bureau Amuro
- Mr. Child and Youth Bureau Yoshikawa
- Students participating in the 105th National High School Baseball Championship Commemorative Tournament Keio High School Baseball Club
- Director, Economic Affairs Bureau, Hoshizaki
- Economic Affairs Bureau Amazutsumi General Manager of Civil Economic and Labor Department
- Sports, Culture and Dynamic City Development Bureau Adachi
- Director of Shibuya Citizen's Bureau
- Mayor Sato Midori
- Director in charge of childcare measures, Child and Youth Bureau Watanabe
- Director of Policy Bureau Suzuki
- General Manager, Policy Department, Policy Bureau Saito
- Director of the Medical Bureau Harada
- Mr. Digital Government Headquarters Shimoda
- General Manager, Digital Government Headquarters Nojo
- Director in charge of attracting African Development Conference International Affairs Bureau Kubota
- Policy Bureau Fujioka, General Manager of the Press Department
- Director of Policy Bureau Takakura University
- Manager of Environmental Planning Bureau Hasegawa Kamiseya Park Maintenance and Park Public-Private Partnership
Sunday, July 30
- Going out
Saturday, July 29
- Fankel Kids Baseball 2023in Yokohama (Yokohama Stadium)
Friday, July 28
- Deputy Mayor of Castle
- Deputy Mayor Hirahara
- Urban Development Bureau Hotta
- General Manager, International Horticultural Exposition Promotion Office, Urban Development Bureau Murakami
- Director of the International Horticultural Exposition, Urban Development Bureau Orii
- General Manager, Policy Bureau Kaida City Promotion Promotion Office
- Director of Policy Coordination, Policy Bureau Kudo
- General Manager, Policy Coordinator Policy Bureau Yamashita
- Deputy Mayor Ijichi
- Director of Finance Bureau Konno
- Finance Bureau Ito, General Manager of Finance Department
- Director of Policy Bureau Suzuki
- General Manager, Policy Department, Policy Bureau Saito
- Director in charge of revitalizing the coastal area of Urban Development Bureau Takai
- General Manager, Policy Bureau Kitta Metropolitan System Promotion Headquarters
- Director, Economic Affairs Bureau, Hoshizaki
- Economic Affairs Bureau Amazutsumi General Manager of Civil Economic and Labor Department
- CCU Demonstration Ceremony (Resources and Waste Recycling Bureau Tsurumi Plant, Tokyo Gas Yokohama Techno Station)
- Takasaka Crisis Management Supervisor
- Director General Association
- Mr. Toshiyuki Ichiki, Chairman and et al.
- Deputy Mayor Okubo
- Director of Shibuya Citizen's Bureau
- Director General Izumi Yamaguchi
- Chairman Kazuyuki Harada, Keikyu
- Director of the Medical Bureau Harada
Thursday, July 27
- Policy Bureau Fujioka, General Manager of the Press Department
- Deputy Mayor Ijichi
- Director of Policy Bureau Suzuki
- General Manager, Policy Department, Policy Bureau Saito
- Director of Policy Coordination, Policy Bureau Kudo
- General Manager, Policy Coordinator Policy Bureau Yamashita
- Deputy Mayor Hirahara
- Director, Nakano Port and Harbor Bureau
- General Manager, Yamashita-Futo Redevelopment Coordination Office, Port and Harbor Bureau Shinbo
- Mr. Child and Youth Bureau Yoshikawa
- Mr. Health and Social Welfare Bureau Sato
- General Manager, Health and Welfare Department, Health and Social Welfare Bureau
- Deputy Mayor Okubo
- General Manager of General Affairs Division, Matsuura
- General Manager, General Affairs Bureau Yuki Reform Promotion Department
- Director of Finance Bureau Konno
- Finance Bureau Ito, General Manager of Finance Department
- Cooperation Agreement Signing Ceremony for Promoting the Use of Fertilizers for Sewage Recycled Phosphorus (JA Yokohama Head Office)
- Director of the Medical Bureau Harada
- Director Climate Change Policy Headquarters Ishikawa
- General Manager, Okazaki, Climate Change Policy Headquarters
- General Manager, Policy Bureau Kaida City Promotion Promotion Office
- Director of Policy Bureau Takakura University
- Director of Shibuya Citizen's Bureau
- Civic Affairs Bureau Kanashima Ward Administration Support Dept.
- Director General Kobayashi
- Head of Crisis Management Office, Hattori General Affairs Bureau
Wednesday, July 26
- Deputy Mayor Ijichi
- Superintendent of Education Koibuchi
- General Manager, Board of Education Secretariat Tanaka Junior High School Lunch Promotion Department
- General Manager, Policy Bureau Kaida City Promotion Promotion Office
- General Manager, Policy Bureau Hayashi
- Director of Policy Coordination, Policy Bureau Kudo
- General Manager, Policy Coordinator Policy Bureau Yamashita
- General Manager of General Affairs Division, Matsuura
- General Manager, General Affairs Bureau Yuki Reform Promotion Department
- Director of the Medical Bureau Harada
- General Manager of Medical Policy, Medical Care Bureau Takahashi
- Director of Policy Bureau Suzuki
- General Manager, Policy Department, Policy Bureau Saito
- Director, Economic Affairs Bureau, Hoshizaki
- Economic Affairs Bureau Amazutsumi General Manager of Civil Economic and Labor Department
- Opening ceremony of the 63rd Kanto Block Childcare Research Conference (Pacifico-yokohama)
- ENEOS President Takeshi Saito, et al.
- The 64th National IE Annual Meeting (Pacifico-yokohama)
Tuesday, July 25
- General Manager, Policy Bureau Ikura, Tokyo Office
- Dr. Harada, Director, Medical Bureau
- Dr. Kazuaki Shimada, Director, National Cancer Center Hospital, National Cancer Center Hospital
- General Manager, Policy Bureau Kitta Metropolitan Area System Promotion Headquarters
- Submitted “Requests for 2027 International Horticultural Exposition (GREEN x EXPO 2027) Related Projects” to the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Tetsuo Saito (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism).
- Response to news media coverage (same as)
- Director Climate Change Policy Headquarters Ishikawa
- General Manager, Okazaki, Climate Change Policy Headquarters
- Director of Policy Coordination, Policy Bureau Kudo
- General Manager, Policy Coordinator Policy Bureau Yamashita
- Deputy Mayor Okubo
- Policy Bureau Fujioka, General Manager of the Press Department
- Director of Finance Bureau Konno
- Chief of the Fire Department
- Mr. Health and Social Welfare Bureau Sato
- Director, Economic Affairs Bureau Takagi Attraction Promotion Department
Monday, July 24
- Deputy Mayor Hirahara
- Director, Economic Affairs Bureau, Hoshizaki
- Submitted “Recommendations on National Measures and Budgets” to Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Makoto Nagamine (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)
- Submitted “Recommendations on National Measures and Budgets” to Minister of the Environment, Akira Yanagimoto (Ministry of Finance)
- Response to news media coverage (same as)
- Deputy Mayor Ijichi
- Director of Policy Coordination, Policy Bureau Kudo
- General Manager, Policy Bureau Kaida City Promotion Promotion Office
- General Manager, Policy Coordinator Policy Bureau Yamashita
- Director of Shibuya Citizen's Bureau
- 164th Anniversary of the Opening of Yokohama Port Minato matsuriOsanbashi Hall
- Deputy Mayor Okubo
- Urban Development Bureau Hotta
- General Manager, International Horticultural Exposition Promotion Office, Urban Development Bureau Murakami
- Director of the International Horticultural Exposition, Urban Development Bureau Orii
- General Manager, Policy Bureau Kitta Metropolitan System Promotion Headquarters
Sunday, July 23
- Going out
Saturday, July 22
- City Nursing Care Facility Management Association Facility Exchange Meeting (Rose Hotel Yokohama)
Friday, July 21
- General Manager, Yamashita-Futo Redevelopment Coordination Office, Port and Harbor Bureau Shinbo
- Deputy Mayor Okubo
- Mr. Resources and Waste Recycling Bureau Kanetaka
- Director of Policy Coordination, Policy Bureau Kudo
- Mr. Hashimoto, Director of International Affairs
- General Manager, Policy Coordinator Policy Bureau Yamashita
- Deputy Mayor Ijichi
- Director of Finance Bureau Konno
- Finance Bureau Ito, General Manager of Finance Department
- Director of Policy Bureau Suzuki
- General Manager, Policy Department, Policy Bureau Saito
- Director of Shibuya Citizen's Bureau
- Director General of Nishi Kikuchi
- Mr. Child and Youth Bureau Yoshikawa
- Deputy Director General Child and Youth Bureau Fukushima
- Recording of city public information radio program
- 2027 International Horticultural Expo Association Secretary-General Masato Kawamura, et al.
- The 73rd "Exercise to Brighten Society" message transmission ceremony of Prime Minister
- Director of the Medical Bureau Harada
- Director, Economic Affairs Bureau, Hoshizaki
- General Manager of General Affairs Division, Matsuura
- General Manager, General Affairs Bureau Azumi Evaluation System Promotion Department
- Superintendent of Education Koibuchi
- General Manager, Policy Bureau Hayashi
Thursday, July 20
- Deputy Mayor Hirahara
- Deputy Mayor Ijichi
- Midori Fujita, Director, Policy Promotion Officer, Environmental Planning Bureau
- General Manager of Markets, Environmental Planning Bureau
- Director of Finance Bureau Konno
- General Manager, Policy Division, Policy Bureau Matsumoto
- Director of Policy Coordination, Policy Bureau Kudo
- General Manager, Policy Coordinator Policy Bureau Yamashita
- Policy Bureau Fujioka, General Manager of the Press Department
- Director, Economic Affairs Bureau, Hoshizaki
- Economic Affairs Bureau Amazutsumi General Manager of Civil Economic and Labor Department
- General Manager of General Affairs Division, Matsuura
- General Manager, General Affairs Bureau Azumi Evaluation System Promotion Department
- Deputy Secretary-General of the International Horticultural Exposition Association Masanori Koike
- Deputy Mayor Okubo
- Visit to K Arena (Same place)
- Nobuhiro Okada, Chairman of Yokohama Tourism Convention Bureau, et al.
- Yokohama Shinkin Bank 100th Anniversary Ceremony (Yokohama Bay Sheraton Hotel & Towers)
- Summer Conference 2023 Mayor Reception (Royal Hall Yokohama)
Wednesday, July 19
- Deputy Mayor Hirahara
- Urban Development Bureau Hotta
- General Manager, International Horticultural Exposition Promotion Office, Urban Development Bureau Murakami
- Director of the International Horticultural Exposition, Urban Development Bureau Orii
- General Manager, Policy Bureau Kaida City Promotion Promotion Office
- Director of Policy Coordination, Policy Bureau Kudo
- General Manager, Policy Coordinator Policy Bureau Yamashita
- General Manager, Policy Bureau Kitta Metropolitan System Promotion Headquarters
- Dai Suzuki, General Manager of Urban System and Regional Administration Division, Policy Bureau
- Receiving a list of donations to the "Yokohama Dream Fund (Citizenship Promotion Fund)" by the Yokohama Shinkin Bank and presenting a letter of appreciation
- General Manager, Policy Bureau Iseda Co-creation Promotion Office
- Civic Affairs Bureau Moriya Regional Support Dept.
- General Manager, Board of Education Secretariat Yamagishi
- Deputy Mayor Ijichi
- Director of Finance Bureau Konno
- Finance Bureau Ito, General Manager of Finance Department
- Director of the Medical Bureau Harada
- Policy Bureau Fujioka, General Manager of the Press Department
- Director, Economic Affairs Bureau, Hoshizaki
- Economic Affairs Bureau Amazutsumi General Manager of Civil Economic and Labor Department
- Toei Animation Tenshi Washio Executive Producer, etc.
- Regular press conference
- Director of Policy Bureau Suzuki
- Deputy Mayor Okubo
- Director Climate Change Policy Headquarters Ishikawa
- General Manager, Climate Change Policy Headquarters Takahashi
- Superintendent of Education Koibuchi
- General Manager, Board of Education Secretariat Tanaka Junior High School Lunch Promotion Department
- Lecture at Seya Ward Neighborhood Association Workshop (public hall Seya)
Tuesday, July 18
- Takasaka Crisis Management Supervisor
- Mr. Hashimoto, Director of International Affairs
- Director, Economic Affairs Bureau, Hoshizaki
- Director, Economic Affairs Bureau Takagi Attraction Promotion Department
- Economic Affairs Bureau Amazutsumi General Manager of Civil Economic and Labor Department
- Director of Policy Coordination, Policy Bureau Kudo
- General Manager, Policy Coordinator Policy Bureau Yamashita
- General Manager, General Affairs Bureau Yuki Reform Promotion Department
- Deputy Mayor Hirahara
- Deputy Mayor Okubo
- General Manager, Civic Affairs Bureau
- Chairman Yasuhiro Senoma and Vice Chair Naoko Fukushima
- Deputy Mayor Ijichi
- Director of Shibuya Citizen's Bureau
- Mayor of Aoba Nakajima
- Midori Fujita, Director, Policy Promotion Officer, Environmental Planning Bureau
- Green Park Manager, Environmental Planning Bureau Sakai Park
- Murata Mfg. Toshihiko Okamoto, General Manager, Innovation Center, Minato Mirai Innovation Center
- Mr. Digital Government Headquarters Shimoda
- Deputy General Manager, Digital Government Headquarters Tanaka
- Policy Bureau Fujioka, General Manager of the Press Department
- Director of Crisis Management, Inamura, General Affairs Bureau
- General Manager, Urban Revitalization Division, Watanabe, Urban Development Bureau
- General Manager, Naoi Sports, Culture and Dynamic City Development Bureau
- Director, Policy Coordination Department, Ebina Port and Harbor Bureau
- Deputy Director, Saegusa International Affairs Bureau
- Director of Policy Bureau Suzuki
- General Manager, Policy Bureau Kitta Metropolitan System Promotion Headquarters
- Dai Suzuki, General Manager of Urban System and Regional Administration Division, Policy Bureau
- General Manager, Policy Bureau Kaida City Promotion Promotion Office
Monday, July 17
- World Triathlon Sprint Championship Relay Championship Hamburg Tournament Open Race (Olympic Distance) Visit (Hamburg City)
- Kikuko Kato, Consul General of Japan in Hamburg, 16 local time, (Sun)
- Returning from a business trip to the Federal Republic of Germany
Sunday, July 16
- World Triathlon Sprint Championship Relay Championship Hamburg Tournament EXPO visit (Hamburg City)
- Open race (sprint) inspection (sprint)
- Chairman Marisol Casad World Triathlon and others (same)
- Luncheon by the World Triathlon and German Triathlon Union (same as)
- World Triathlon Sprint Championship Relay Championship Hamburg Tournament Junior U23 Mixed Relay World Championship Medal Ceremony Visit (same)
- Tour of the elite Super Sprint World Championship Finals (same as local time, (Sat) on Oct. 15
Saturday, July 15
- Mr. Yenz Mayer, CEO of Hamburg Port (Hamburg City)
- “HafenCity” Waterfront Development Case Study (same as)
- Mayor Peter Chinchahanburg (Hamburg City Hall)
- Visit to Chuo-toshokan, Hamburg, Japan
- Visit to Krumel family cafe, local time, 14th (Fri)
Friday, July 14
- Visit to Yokohama European Office (in Frankfurt)
- Mayor Mike Joseph Frankfurt (Frankfurt City Hall)
- Renewal agreement signing ceremony for partner cities with Frankfurt (same as)
- Visit to “Kindergarten in the Forest (Nursery School)” (in Frankfurt)
- Visit to Schule Am Reed (local time), 13th, (Thu)
Thursday, July 13
- Lecture at the company invitation seminar hosted by Motoichi, networking with participating companies (in Berlin)
- Director Matthias Notz, et al., German Entrepreneurship (same)
- Mr. Dry Brietimon Lup, CEO (same as)
- The Dry Brie inspection (same place)
- Hidenao Yanagi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Embassy of Japan in Germany, Minister Kaname Araki, etc. = Local time, Oct. 12, (Wed)
Wednesday, July 12
- Business trips to Berlin, Frankfurt and Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany (until 17th) to promote top sales to attract European companies and to strengthen cooperation through various top talks.
Tuesday, July 11
- Business trips to Berlin, Frankfurt and Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany (until 17th) to promote top sales to attract European companies and to strengthen cooperation through various top talks.
Monday, July 10
- Visit to Nishikanazawa Gakuen (same place)
- Policy Bureau Fujioka, General Manager of the Press Department
- General Manager, Strategy for Creation, Sports, Culture and Dynamic City Development Bureau Ichikawa
- General Manager, Urban Revitalization Division, Watanabe, Urban Development Bureau
- Director of Crisis Management, Inamura, General Affairs Bureau
- Deputy Mayor Okubo
- Deputy Mayor of Castle
- Director of the Medical Bureau Harada
- General Manager, Suzuki Hospital
- Director of the Transportation Bureau Mimura
- Director of Policy Coordination, Policy Bureau Kudo
- General Manager, Policy Coordinator Policy Bureau Yamashita
- Director, Economic Affairs Bureau, Hoshizaki
- Economic Affairs Bureau Amazutsumi General Manager of Civil Economic and Labor Department
- Director of Policy Bureau Suzuki
- General Manager, Policy Bureau Kaida City Promotion Promotion Office
- General Manager, Policy Bureau Kitta Metropolitan System Promotion Headquarters
- Director Climate Change Policy Headquarters Ishikawa
- General Manager, Okazaki, Climate Change Policy Headquarters
- General Manager, Policy Division, Policy Bureau Matsumoto
- General Manager, Civic Affairs Bureau Mishima Citizen Information Office
- Director of Policy Bureau Takakura University
- General Manager, General Affairs Bureau Yuki Reform Promotion Department
- Director of Shibuya Citizen's Bureau
- Deputy Mayor Hirahara
- Deputy Mayor Ijichi
- Midori Fujita, Director, Policy Promotion Officer, Environmental Planning Bureau
- General Manager of Markets, Environmental Planning Bureau
- Director of Finance Bureau Konno
- Director Environmental Planning Bureau Endo
- Sports, Culture and Dynamic City Development Bureau Adachi
- Takasaka Crisis Management Supervisor
- Health and Social Welfare Bureau Sato
- Superintendent of Education Koibuchi
- General Manager, Board of Education Secretariat Tanaka Junior High School Lunch Promotion Department
Sunday, July 9
- Visit to Tokyo Gendai 2023 (Pacifico-yokohama)
- Opening ceremony of the 22nd International Federation of Automated Control (IFAC 2023)
Saturday, July 8
- Going out
Friday, July 7
- Director of the Medical Bureau Harada
- Deputy Mayor of Castle
- Director of Policy Coordination, Policy Bureau Kudo
- Policy Bureau Fujioka, General Manager of the Press Department
- Mr. Health and Social Welfare Bureau Sato
- General Manager, Health and Welfare Department, Health and Social Welfare Bureau
- General Manager, Policy Coordinator Policy Bureau Yamashita
- Urban Development Bureau Hotta
- General Manager, International Horticultural Exposition Promotion Office, Urban Development Bureau Murakami
- Director of the International Horticultural Exposition, Urban Development Bureau Orii
- General Manager, Yamashita-Futo Redevelopment Coordination Office, Port and Harbor Bureau Shinbo
- Director of Crisis Management, Inamura, General Affairs Bureau
- General Manager, Board of Education Secretariat Tanaka Junior High School Lunch Promotion Department
- Submitted “Proposals and Requests for National System and Budget” to Deputy Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Shinichi Nakatani (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)
- Response to news media coverage (same as)
- Deputy Mayor Hirahara
- General Manager, Strategy for Creation, Sports, Culture and Dynamic City Development Bureau Ichikawa
- Director in charge of revitalizing the coastal area of Urban Development Bureau Takai
- General Manager, Policy Bureau Kitta Metropolitan System Promotion Headquarters
- Honmoku Citizen Pool Opening Commemorative Ceremony (Same place)
Thursday, July 6
- Deputy Mayor Hirahara
- Director of Policy Coordination, Policy Bureau Kudo
- General Manager, Strategy for Creation, Sports, Culture and Dynamic City Development Bureau Ichikawa
- General Manager, Policy Bureau Kaida City Promotion Promotion Office
- General Manager, Policy Coordinator Policy Bureau Yamashita
- Director of Policy Bureau Suzuki
- Deputy Mayor Ijichi
- Superintendent of Education Koibuchi
- General Manager, Board of Education Secretariat Tanaka Junior High School Lunch Promotion Department
- Hiroyuki Fujimaki, Director, Kanto Regional Development Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, etc.
- Deputy Mayor of Castle
- Director, Economic Affairs Bureau, Hoshizaki
- Economic Affairs Bureau Amazutsumi General Manager of Civil Economic and Labor Department
- Director, Nakano Port and Harbor Bureau
- General Manager, Policy Department, Policy Bureau Saito
- General Manager of General Affairs Division, Matsuura
- General Manager, General Affairs Bureau Yuki Reform Promotion Department
- Director of Finance Bureau Konno
- Finance Bureau Ito, General Manager of Finance Department
- Sports, Culture and Dynamic City Development Bureau Adachi
- Commemorating the 60th Anniversary of the Kanazawa Ward Senior Club Federation (public hall Kanazawa)
- Submitted “Proposals and Requests for National System and Budget” to Deputy Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare Shinichi Isa (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare)
- The 1st Minato Mirai Hydrogen Project
- Deputy Mayor Okubo
- Manager, Miyajima, International Affairs Bureau
Wednesday, July 5
- General Manager, Policy Coordinator Policy Bureau Yamashita
- Deputy Mayor Okubo
- Civic Affairs Bureau Kanashima Ward Administration Support Dept.
- Policy Bureau Fujioka, General Manager of the Press Department
- Deputy Mayor Hirahara
- Director, Nakano Port and Harbor Bureau
- General Manager, Yamashita-Futo Redevelopment Coordination Office, Port and Harbor Bureau Shinbo
- Director of the Medical Bureau Harada
- Torimaru, Director of Cultural Arts Creation City Promotion Department, Sports, Culture and Dynamic City Development Bureau
- "Safflower that blooms in Yonezawa." Tourism product market in Yokohama opening ceremony
- Vice Chairman Kazuo Takahashi and others
- Deputy Mayor Ijichi
- Director of Policy Bureau Suzuki
- General Manager, Policy Department, Policy Bureau Saito
- Mr. Health and Social Welfare Bureau Sato
- Executive Director of Urban Development Bureau Kioka Town Development Strategy
- Director of Policy Coordination, Policy Bureau Kudo
- Deputy Mayor of Castle
- Director, Economic Affairs Bureau, Hoshizaki
- Economic Affairs Bureau Amazutsumi General Manager of Civil Economic and Labor Department
- Masatoyo, President of the Japan Youth Chamber, and others
- Regular press conference
- Director, Economic Affairs Bureau Takagi Attraction Promotion Department
- Mr. Child and Youth Bureau Yoshikawa
- Director of Childcare and Education, Child and Youth Bureau Saito
- Director Climate Change Policy Headquarters Ishikawa
- Tomoko Aihara, General Manager of Kanagawa Division, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation
- General Manager, Policy Bureau Kitta Metropolitan System Promotion Headquarters
- Superintendent of Education Koibuchi
- General Manager, Board of Education Secretariat Tanaka Junior High School Lunch Promotion Department
Tuesday, July 4
- Deputy Director, General Affairs Bureau Kondo
- Director of Policy Coordination, Policy Bureau Kudo
- General Manager, Policy Coordinator Policy Bureau Yamashita
- General Manager, Fukushima Facility Management Promotion Office, Finance Bureau
- Executive Director of Urban Development Bureau Kioka Town Development Strategy
- General Manager, Naoi Sports, Culture and Dynamic City Development Bureau
- Manager, Miyajima, International Affairs Bureau
- Deputy Mayor Ijichi
- Ceremony for presenting a letter of appreciation to the Yokohama City Environmental Conservation Fund by AEON Retail Daiei Supermarket
- Urban Development Bureau Hotta
- General Manager, International Horticultural Exposition Promotion Office, Urban Development Bureau Murakami
- Director of the International Horticultural Exposition, Urban Development Bureau Orii
- General Manager, Policy Bureau Kaida City Promotion Promotion Office
- Chairman Shigeru Sato, Ken Corporation, etc.
- Deputy Mayor of Castle
- Economic Affairs Bureau Amazutsumi General Manager of Civil Economic and Labor Department
- Deputy Mayor Hirahara
- General Manager, Policy Bureau Kitta Metropolitan System Promotion Headquarters
- Director General of Seya Ward Ueki
- Director, Policy Coordination Department, Ebina Port and Harbor Bureau
- Policy Bureau Fujioka, General Manager of the Press Department
Monday, July 3
- Designated City Mayors Conference “Project to Realize Diverse Large City Systems” (City Center Hotel)
- Designated City Mayors' Association "General Affairs and Finance Subcommittee" (same as above)
- The 56th Conference of Mayors for Designated City (same as)
- 15th General Meeting of the Designated City Renewable Energy Council (same)
Sunday, July 2
- "Bonnellund is coming to the city hall atrium" inspection (atrium on the first floor of city hall)
- Visit to JCA Curling School Yokohama 2023 (Ice Arena, Bank of Yokohama)
Saturday, July 1
- Going out
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