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Mayor of Yokohama Takeharu Yamanaka
Mayor of Yokohama's Room Top

Mayor of Yokohama's Room Top

  1. Yokohama-shi Top Page
  2. Mayor's Room, Mayor of Yokohama Takeharu Yamanaka
  3. Regular press conference
  4. About participation application of the mayor regular press conference

About participation application of the mayor regular press conference

Last updated on April 1, 2022.

If you wish to participate in the Mayor's regular press conference

  We hold the mayor regular press conference by co-sponsorship with Yokohama-shi and Yokohama municipal government press conference.
  You can perform the following procedures and participate if you meet the participation criteria.
  Regarding the criteria for participation in interviews, the Cabinet Office [for the press] Minister's regular press conference is applied mutatis mutandis.

   <Applicants that can participate>
   1.Reporter belonging to the Japan Newspaper Association Member Company
   2.Reporter belonging to a member of the Japan Specialist Newspaper Association
   3.Reporter belonging to member companies of the Japan Regional Newspaper Association
   4.Reporter belonging to the Japan Commercial Broadcasters Federation Member Companies
   5.Reporters belonging to the Japan Magazine Association Member Companies
   6.Reporter belonging to the Japan Internet Press Association Corporate Member
   7.Foreign Press Registration Card Holder issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
   8.Those who provide signature articles, etc. to the media published in 1 to 6 above and have sufficient track record and actual conditions (so-called freelance), etc.
   ※Sufficient activity results and actual conditions mean that there are two or more signature articles published in the last six months in principle in the media corresponding to 1 to 6.

  1. Applicants must submit the application form to the following address by 15:00 one day before the opening of the agency (if the conference is Wednesday, Tuesday) of the conference date.
   Please submit it by e-mail.
    ◆Yokohama City Promotion Office Press Division: [email protected]
    ①Application form (word: 21KB)
    ②Reporters with companies and organizations to which they belong are copies of their employee ID cards, etc.
    ③Those who fall under the target 8 who can participate can prove that they provide signature articles etc. to the medium corresponding to the target 1-6 that can participate.
     Copy of multiple published articles (in principle, two or more signed articles published in the last six months)

  2.We will confirm at Yokohama City and the Yokohama Municipal Government Press Conference and inform you by e-mail about the availability of participation.
  ※The conference schedule is, in principle, around 15:00 on every Friday (in the case of a holiday or holiday, the previous opening date), on this page (outside site)
   I'll let you know.

Inquiries to this page

Policy Bureau City Promotion Office Press Division

Phone: 045-671-3498

Phone: 045-671-3498

Fax: 045-662-7362

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