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- Record of Official Events (September 2024)
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Record of Official Events (September 2024)
Last updated on October 4, 2024.
Sunday, September 29, 2024 Yokohama City General disaster drill
Every year, Yokohama City implements a comprehensive disaster drill with the aim of strengthening cooperation among citizens and related organizations for disaster prevention and improving local disaster prevention capabilities.
In Midori Ward this year, production training was conducted by local residents and disaster prevention-related organizations, as well as exhibition and experience areas by disaster prevention-related organizations.
Wednesday, September 24, 2024 Report on the results of the financial results examination for FY2023
From the Audit Committee (*), Chairman Suzuki and Vice-Chair Fukushima stated that "2023 General Account and Special Account Settlement and Fund Operation Status Examination Statement", "2023 Local Public Enterprise Financial Statement Examination Statement", "2023 Financial Statement" There were reports on the soundness judgment ratio and fund shortage ratio examination statement, and the 2023 Internal Control Evaluation Report Examination Statement.
※Audit Committee Member of Yokohama City
Yoshiyoshi Sakai, Representative Audit Committee Member (Professor Emeritus, Yokohama City University, Emeritus, Kanagawa University)
Audit Committee Member (Certified Public Accountant / Tax Accountant)
Mr. Hajime Maeda Audit Committee Member (Lawyer)
Audit Committee Member SHIMIZU Tomio (Representative Yokohama City Council)
Audit Committee Member OIWA Masakazu (Representative Yokohama City Council)
The opening ceremony of "Taiwan Week in Yokohama 2024" on Monday, September 16, 2024
Mr. Suzuki and Vice-Chair Fukushima attended the opening ceremony for the Taiwan Week in Yokohama 2024 at the Atrium on the first floor of Yokohama City Hall.
Yokohama City and Taipei City are partner cities, and at the event, various booths related to food and culture were exhibited to deepen friendship and goodwill.
Mr. Suzuki stated, "I would like the citizens to get acquainted with Taiwan's food, culture and art while staying in Yokohama through this event," and prayed for the success of the event.
Sunday, September 8, 2024 The 52nd Yokohama City Deaf Gathering & International Day of Sign Language Commemorative Event
The 52nd Yokohama Deaf Gathering was held in Nishi public hall, attended by Vice Chair Fukushima.
This gathering is held for the purpose of promoting welfare and culture, promoting the spread and understanding of sign language, and realizing and improving a symbiotic society with hearing impairments and people learning sign language in the city. I am.
Vice-Chair Fukushima introduced himself in sign language, expressed his appreciation for his efforts to improve the welfare of hearing-impaired people on a daily basis, and determined to aim for the realization of Yokohama without a "barrier of heart" for each person. Said.
Thursday, September 5, 2024 The Mayors and Vice-Chairs Roundtable Meetings of the Three Government-designated City in the Prefecture
The mayors and vice-chairpersons of the three ordinance-designated cities in the prefecture (Yokohama, Kawasaki, Sagamihara) were held, and opinions were exchanged on initiatives for tri-city cooperation toward legislation of the new metropolis system "Special City". And compiled a joint message.
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