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  4. List of Constituencies
  5. List of Constituencies (Hodogaya, Asahi, Isogo)

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List of Constituencies (Hodogaya, Asahi, Isogo)

Last updated on January 15, 2025.

Hodogaya Ward fixed number: 5

Hirotaka Mori

Hirotaka Mori

Member of the Diet
NameHirotaka Mori
DenominationConstitutional Democratic Party of Japan
Years2nd municipal assembly
Address, etc.

2-157-7 Miyatacho (Office)
Phone: 045 (336) 3507 (Office Office)
https://mori-hirotaka.com (outside site)
e-mail: [email protected]

SAITO Shinichi (SAITO Shinichi)

SAITO Shinichi (SAITO Shinichi)

Member of the Diet
NameSAITO Shinichi (SAITO Shinichi)
Years6th municipal assembly
Address, etc.〒240-0044
196, Bukkoucho
Sekikawa Building 1F (Office)
Phone: 045 (348) 2237 (Office Office)
http://www.shin-shin.com/ (external site)
e-mail: [email protected]

Ryosuke Aoki (Ryosuke Aoki)

Ryosuke Aoki (Ryosuke Aoki)

Member of the Diet
NameRyosuke Aoki (Ryosuke Aoki)
DenominationLiberal Democratic Party
Years2nd municipal assembly
Address, etc.

Nishitani 1-13-25 (Office Office)
Phone: 045(382) 0294 (Office Office)
https://www.aokiryosuke.yokohama (outside site)
e-mail: [email protected]

ISOBE Keita (ISOBE Keita)

ISOBE Keita (ISOBE Keita)

Member of the Diet
NameISOBE Keita (ISOBE Keita)

Liberal Democratic Party

Years4th municipal assembly
Address, etc.〒240-0065
1-12-17, Wada
Hoyu Palace Wadamachi (Office)
Phone: 045 (337) 3331 (Office Office)
http://www.iso-becchi.com/ (external site)
e-mail: [email protected]

Takashi Seki (Takafumi)

Takashi Seki (Takafumi)

Member of the Diet
NameTakashi Seki (Takafumi)
DenominationYokohama Ramen Concept
Years1st term of municipal assembly
Address, etc.

2, Setogayacho
Sakuraya Corporation 102 (Office Office)
Phone: 080(2555)9289
e-mail: [email protected]

Asahi Ward fixed number: 6

OIWA Masakazu (OIWA Masakazu)

OIWA Masakazu (OIWA Masakazu)

Member of the Diet
NameOIWA Masakazu (OIWA Masakazu)
DenominationConstitutional Democratic Party of Japan
Years4th municipal assembly
Address, etc.〒241-0825
104-21, Nakakibogaoka
Karasawa Building 205 (Office Office)
Phone: 045(442) 8001 (Office Office)
http://www.minnano-yokohama.com (outside site)
e-mail: [email protected]

SATO Shigeru (SATO Shigeru)

SATO Shigeru (SATO Shigeru)

Member of the Diet
NameSATO Shigeru (SATO Shigeru)
DenominationLiberal Democratic Party
Years9th municipal assembly
Address, etc.

1-1-6, Tsurugaminehoncho
No. 2 Yoshihara Building 2F (Office)
Phone: 045 (954) 0001 (Office Office)
http://www.sato-shige.jp/ (external site)
e-mail: [email protected]

Junma Masunaga (Ayako Masunaga)

Junma Masunaga (Ayako Masunaga)

Member of the Diet
NameJunma Masunaga (Ayako Masunaga)
DenominationLiberal Democratic Party
Years1st term of municipal assembly
Address, etc.

Nakabobogaoka 199-1 (Office Office)
Phone: 045 (744) 6628 (Office Office)
https://masunagaayako.com/ (outside site)
e-mail: [email protected]

Shuichi Kiuchi (Kazuhide Kiuchi)

Kazuhide Kiuchi (Kazuhide Kinaihide)

Member of the Diet
NameShuichi Kiuchi (Kazuhide Kiuchi)
Years2nd municipal assembly
Address, etc.

2-58-12, Futamatagawa
S Building 2F (Office)
Phone: 045 (366) 7073 (Office Office)
https://www.kiuchi-hidekazu.com/ (external site)
e-mail: [email protected]

Hisako Kushida

Hisako Kushida

Member of the Diet
NameHisako Kushida
DenominationIndependent Association of Japan Restoration Party
Years3rd municipal assembly
Address, etc.

Nakakibogaoka 111-1 Katsutaki Building B1 (Office)
Phone: 045 (212) 3327 (Office Office)
http://kushida-hisako.com/ (outside site)
e-mail: [email protected]

Yasuhiro Kogayu (KOGAYU Yasuhiro)

Yasuhiro Kogayu (KOGAYU Yasuhiro)

Member of the Diet
NameYasuhiro Kogayu (KOGAYU Yasuhiro)
DenominationDemocratic forum
Years6th municipal assembly
Address, etc.〒241-0821
1-5 Futamatagawa (Office)
Phone: 045 (366) 9381 (Office Office)
http://www.kogayu.net/ (external site)
e-mail: [email protected]

Isogo Ward fixed number: 4

Kumio Futai (Futakumiyo)

Kumio Futai (Futakumiyo)

Member of the Diet
NameKumio Futai (Futakumiyo)
DenominationDemocratic forum
Years2nd municipal assembly
Address, etc.

3-17-29, Yokoudai
South Wind 101 (Office Office)
Phone: 045 (654) 4497 (Office Office)
https://go2senkyo.com/seijika/170548 (external site)
e-mail: [email protected]

SEKI Katsunori (SEKI Katsunori)

SEKI Katsunori (SEKI Katsunori)

Member of the Diet
NameSEKI Katsunori (SEKI Katsunori)
DenominationLiberal Democratic Party
Years5th municipal assembly
Address, etc.〒235-0036
2-1-20-102 Nakahara (Office Office)
Phone: 045 (770) 5602 (Office Office)
http: // SEKI Katsunori. com/ (outside site)
e-mail: [email protected]

Katsuhisa Takeda (Takeda)

Katsuhisa Takeda (Takeda)

Member of the Diet
NameKatsuhisa Takeda (Takeda)
Years1st term of municipal assembly
Address, etc.〒235-0016
Isogo 2-25-4 (Office Office)
Phone: 045 (761) 9205 (Office Office)
https://takeda-katsuhisa.com (outside site)
e-mail: [email protected]

OTA Masataka (OTA Masataka)

OTA Masataka (OTA Masataka)

Member of the Diet
NameOTA Masataka (OTA Masataka)
DenominationLDP Ota
Years12th municipal assembly
Address, etc.〒235-0021 
6-5-55 Okamura (Office Office)
Phone: 045 (761) 9610 (Office Office)

Inquiries to this page

Secretary and Public Relations Division, City Counsil City Council Bureau

Phone: 045-671-3040

Phone: 045-671-3040

Fax: 045-681-7388

E-Mail address [email protected]

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