The text is from here.

Special Committee for Basic Plan (September 26, 2018 to October 3, 2018)

Last updated on November 4, 2021.

We examine development of city tenth bill Yokohama-shi medium-term four-year plan 2018-2021.

Proposals and Results of Deliberation

September 26 (Committee)

1 City No. 20 Proposal for Yokohama City Medium-Term Four-Year Plan 2018-2021
  City 20th bill (PDF: 590KB) City 20th bill document (PDF: 83KB)

September 26 (Committee)

1 Member SHIMIZU Tomio (LDP)
(1) Comments on the formulation of the Yokohama Medium-Term Four-Year Plan 2018-2021
(2) Financial management
(3) Administrative management from the viewpoint of citizens
(4) Realization of strong economic growth and cultural arts creation city
(5) Growth and development of city companies and strategic attraction of companies
(6) Global Warming Countermeasures
(7) Construction of a comprehensive community care system for a super-aging society
(8) Comprehensive support for all child-rearing families and pregnant women
(9) A town where women can easily work and play an active role
(10) Promotion of community development around Yokohama Station
(11) Maintenance and enhancement of local transportation in a super-aging society
(12) Strengthening international competitiveness and creating comprehensive ports that enrich citizens' lives

2 Commissioner KONNO Norito (Private Rights)
(1) Measures to reduce population and revitalize the economy in the Yokohama Medium-Term Four-Year Plan 2018-2021
(2) IR (integrated resort)
(3) Citizen enlightenment about disaster
(4) Promotion of disaster prevention measures in cliffs
(5) Efforts to create innovation
(6) Development of new MICE facilities
(7) Expanding and disseminating global warming countermeasures both domestically and internationally
(8) Formation of LNG bunkering bases
(9) Enhance local transportation to support the lives of the elderly
(10) Regeneration of old condominiums
(11) Hamaben
(12) Work style reform of faculty and staff
(13) conservation Renewal of Public Facilities
(14) Rebuilding school facilities
(15) Promotion of maintenance of urban planning roads

3 Member MOCHIZUKI Yasuhiro (Komeito Party)
(1) Creating a city that is resistant to disasters
(2) Promotion of planned rebuilding of school facilities
(3) Others
(4) Promotion of international projects based on the Yokohama City Ordinance on Promotion of International Peace
(5) Enhance continuous support from pregnancy to school age
(6) Support for young people with difficulties
(7) Support for the independence of the poor in life
(8) health promotion
(9) Construction and promotion of comprehensive community care systems
(10) Future development of co-creation
(11) Tax Revenue Outlook and Hometown Tax Payment
(12) Initiatives to support small and medium-sized enterprises and small businesses
(13) Environmental model zones centered on central Shin-Yokohama, Hiyoshi and Tsunashima areas and SDGs Future Cities

4 Member ARAKI Yumiko (CCP)
(1) Financial Outlook
(2) conservation Renewal of Public Facilities
(3) International Peace

5 Commissioner FUJISHIRO Tetsuo (LDP)
(1) Town development in the coastal area of Keihin and strengthening cooperation with the coastal area of central Tokyo
(2) Rugby World Cup 2019 TM, Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games
(3) Conducting a hotel ship
(4) Initiatives at Ocean Hub Yokohama
(5) SDGs Future City
(6) Ensuring the safety of citizens on school roads and living roads
(7) Development of emergency transportation routes and promotion of elimination of utility poles
(8) Promoting the use of wood in public buildings
(9) Development of vibrant urban agriculture
(10) Use of the site of U.S. military facilities and invitation of the International Horticultural Expo
(11) Urban development in suburban areas
(12) Sovereign education
(13) Support for International Students

6 Member of FURUYA Yasuhiko (CCP)
(1) Responding to many opinions against casinos received in public comments on the draft medium-term plan is dishonest.
(2) Disaster countermeasures
Oh, correspondence of ward office which is flooded at the time of disaster
Individual support plan for advocate
(3) Business evaluation of Hamaben and implementation of junior high school lunch

7 Member YAMADA Keiichiro (Yokokai)
(1) Use of AI in the future

8 Member SAITO Tatsuya (Independent)
(1) Promotion of self support community support

9 TOYOTA Yuki (Toyoda)
(1) Strengthening the ward system and reforming the organization

10 Committee member INOUE Sakura (Sato Inoue)
(1) The repeated misery of Hama dialect

11 Mr. OTA Masataka (Ota)
(1) Hamaben

September 27 (Children's Youth and Education Subcommittee)

Board of Education

September 27 (Health and Welfare and Medical Subcommittee)

Health and Social Welfare Bureau Relations

September 27 (Building, Urban Development, Road Subcommittee)

Housing and Architecture Bureau Relations

Road and Highway Bureau Relations

September 28 (Policy, General Affairs and Finance Subcommittee)

Policy Bureau Relations

September 28 (International, Economic, and Ports Subcommittee)

Port and Harbor Bureau Relations

Economic Affairs Bureau Relations

International Affairs Bureau Relations

September 28 (Health and Welfare and Medical Subcommittee)

Medical Care Bureau-Medical Care Bureau Hospital Administration Headquarters Relations

September 28 (Water and Transportation Subcommittee)

Transportation Bureau Relations

Water Works Bureau Relations

October 1 (Policy, General Affairs and Finance Subcommittee)

General Affairs Bureau Relations

October 1 (Global Warming Countermeasures, Environmental Creation, Resource Recycling Subcommittee)

Resources and Waste Recycling Bureau Relations

October 1 (Building, Urban Development, Road Subcommittee)

Urban Development Bureau Relations

October 2 (Policy, General Affairs and Finance Subcommittee)

Finance Bureau Relations

October 2 (Citizens, Culture and Tourism and Fire Service Subcommittee)

Fire Bureau Relations

Culture and Tourism Bureau Relations

Civic Affairs Bureau Relations

October 2 (Children's Youth and Education Subcommittee)

Child and Youth Bureau Relations

October 2 (Global Warming Countermeasures, Environmental Creation, Resource Recycling Subcommittee)

Climate Change Policy Headquarters Relations

Environmental Planning Bureau Relations

October 3 (board member)

October 3 (Committee)

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