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- Overview of Committee Activities (from May 18, 2021 to May 13, 2022)
- [Special Committee] Financial Results First Special Committee (from September 29, 2021 to October 22, 2021)
The text is from here.
[Special Committee] Financial Results First Special Committee (from September 29, 2021 to October 22, 2021)
Last updated on October 25, 2021.
We will review each accounting settlement for fiscal 2020.
(Deputy Bureau) International Affairs Bureau, Economic Affairs Bureau, Port and Harbor Bureau, Child and Youth Bureau, Board of Education, Health and Social Welfare Bureau, Medical Care Bureau, Medical Care Bureau Hospital Administration Headquarters, Housing and Architecture Bureau, Urban Development Bureau, Road and Highway Bureau
→Committee list (PDF: 117KB)
→Proposals and Results of Deliberation
September 29, 2021 (Committee)
October 6, 2021 (Committee) Joint Examination Committee with the Second Special Committee on Financial Results
Comprehensive examination (PDF: 139KB)
Question notification (items)
1 Member KUSAMA Tsuyoshi (LDP)
(1) COVID-19 Vaccination Business
(2) Fiscal 2020 Financial Results and Future Financial Management and Financial Resources Issues
(3) Dialogue with Congress and Special Secretary Issues
(4) Kita-Tsunashima Special Needs School
(5) Economic Policy and Circular Economy
(6) Attracting companies and economic security
(7) Inviting MICE after COVID-19
(8) Yokohama City Public-Private Data Utilization Promotion Basic Regulations and Data Utilization
(9) Strengthening Digital Government Headquarters
(10) Non-purpose use of IR signature
(11) Measures to prevent power harassment
(12) Others
2. Member MOCHIZUKI Kotoku (Nikkufu)
(1) Municipal administration aimed at by the mayor
(2) Measures against COVID-19 infection
(3) Future initiatives for individual issues
(4) Others
3 Member GYOTA Tomohito (Komeito Party)
(1) Political attitude of the mayor
(2) Junior high school school lunch
(3) Enhancement of early childhood education and childcare
(4) Keiro Pass and Regional Traffic Issues
(5) Yokohama, an international city
(6) Measures against addiction
(7) Dementia Measures
(8) Improvement of treatment for nursing care staff
(9) History of Professor of Yokohama City University
(10) Measures against flooding in sewers
(11) Effect of the Three Zeros
(12) Smooth organizational cooperation (cooperation between prefectures and cities, cooperation between departments of Motoichi)
(13) Others
4 Member FURUYA Yasuhiko (CCP)
(1) Mayor's Commitment
(2) Establishment of citizen participation and self-government in municipal administration
(3) Measures against COVID-19 infection
(4) To ensure the lives, health, and learning of children in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.
(5) Junior high school school lunch
(6) Local transportation
(7) Welfare
(8) Others
5 Commissioner KOMATSU Noriaki (LDP)
(1) Realization of a Special Self-Government City
(2) Environmentally friendly water supply
(3) Measures to promote green initiatives in Motoichi
(4) Current status of shingles and shingles vaccine
(5) Junior high school school lunch
(6) Keiro Pass
(7) Subsidies for Medical Expenses for Pediatric Treatment
(8) Responding to the old city hall block utilization project and urban development in the city center
(9) Others
6 YUSA Daisuke Committee member (LDP)
(1) Political attitude of the mayor
(2) Senior Pass / Student Discount and Keiro Pass Zero Self-pay
(3) Education Policy
(4) Transfer of administrative authority to designated cities
(5) Support and Exchange between Local Governments
(6) Promotion of tourism by cruise passengers
(7) Promotion of road measures
(8) Waste treatment
(9) Efforts to secure various incomes in the city
(10) Promotion costs for creating a unique ward
(11) Private transfer of municipal nursery schools
(12) Utilization of Disaster Prevention Speakers
(13) Ordinance on Activation of Shopping Street in Yokohama
(14) Others
7 Member OIWA Masakazu (Natekunifu)
(1) Creating policies based on the data of Yokohama
(2) "Yokohama" startup support and open innovation
(3) Yokohama, Japan's best educational city-Scholastic ability analysis based on scientific data to improve proficiency
(4) Digitization of the administration of Yokohama
(5) Creating a healthy and long-lived city in Yokohama
(6) Enhance the library functions of Yokohama
(7) Activation of the suburbs of Yokohama
(8) Review of the business of Yokohama
(9) Promotion of public-private partnership in the park of Yokohama
(10) Others
8 Mr. INOUE Sakura (Mr. Inoue)
(1) Causes and lessons learned from the failure of the introduction of casino IR
(2) Disposal of the old city hall block, development of the area from Kannai to Yamashita-Futo
(3) Mayor's attitude (resident autonomy, new era of Yokohama)
(4) Others
9 TOYOTA Yuki (Toyoda)
(1) Costs and Responsibilities for Investor Relations
(2) Costs and Responsibilities for the Study of New Theater Plans
(3) Yokohama City Tourism & MICE Strategy
(4) “Three zeros” from the perspective of local government management
(5) Re-installation of Kita-Tsunashima Special Needs School from the next fiscal year
(6) Others
10 Kumiyo Futai Committee member (independent)
(1) Acceleration of vaccination using data
(2) Efforts to prevent isolation of persons with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic
(3) Non-smoking areas
(4) Others
October 7, 2021 (Committee)
Examination by Bureau
Question notification (items)
Housing and Architecture Bureau Relations
1 Ryosuke Aoki (LDP)
(1) Housing and Architecture Bureau Financial Results
(2) Efforts to Realize a Decarbonized Society
(3) Improvement of block walls, etc.
(4) Review of Restricted Areas
(5) Optimization of condominium management
(6) Yokohama Disaster Prevention Power Improvement Condominium Certification System
(7) Others
2 Member OKUWA Masataka (LDP)
(1) Human Resource Development in Housing and Architecture Bureau
(2) Selection of design offices for public buildings
(3) Work Style Reform in the Construction Industry
(4) Decarbonization of public buildings
(5) Promote the use of wood for the realization of a decarbonized society
(6) Revision of the Yokohama City Basic Plan for Housing and Living for the Rehabilitation of Suburban Areas
(7) Promote the revitalization of large-scale housing complex
(8) Efforts to correct violations
(9) Overview of embankment situation and embankment in Motoichi
(10) Others
3 Member YAMAURA Eita (Nikkufu)
(1) Promotion of measures against cliffs
(2) Safety of residential land development
(3) Narrow road widening maintenance project
(4) Comprehensive measures for vacant houses, etc.
(5) Regeneration of large-scale housing complex
(6) Support for people in need of living
(7) Corrective guidance for violations of buildings
(8) Others
4 Member SAITO Shinichi (Komeito Party)
(1) Regeneration of Municipal Housing
(2) Housing Safety Net System and Excellent Rental Housing for the Elderly
(3) Comprehensive measures for vacant houses, etc.
(4) Promotion of measures against cliffs
(5) Change of use of existing buildings
(6) Others
5 Commissioner SHIRAI Masako (CCP)
(1) Block wall improvement project
(2) Disaster prevention measures for cliffs
(3) Provision of Municipal Housing in response to COVID-19
(4) Safety net housing with rent subsidies
(5) Others
Health and Social Welfare Bureau Relations
1 Kazumasa Yamada (LDP)
(1) Measures against COVID-19 infection
(2) COVID-19 Vaccination Business
(3) Cervical Cancer Prevention Vaccine
(4) Parasports
(5) Independence of persons with disabilities
(6) Support promotion project for medical care children and persons
(7) Person with a disability guide help business
(8) Mobile Information Center
(9) Employment of persons with disabilities
(10) Information security initiatives
(11) Problems of Disability Abuse
(12) Others
Committee member Hirotaka Mori (Nikkufu)
(1) COVID-19 infection related
(2) Subsidies for Medical Expenses for Pediatric Treatment System
(3) Cancer screening
(4) Measures to prevent passive smoking in restaurants
(5) Measures against addiction
(6) Watching the elderly
(7) Enhancement of welfare shelters
(8) Snuggling-type learning support project
(9) Others
3 Shuichi Kiuchi (Komeito Party)
(1) Measures against COVID-19 infection
(2) Consumer Affairs Committee and Children's Committee Business
(3) Support for foreign care personnel
(4) Addiction countermeasures business
(5) Efforts for middle-aged and elderly withdrawal
(6) Support for the movement of persons with disabilities
(7) Sports for the disabled
(8) Others
4 Member FURUYA Yasuhiko (CCP)
(1) Strengthening health center functions
(2) Securing human resources for nursing care and employment and withdrawal measures for persons with disabilities
(3) Others
October 11, 2021 (Committee)
Examination by Bureau
Question notification (items)
International Affairs Bureau Relations
1 Etsuko Hasegawa, Member of the Board, Tatekuni
(1) Results for FY2020
(2) Yokohama International Strategy
(3) International Peace and SDGs Promotion Project
(4) Status of Overseas Offices and Future Development
(5) Overseas Project Promotion Business
(6) Host Town Exchange at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games
(7) Y-PORT Business
(8) Collaboration with International Organizations
(9) Multicultural Symbiosis
(10) Others
2 TAKEUCHI Yasuhiro (Komeito Party)
(1) Business to strengthen consultation for foreigners during the COVID-19 pandemic
(2) City Net Business
(3) Y-PORT Business
(4) The importance of international cooperation for solving global issues
(5) International Policy
(6) International Peace
(7) Others
3 Member ONUKI Norio (CCP)
(1) FY2020 International Affairs Bureau's Management Policy
A. Achievements of Basic Goals
B. System diagram of measures to achieve the targets
(2018-2021) International Affairs Bureau-related parts
D. Positioning of the Ordinance on Promotion of International Peace in Yokohama
(E) Changes in Peace Promotion Budget
(2) Nuclear Weapons Convention
Comments on the entry into force of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons
B. Declaration of a Nuclear-Free Peace City
(3) Multicultural Symbiosis Measures
Contents of consultation from foreigners involved in the Acrona disaster
Breakdown of population by status of residence in the city
(4) Others
4 Kazumasa Yamada (LDP)
(1) Activities of overseas offices under the influence of COVID-19 infection
(2) Acceptance and Promotion of Symbiosis of Foreign Human Resources under the influence of COVID-19 infection
(3) Development of the Next Generation in International Business
(4) Promotion of SDGs
(5) Y-PORT Business
(6) Others
5 Commissioner KOSHIISHI Katsuko (LDP)
(1) Collection and Utilization of Overseas Information
(2) Support of Overseas Offices for Corporate Risk Management
(3) Sister city exchange
(4) Collaboration with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
(5) International Lounge
(6) Others
Road and Highway Bureau Relations
1 Mr. Hirotaka Mori, Member of the Committee
(1) Fiscal 2020 Results
(2) Promotion of maintenance of urban planning roads
(3) Securing local transportation (local contribution shuttle bus)
(4) Project to ensure safety of river channels, etc.
(5) Maintenance and operation of bicycle parking lots
(6) Road Damage Reporting System
(7) Traffic safety measures business
(8) Measures against graffiti on roads
(9) Measures against vibration of roads
(10) Others
2 NITTA Masatoshi (Komeito Party)
(1) Road business
(2) Formation of a wide-area road network
(3) Maintenance of the Sakuragi Higashitotsuka Line
(4) Maintenance of the Shiomidai Hirado Line
(5) Road cliff disaster prevention measures business
(6) Bus traffic measures
(7) Operation of car parking business
(8) LED lighting for road lighting
(9) Others
3 Member MIWA Chiemi (CCP)
(1) Safety measures for school roads
A. Response to Public Works Office after an accident on a school road
The role of Public Works Office in the Iscool Zone Council
Safety inspections of roads and other roads in Public Works Office
Increase in budget and personnel in Public Works Office
(2) River and Bridge Business
Oh, river improvement and river maintenance costs over the last five years
Current status of earthquake countermeasure Bridges
C. The concept of determining the soundness of bridges
D) Securing river maintenance costs and bridge operating costs
(3) Yokohama Ring Road Maintenance Project
(4) Creating a safe, secure, and comfortable city
(5) Others
4 Michiyo Higashi (LDP)
(1) Promotion of maintenance of Yokohama Ring Road
(2) Measures for aging bridges
(3) Traffic safety (school roads, elderly people)
(4) Development of bicycle traffic spaces
(5) Local transportation
(6) River basin flood control initiatives
(7) Others
5 Norimi Takahashi (LDP)
(1) Safety Measures for Level Crossings and Continuous Overpass Project
(2) Maintenance of Samurai River and maintenance of Miyagawa Machibashi
(3) System browsing of road ledger map
(4) Escalator "Let's stop without walking" campaign
(5) Progress on the Mudgame Kamariya Line and Urban Planning Roads
(6) Others
October 13, 2021 (Committee)
Examination by Bureau
Question notification (items)
Board of Education
1 TAKENOUCHI Takeshi (Komeito Party)
(1) Safety measures for school roads
(2) Covid-19 countermeasures at schools
(3) Exercise health check-up
(4) Junior high school school lunch
(5) GIGA School Concept
(6) Enhancement of special support education
(7) Medical care in schools
(8) Efforts that do not weather the damage caused by the earthquake or nuclear power plant, and do not cause reputational damage
(9) Others
2. Commissioner SHIRAI Masako (CCP)
(1) Kita-Tsunashima Special Needs School
(2) Junior high school school lunch
(3) Junior and Senior High Schools
(4) Others
3 Michiyo Higashi (LDP)
(1) Junior high school school lunch
(2) School measures against COVID-19 infection
(3) Maintenance of library Wi-Fi
(4) Measures against obscene incidents by teachers
(5) Efforts to Young Careers at Schools
(6) Others
4 Norimi Takahashi (LDP)
(1) Internet-dependent, Internet-based bullying
(2) Enhancement of club activity support and initiatives for new regional athletic club activity support projects
(3) Health education at elementary and junior high schools
(4) School area system
(5) Recent trends in the preservation and utilization of the former Nagahama Quarantine Station No. 1 stop
(6) Maintaining current delivery school lunch
(7) Establishment of a new educational center
(8) Others
5 Etsuko Hasegawa, Member of the Committee
(1) Junior high school school lunch
(2) Learning outside of school education activities
(3) Promotion of English education
(4) Subsidies for School Expenses System
(5) School integration
(6) Rebuilding elementary and junior high school facilities
(7) Impact of COVID-19 on the quality of learning
(8) Junior and Senior High Schools
(9) Discovery and Response of Child Abuse in Schools
(10) Designation of Cultural Properties of Yokohama City
(11) Others
6 Kazumasa Yamada (LDP)
(1) Connection to the Internet at GIGA School
(2) Development of facilities at Yokohama City Schools
(3) Others
Urban Development Bureau Relations
1 Shuichi Kiuchi (Komeito Party)
(1) Fiscal 2020 Urban Development Bureau Results
(2) Future Urban Development in Yokohama City
(3) Improvement of walking environment from Municipal Subway Takashima-cho Sta. to Minato Mirai area
(4) Railway Station movable platform fence maintenance project
(5) Earthquake fire countermeasures (project to promote non-combustibility in towns)
(6) Town development around Shin-Yokohama Station
(7) Town development around the north exit of Tsurugamine Station
(8) Former Kamiseya Communication Facility Development Project
(9) Others
2. Commissioner MIWA Chiemi (CCP)
(1) Projects that have significantly reduced the floor area ratio by the National Strategic Housing Development Project Certification
A. Yokohama Station Kita-West Exit Tsuruya Area Urban Redevelopment Project
B. The involvement of the city in the accident that occurred during the fiscal year
(2) How Urban Redevelopment Projects
Oh, public expenditure in first-class urban redevelopment project
(3) To promote disaster-resistant town development
Oh, approach of non-combustible promotion business of town
Efforts to expand safety and security and contribute to the SME Promotion Basic Ordinance
(4) Development of the former site of U.S. military base in Kamiseya
A Huge Theme Park Initiative
B. Kami Seya Line
(C) Road maintenance business
(5) Others
3 Ryosuke Aoki (LDP)
(1) Town development in the Kitanakadori district
(2) International Horticultural Exposition
(3) Town development at the former Kamiseya Communication Facility
(4) East Exit, Tsunashima Station
(5) Transportation services in the Tomioka area through public-private partnerships
(6) Others
4 Kazumasa Yamada (LDP)
(1) Response to businesses that applied due to cancellation of IR
(2) How to make use of the experience of considering IR
(3) Economic revitalization for the future, centered on urban coastal areas
(4) The night view of the coastal area of the city in the future
(5) Excite Yokohama 22
(6) Town development in the coastal area of Keihin
(7) Others
5 Member FUJISAKI Kotaro (Nikkufu)
(1) Urban Vision and Urban Design
(2) Former Kamiseya Communication Facility Development Project
(3) IR Promotion Business
(4) Toukyu Toyoko Line Abandoned Line Development Project
(5) Town development in front of Fujigaoka station area
(6) Extension of High-speed Railway Line 3
(7) Others
October 15, 2021 (board member)
October 15, 2021 (Committee)
1 Change of examination schedule (PDF: 65KB)
Examination by Bureau
Question notification (items)
Medical Care Bureau-Medical Care Bureau Hospital Administration Headquarters Relations
1 Member FURUYA Yasuhiko (CCP)
(1) Management of Stroke and Neurospinal Center
(2) Emergency system of municipal hospitals
(3) Plan for securing beds in Motoichi
(4) Others
2 Member SAKAI Makoto (LDP)
(1) Securing beds for receiving COVID-19 Positive Patients
(2) COVID-19 Infectious Disease Control and Medical Coordination Headquarters (Y-CERT)
(3) Utilization of former municipal hospital facilities
(4) Management status of municipal hospitals
(5) Securing nursing staff at municipal hospitals by utilizing ICT
(6) Maintenance status of doctor car system
(7) Tele-ICU System Development Project
(8) Comprehensive Cancer Control
(9) Others
3 Member MOCHIZUKI Kotoku (Nikkufu)
(1) Emergency Medical and Emergency Medical System
(2) COVID-19 infection-related (Y-CERT, antibody cocktail therapy, advisory board)
(3) Data utilization and ICT utilization in the medical field
(4) Securing bed functions
(5) Others
4 Member SAITO Shinji (Komeito Party)
(1) Building a medical system for COVID-19 infection
(2) Medical provision system in the event of a disaster
(3) Initiatives for COVID-19 in Yokohama city minato Red Cross Hospital
(4) Stroke and Neurospinal Center
(5) Promotion of comprehensive cancer control
(6) Home medical care initiatives to build a comprehensive community care system
(7) Others
Port and Harbor Bureau Relations
1 Member KITATANI Mari (CCP)
(1) Acceptance of cruise ships
(2) Yamashita-Futo Redevelopment
(3) Efforts for a comfortable working environment
(4) Others
2 Member KOSHIISHI Katsuko (LDP)
(1) Fiscal 2020 Results
(2) Efforts to collect cargo
(3) Strengthening automotive handling functions
(4) Strengthen support for conventional cargo
(5) International Exchange Program
(6) Future outlook for cruise ship operation
(7) Renovation of Akarengasoko
(8) Others
3 Member SHIBUYA Takeshi (LDP)
(1) Redevelopment of Yamashita-Futo
(2) Formation of carbon-neutral ports
(3) Digitization of Ports
(4) Rinko Park (Seaside Park)
(5) Creating the bustle of the new port and water transportation
(6) Development of Shinhonmokufuto
(7) Others
4 Member FUMOTO Rie (Nikkufu)
(1) Yamashita-Futo Redevelopment
(2) Revitalization of the coastal area of central Tokyo by taking advantage of the vitality of the private sector
(3) Efforts to get close to the sea
(4) Formation of LNG bunkering bases
(5) Strengthen logistics functions at Minamihonmokufuto
(6) Others
5 KATO Hiroto (Komeito Party)
(1) Countermeasures against COVID-19 infection at Yokohama Port
(2) Creating Ports with the Perspective of Urban Management
(3) Restoration of typhoon damage in 2019
(4) Fire ant measures at Yokohama Port
(5) Others
October 21, 2021 (Committee)
Examination by Bureau
Question notification (items)
Child and Youth Bureau Relations
1 Ryosuke Aoki (LDP)
(1) Child and Youth Bureau Financial Results
(2) Uninterrupted support from pregnancy and zero childbirth costs
(3) Future operation following a partial revision of the ordinance to protect Yokohama children from abuse
(4) Measures for waiting-list children
(5) Digitization of office work in the after-school elementary school student Healthy Development Project
(6) Employment support for young people with difficulties in the COVID-19 pandemic
(7) Others
2 Norimi Takahashi (LDP)
(1) Necessity of mental and physical care after childbirth
(2) Dispatch of tutors to single-parent families and consultation support for parents
(3) Operation of After-School Care Program Clubs during the COVID-19 pandemic
(4) Child abuse and DV measures
(5) Status of the elementary school student Nursing Home and Support after leaving
(6) Supporting the independence of young people with difficulties
(7) Others
3 Member YAMAURA Eita (Nikkufu)
(1) elementary school student Family Support Center
(2) Human rights of children
(3) Support for families raising children at home
(4) Dissemination of foster parent system
(5) Others
4 Member OZAKI Futoshi (Komeito Party)
(1) Child abuse response
(2) Children's Family Support Base
(3) Support before and after pregnancy for a declining birthrate
(4) Regional nursing center
(5) Ensuring and improving the quality of daycare centers for children with disabilities
(6) Situation of single-parent households during the COVID-19 pandemic
(7) Utilization of company-led childcare business in measures for waiting-list children
(8) Current status and issues of withdrawal support
(9) Others
5 Commissioner KITATANI Mari (CCP)
(1) Special child dependency allowance
(2) Reduce the burden of childcare fees for second and subsequent children
(3) Sick Child Care Business
(4) After-school elementary school student Development Project
(5) Others
6 Mr. Ikuyo Hirata (Kannane)
(1) Temporary childcare on Saturday and holidays
(2) Paku Sapo (single-parent household food support business)
(3) Child care support system, pre- and post-natal helper dispatch business
(4) Others
Economic Affairs Bureau Relations
1 Michiyo Higashi (LDP)
(1) Economic measures for SMEs during the COVID-19 pandemic
(2) Emergency shopping district-related survey business
(3) Employment measures
(4) Support for Women Entrepreneurs
(5) Support for overseas expansion of local companies and economic security
(6) Start-up support
(7) Attracting companies and promoting location
(8) Promotion of decarbonization of SMEs through capital investment
(9) Others
2 Member KUROKAWA Masaru (LDP)
(1) Efforts to Decarbonize
(2) Yokohama-style regional contribution companies
(3) Support for sports promotion companies
(4) Loans to SMEs during the COVID-19 pandemic
(5) Revitalization of Kanazawa Seaside Area
(6) Others
3 Member FUJISAKI Kotaro (Nikkufu)
(1) Promotion of Innovation City Yokohama (YOXO)
(2) Promotion of projects in ITOP Yokohama and LIP. Yokohama
(3) Future Economic Policy
(4) Commercial promotion measures
(5) Project to strengthen support for small businesses
(6) Others
4 Member TAKENOUCHI Takeshi (Komeito Party)
(1) Impact and Support by COVID-19 infection
(2) Support for SMEs
(3) Shopping street support
(4) Revitalization and further utilization of the southern market
(5) Employment support for so-called "ice age generation"
(6) Workplace vaccination of COVID-19 vaccine
(7) Others
5 Commissioner ONUKI Norio (CCP)
(1) Future of Yokohama's economy as seen from fiscal 2020 financial results
(2) Support for small businesses
(3) Others
October 22, 2021 (board member)
October 22, 2021 (Committee)
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