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- News from Yokohama assembly No.119 The 4th regular meeting of 2020
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News from Yokohama assembly No.119 The 4th regular meeting of 2020
Last updated on October 11, 2024.
PDF version / Text version / Audio version
News from Yokohama assembly No.119 The fourth regular meeting of 2020 (PDF: 1,243KB)
Number of surfaces | Items listed |
1 (PDF: 589KB) |
2 pages (PDF: 226KB) |
3 pages (PDF: 205KB) |
4 pages (PDF: 244KB) |
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Source: Yokohama City Council "News from Yokohama Congress No. ●"
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Number of surfaces | Items listed |
1 (Text file: 2KB) |
2 (text file: 4KB) |
3 (Text file: 5KB) |
4 (Text file: 3KB) List of pros and cons of each denomination for Proposals (CSV: 2KB) |
1 side
- What is City Counsil? (Music file (MP3): 1,250KB)
- Held the 4th City Counsil Regular Meeting (Music File (MP3): 349KB)
- Outline of the 4th City Counsil Regular Meeting (Music File (MP3): 561KB)
- Main bill passed (music file (MP3): 781KB)
2 pages
- From General Questions (Music File (MP3): 913KB)
- Enhancement of traffic area traffic New Komeito party (Music file (MP3): 805KB)
- Policy New Theater Development Taminfu (Music File (MP3): 629KB)
- Disaster prevention volcanic ash countermeasures LDP (Music File (MP3): 492KB)
- Financial and Fiscal Management LDP (Music File (MP3): 622KB)
- Cultural Arts Promotion Support Citizens (Music File (MP3): 547KB)
3 pages
- Employment support for young people affected by the COVID-19 pandemic Liberal Democratic Party (Music File (MP3): 558KB)
- Prevention of abuse of child care child LDP (music file (MP3): 526KB)
- Expansion of mobility support measures for persons with welfare disabilities New Komeito (Music File (MP3): 514KB)
- Welfare eighth Yokohama-shi elderly person health welfare program, The Long-term Care Insurance business plan, dementia measure promotion plan Communist Party (music file (MP3): 686KB)
- Effective Utilization of Housing Municipal Housing Parking Lot LDP (Music File (MP3): 487KB)
- Maintenance of walking space that is friendly to road people Tatemin (Music file (MP3): 925KB)
- Traffic barrier-free around road Mitsukyo Station and elevator setting of north exit bus center Communist Party (music file (MP3): 517KB)
- Road Tsurumi Ohashi and flood control measures of Tsurumi River LDP (Music file (MP3): 746KB)
4 pages
- List of pros and cons of each denomination for bills (music file (MP3): 4,402KB)
- List of members by denomination (Music file (MP3): 1,666KB)
- Statement of opinion approved (music file (MP3): 648KB)
- Schedule of the 1st City Counsil Regular Meeting in 2021 (Music File (MP3): 632KB)
- Congressional communication (Music file (MP3): 775KB)
- Spot information (Music file (MP3): 418KB)
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