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Schedule of regular meetings and committees

Last updated on March 18, 2025.

Regular meetings

Schedule of the 1st City Counsil Regular Meeting in 2025
Tuesday, January 28

9:15 a.m. City Counsil Steering Committee
10:00 a.m. (1st day) Session decision

Tuesday, February 4

10:00 a.m. Special Committee on U.S. Military Installations Measures (Notice of Convocation (PDF: 57KB))
10:00 am New Urban Vitality Promotion Special Committee (Notice of Convocation (PDF: 62KB))

Wednesday, February 5

10:00 a.m. Special Committee on Metropolitan Administration and Finance System (Notice of Convocation (PDF: 56KB))
1:30 pm Health Promotion and Sports Promotion Special Committee (Notice of Convocation (PDF: 63KB))

Thursday, February 6

10:00 am antidisaster measure Promotion Special Committee (Notice of Convocation (PDF: 57KB))
10:00 am Suburban Revitalization and Revitalization Special Committee (Notice of Convocation (PDF: 59KB))
1:30 p.m. City Counsil Steering Committee

Friday, February 7

9:15 a.m. City Counsil Steering Committee
10:00 am plenary session (2nd day) General agenda, questions (notification (PDF: 306KB)), referral, budget progress / explanation

Monday, February 10

10:00 am Decarbonization, GREEN x EXPO Promotion, Green Environment and Resource Recycling Committee (Notice of Convocation (PDF: 81KB))

Wednesday, February 12

10:00 am Policy Management, General Affairs and Finance Committee (Notice of Convocation (PDF: 71KB))
10:00 a.m. Committee on Child & Youth / Education (Notice of Convocation (PDF: 80KB))
10:00 am Health and Welfare and Medical Committee (Notice of Convocation (PDF: 71KB))
1:30 pm Citizen, lively sports culture, firefighting committee (notice of convocation (PDF: 128KB))

Thursday, February 13

10:00 a.m. International Committee on Economic Affairs / Port & Harbor (Notice of Convocation (PDF: 116KB))
10:00 a.m. Committee on Child & Youth / Education (Notice of Convocation (PDF: 86KB))
10:00 a.m. Committee on Housing & Architecture / Urban Development / Road & Highway (Notice of Convocation (PDF: 72KB))
10:00 am Sewer River, Committee on Water Works / Transportation (Notice of Convocation (PDF: 58KB))

Friday, February 14

1:30 pm Policy Management, General Affairs and Finance Committee (Notice of Convocation (PDF: 94KB))

Tuesday, February 18

9:15 a.m. City Counsil Steering Committee
10:00 am plenary session (3rd day) General bill decision (notification (PDF: 94KB)), budget representative question (notification (PDF: 399KB))

Thursday, February 20

9:15 a.m. City Counsil Steering Committee
10:00 am plenary session (4th day) Budget-related questions (notification (PDF: 228KB)), establishment and referral of special budget committee
After the plenary session, Special Committee on Budget First (Consultation on Management Methods, etc.)
After the Budget First Special Committee, Budget Second Special Committee (Consultation on Management Methods, etc.)

Friday, February 21

10:00 am Budget First Special Committee (Green Environment Bureau, Resources and Waste Recycling Bureau) (Day 1) (Notification (PDF: 211KB))

Tuesday, February 25

10:00 am Budget Second Special Committee (Fire Bureau, Water Works Bureau) (1st day) (Notification (PDF: 213KB))

Wednesday, February 26

10:00 am Budget First Special Committee (Housing and Architecture Bureau, Economic Affairs Bureau) (Day 2) (Notification (PDF: 210KB))

Thursday, February 27

10:00 am Budget Second Special Committee (Sewerage and Rivers Bureau, Board of Education) (2nd day) (Notification (PDF: 225KB))

Friday, February 28

10:00 am Budget First Special Committee (Zero Carbon and GREEN×EXPO Promotion Bureau, Health and Social Welfare Bureau) (3rd day) (Notification (PDF: 226KB))

Monday, March 3

10:00 am Budget Second Special Committee (Policy Administration Bureau, Civic Affairs Bureau) (3rd day) (Notification (PDF: 199KB))

Tuesday, March 4

10:00 a.m. Budget First Special Committee (Medical Care Bureau Medical Care Bureau Hospital Administration Headquarters, Urban Development Bureau) (4th day) (Notice (PDF: 226KB))

Wednesday, March 5

10:00 a.m. Budget Second Special Committee (General Affairs Bureau Digital Government Headquarters, Child and Youth Bureau) (4th day) (Notice (PDF: 224KB))

Thursday, March 6

10:00 am Budget First Special Committee (Port and Harbor Bureau, International Affairs Bureau) (5th day) (Notice (PDF: 204KB))

Friday, March 7

10:00 am Budget Second Special Committee (Transportation Bureau, Sports, Culture and Dynamic City Development Bureau) (5th day) (Notification (PDF: 196KB))

Monday, March 10

10:00 am Budget First Special Committee (Road and Highway Bureau) (6th day) (Notification (PDF: 155KB))
2:00 p.m. Budget Second Special Committee (Office of Accounting, Election Commission, Personnel Commission, Audit Committee, City Council Bureau, Finance Bureau) (Notice (PDF: 176KB))

Tuesday, March 11

9:15 a.m. City Counsil Steering Committee
10:00 a.m. plenary session (5th day) Additional agendas, questions, and referrals
Committee on Child & Youth / Education (Notice of Convocation (PDF: 82KB))
After the plenary session, Health and Welfare and Medical Committee (Notice of Convocation (PDF: 71KB))
Committee on Housing & Architecture / Urban Development / Road & Highway (Notice of Convocation (PDF: 149KB))

Wednesday, March 12

10:00 am Policy Management, General Affairs and Finance Committee (Notice of Convocation (PDF: 89KB))
10:00 a.m. International Committee on Economic Affairs / Port & Harbor (Notice of Convocation (PDF: 72KB))
10:00 am Decarbonization, GREEN x EXPO Promotion, Green Environment and Resource Recycling Committee (Notice of Convocation (PDF: 80KB))

Thursday, March 13

10:00 am Citizen, lively sports culture, firefighting committee (notice of convocation (PDF: 87KB))
10:00 am Sewer River, Committee on Water Works / Transportation (Notice of Convocation (PDF: 62KB))

Friday, March 14

10:00 am Policy Management, General Affairs and Finance Committee (Notice of Convocation (PDF: 86KB))

Tuesday, March 18

10:00 am Budget First and Budget Second Special Committee Federation Examination Committee (Comprehensive Examination) (Notification (PDF: 248KB))
board member, Budget First Special Committee after the General Examination Committee
Budget First Special Committee After the end of board member board member

Monday, March 24

1:30 p.m. Budget First Special Committee board member
2:00 p.m. Budget First Special Committee (voting)
2:30 p.m. Budget Second Special Committee board member
3:00 p.m. Budget Second Special Committee (voting)

Tuesday, March 25

1:00 p.m. City Counsil Steering Committee
2:00 pm plenary session (6th day) Budget resolution, additional bill resolution

The deadline for accepting petition and petition is [mail] Monday, February 3 [bringing and electronic application / notification system] noon on Tuesday, February 4 (Tuesday)

Schedule of the 2nd City Counsil Regular Meeting in 2025
Thursday, May 15

9:15 a.m. City Counsil Steering Committee
10:00 a.m. (1st day) Re-election of officers
After the plenary session, the City Counsil Steering Committee

From Monday, May 19 to Wednesday, May 21

Standing Committee (Overview of Business)

Friday, May 23

9:15 a.m. City Counsil Steering Committee
10:00 a.m. plenary session (2nd day) Proposals, Questions and References

Wednesday, May 28

9:15 a.m. City Counsil Steering Committee
10:00 a.m. plenary session (3rd day) General questions

From Thursday, May 29 to Tuesday, June 3

Standing Committee (Examination of Proposals, etc.)

Thursday, June 5

1:00 p.m. City Counsil Steering Committee
2:00 pm Plenary Session (4th day) Proposal resolution

The deadline for accepting petition and petition is [mail] Monday, May 19 [bringing and electronic application / notification system] noon on Tuesday, May 20


Currently, there is no scheduled schedule.

Past regular meetings and extraordinary meetings

To the page of past regular and extraordinary meetings

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Phone: 045-671-3040

Phone: 045-671-3040

Fax: 045-681-7388

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