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Last updated on April 17, 2024.

Committee (Committee of Parliament)SirThis meeting is set up to conduct preliminary examinations and investigations of deliberations at the plenary session, and there are the following three types.
1 Standing Committee: A committee that examines bills submitted by the plenary session and investigates office work in the city.
2 Special Committee: Committees established as necessary to investigate and review specific issues
3 City Counsil Steering Committee: Committee to investigate and discuss the operation method of Congress
Statement of PositionYeahBased on the provisions of Article 99 of the Local Autonomy Law, it is a document summarizing the will of the council as an opinion on matters related to the public interest of the city, and is submitted to the relevant administrative agencies such as the Diet or the country or prefecture. A member of the Diet submits a draft statement of opinion and decides whether or not to do so at the plenary session.
General questionsThornsIt means that members of the Diet ask for reports and explanations from executive organs widely throughout municipal administration, and ask questions.
PeriodYeahIt is the period during which Congress holds a meeting (from the opening date to the closing date). The number of days of the session will be determined by resolution after the opening of the plenary session.
DenominationYeahA group formed by two or more members of the Diet in the City Counsil to contribute to policy-making.
ProposalsGianWe refer to matter which the mayor and committee, member of the Diet submit to get decision of assembly (eg, establishment, revision, abolition of the regulations, decision of budget, authorization of financial statements, presentation of statement of position).
DecisionsThornDepending on the content of the decision, there are the following types depending on the content of the decision by deciding whether or not to approve (whether or not) bills.
Passed (rejected): Budgets, ordinances, contracts, opinions, resolutions, etc.
Certification (non-certified): Account settlement
Approval (disapproval): Dictatorship
Consent (dissent): Personnel matters
Adopted (not adopted): Petition
Report that there is no objection: Advisory
Negotiating PartyThis is the caseA denomination of five or more members may be elected to the City Counsil Steering Committee.
VotingSaiketsuRefers to the act of the Chair taking a vote at the plenary session. In the case of a committee, it refers to the act of the chairperson taking a vote.
Question and answerSheThis refers to eliminating questions before discussions and voting on bills.
Executive bodiesI'm going to do itAn organization that manages and executes the affairs of local governments. (Mayor, administrative committee, etc. (Education Board, Election Commission, Audit Committee, etc.))
UpgradeAll rightTreating it as an agenda item at the plenary session is generally referred to as "progress".
OrdinanceSirIt is a voluntary law established by local governments based on the right to self-government legislation. The enactment, revision, or abolition of ordinances is, in principle, approved by the resolution of Congress, and becomes effective by the promulgation of the chief. The right to propose the ordinance to Congress is given not only to the head but also to legislators and committees.
DeliberationShingiA series of processes, such as listening to explanations, asking questions, discussing, and voting for the case of the plenary session, are called deliberation.
ExaminationShinsaThis refers to the process of discussing bills, petition, etc. that have been referred to in the committee and drawing conclusions as the committee.
PetitionCancerIt refers to giving opinions and requests to national and local governments. According to the Local Autonomy Law, when petitioning to City Counsil, a petition must be submitted by a member of the city council. The submitted petition will be reviewed by the Standing Committee, etc., and will be adopted or rejected at the plenary session, and the result will be notified to the petitioner.
Council of All MembersAll the timeIt is a meeting where all members of the Diet gather and hold to examine important municipal issues. It is performed by all members of the Diet, and it is the same as the plenary session as far as it is not based on laws and regulations, so we do not discuss and examine bills, receive explanations from executive bodies such as the mayor, and state opinions Or
PetitionChinjoUnlike petition, a member of the Diet does not require the introduction of a member of the Diet because a stake in a particular matter appeals to Congress and requests treatment. Of the submitted petition, those that the Congress requests the submission of a written opinion to the relevant administrative agencies such as the Diet or the prefecture will be referred to the Standing Committee, etc., and the results of the examination will be reported to the plenary session, and the petitioner will be notified. I will do it. For petitions such as requests to other administrations, the chair requests the mayor's answer and notifies the petitioner to that effect.
QuorumSirIn Congress, the number of attendees required to effectively discuss and decide on an agenda is called a quorum.
The Local Autonomy Law states that Congress cannot hold a meeting unless at least half of the number of members are present.
Regular meetingsDo you knowMeetings of local councils that are convened regularly, regardless of whether or not there is a case. According to the Local Autonomy Law, the number of times specified by the ordinance is convened every year, and Yokohama City stipulates that the ordinance stipulates four times a year.
AnswerTobenIn plenary session, committee, we say that the mayor and the superintendent of education, related bureau chief perform answer or explanation for question, question of member of the Diet.
DebateTooAt a regular meeting, after a question, committee review, and before voting, express an opinion on whether to agree or disagree with the bill.
ReferenceDoubleRegarding bills, etc., the question at the plenary session is over, and in order to further examine the bills, etc., it refers to entrusting the examination to the standing committee of the jurisdiction.
Plenary SessionHonkaigiAt regular and extraordinary meetings, it refers to a meeting composed of all members. At the plenary session, deliberations on bills, etc., and decisions on final decisions (voting) as voting bodies are made.
Budget Study GroupYosan KenkyukaiIt is place where each bureau of Yokohama-shi explains budget bill to member of the Diet the next year. It will be held prior to the budget deliberation during the first regular meeting where the budget will be discussed in the next fiscal year.
Extraordinary meetingsSirLocal council meetings, in addition to regular meetings, when extraordinary needs are required, refer to those that are convened to discuss this at any time only for specific cases necessary.

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