The text is from here.

Yokohama City Council Basic Ordinance

Last updated on January 20, 2022.

In recent years, the shift to a decentralized society in which “regions are determined by the region” has been promoted, and even in Motoichi, Japan's largest city, many municipal issues, including issues unique to large cities, have become more complex and sophisticated, and Yokohama City Council is required to play a role in monitoring and evaluating mayors and others, as well as policy planning.
In order to clarify the roles that City Counsil and city council members should play and share them with the citizens, Yokohama City Council has established the Yokohama City Council Basic Ordinance after two years of research and examination in Special Investigation Committee on Establishing Yokohama City Council Fundamental Ordinance, consultation and public opinion solicitation at the City Counsil Steering Committee and soliciting opinions. (decided on February 21, 2014, enforced on April 1, 2014)

Full text, commentary, etc. of the Yokohama City Council Basic Ordinance

Summary of result of civic opinion offer about the regulations draft

About citizen opinion offer about the regulations draft, thank you very much for having valuable opinion from all of you.
About the reflection situation of opinion that had you approach, it is as follows. Yokohama City Council's approach to each opinion is summarized in 4.
(In addition, opinions are posted after summarizing and organizing the contents.)

1 Opinion solicitation period
   From December 13, 2013 to January 14, 2014

2 Overview of Results
   65 applications

Breakdown of Number of Receptions
Category Breakdown
Ages 20s…11, 30s…6, 40s…7, 50s…6, 60s…13, 70 years old or older…18. No answer…4
City and outside the city (by residence or working) City…50 (resident / working 36, no answer 14), outside the city…No answer 10.…5
How to apply Mailing…25. Bring your own…1 、 FAX…7. Email…13, City Counsil Homepage…19

   Number of opinions 202

Breakdown of the number of opinions

Number of cases


Number of cases
The whole ordinance draft  34 cases Chapter 5 Relationship between Parliament and Mayors   8 cases
Preamble   7 projects Chapter 6 Disaster Response of Congress   8 cases
Chapter 1 General Rules   5 Chapter 7 System Development of Congress  21 cases
Chapter 2 Parliament and Members of Parliament  10 cases Chapter 8 Political Ethics, etc.  24 cases
Chapter 3 Operation of Parliament   7 projects Chapter 9 Supplementary Provisions   8 cases
Chapter 4 Citizens and Parliament  52 cases Anything other than the contents of the draft  18 cases

3. Status of reflection of opinions received
 (1) 6 opinions reflected in the amendment of the Articles
 (2) 10 opinions that will not be revised and will be reflected in the operation response.
 (3) 31 opinions that will not be revised and will be used as a reference in the future.
 (4) 132 opinions that we consider the purpose to be included in the contents of the draft, or that we ask as opinions
 ※ 23 opinions that supported the content of the article

4 Outline of opinions received and City Counsil's approach
   Citizen opinion (summary) and way of thinking of this City Counsil (PDF: 396KB)

5 Reference
   Citizen opinion offer guidance and Yokohama-shi assembly basics regulations (draft) (PDF: 871KB)

Main progress of examination up to the enactment of the ordinance

Established Special Investigation Committee on Establishing Yokohama City Council Fundamental Ordinance in May 2011
             Conducted 24 committee meetings (including interviews with experts) and visited other cities.
               Meeting materials of this special committee (Please read the minutes from the "minutes search system (outside site)")

May 2013 Chairman Special Investigation Committee on Establishing Yokohama City Council Fundamental Ordinance submitted a report to the Chair.
             Requesting the City Counsil Steering Committee to establish ordinances
      June-The City Counsil Steering Committee discussed the establishment of ordinances.
     December-We carry out citizen opinion offer about the regulations draft

February 2014 At the City Counsil Steering Committee, amendments, ordinance proposals, and resolutions based on citizen opinions.

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