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- Elimination of Gangsters
- Yokohama City Gangster Exclusion Ordinance
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Yokohama City Gangster Exclusion Ordinance
This ordinance establishes basic philosophy about gang elimination, clarifies duty of city and role of citizen, company and can live safely and with peace of mind by establishing matter necessary for promotion of gang elimination It is intended to contribute to the realization of society.
Last updated on January 23, 2024.
We established "Yokohama-shi gang exclusion regulations" to secure safe, reliable citizen life. .
Full text of the Yokohama City Gangster Exclusion Ordinance (PDF: 85KB)
Basic Philosophy (Article 3)
- Don't be afraid of gangs.
- Don't cooperate with gangs.
- Don't use gangs.
Based on these basic principles, cities, citizens, businesses, etc. cooperate and cooperate to promote gang elimination.
Responsibilities of the City (Article 4)
In accordance with the basic philosophy, we will formulate and implement comprehensive measures for eliminating gangsters.
Roles of Citizens and Businesses (Article 5)
Citizens, etc., strive to play an active role in eliminating gangsters in accordance with the basic philosophy.
Initiatives of Main City (Articles 6 to 11)
- In order to appropriately respond to unreasonable demands by gangsters, etc., we will formulate guidelines and improve systems.
- We exclude gangster, gangster from office work about contract so that public money of city does not become fund of gangster.
- We exclude gangster, gangster from office work such as grant of benefit so that public money of city does not become fund of gangster.
- We will not let gangsters manage and operate public facilities, and make sure that the use of public facilities does not benefit gangsters.
- We provide information and other necessary support so that citizens and businesses can play an active role in eliminating gangsters.
- We conduct public relations and awareness-raising activities to deepen our understanding of gang elimination.
Based on these basic principles, the city, citizens, businesses, etc. will cooperate and cooperate to promote gang elimination.
Reports and consultations on gangs
- Kanagawa Police Headquarters Gangster Countermeasures Section 0120-797-049 (request for disappearance) 0120-110-675 (inquiry of prefectural regulations)
- Kanagawa Violence Expulsion Promotion Center 045-201-8930 (Yakuza Zero) 045-663-8930 (Yakuza Zero)
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