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Hamako Disaster Prevention Project
Last updated on February 28, 2022.
What is the Hamako Disaster Prevention Project?
The "Hamako Disaster Prevention Project" is an educational project aimed at junior high school students in Yokohama City learning about disaster prevention in an easy-to-understand manner.
In this project, the following materials will be distributed to first-year students (approximately 26,000 students) at Yokohama City Junior High School through City of Yokohama, Board of Education Secretariat.
[Teaching materials to be distributed]
- Disaster Prevention Guide
- Disaster prevention map
- Disaster prevention box
- Disaster prevention lights
In addition, we will create animations that consist of stories tailored to the learning unit of each grade.
Hamako Disaster Prevention Project Homepage (outside site)
Press release document (Yokohama City will work with Pegasus Co., Ltd. to further promote disaster prevention and reduce disaster damage awareness) (PDF: 687KB)
History of Reference Project Launch
Pegasus Co., Ltd. provided a proposal at the co-creation front regarding disaster prevention and dissemination of reduce disaster damage in cooperation with Yokohama City.
This proposal is expected to have a synergistic effect with the promotion of the self support community support, which is undertaken by the City of Yokohama, City of Yokohama, Board of Education Secretariat, and Pegasus Co., Ltd.
- Date of signing December 1, 2021
- Pegasus Co., Ltd.
- Disaster prevention-related business (manufacturing and sales of disaster prevention (battery and lighting supplies), disaster prevention planning and development and sales of educational materials for students, manufacture and sale of disaster prevention apparel)
- IT-related business (operation of online shopping sites, planning, production and editing of video commercials)
Division of roles Roles of Yokohama City and City of Yokohama, Board of Education Secretariat Role of Pegasus Co., Ltd. - Public Relations, PR
- Coordination with relevant departments
- Planning and provision of information on disaster prevention and reduce disaster damage
- Coordination of enlightenment for elementary school student students at municipal schools
- Public Relations, PR
- Projects related to disaster prevention and reduce disaster damage
- Creation and provision of educational products and content
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Inquiries to this page
Regional Disaster Prevention Section, General Affairs Bureau Crisis Management Department
Phone: 045-671-3456
Phone: 045-671-3456
Fax: 045-641-1677
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 279-909-146