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- Do you have stockpiling?
- Effective use of stockpiled food for disasters
The text is from here.
Effective use of stockpiled food for disasters
Last updated on October 31, 2024.
About approach of Motoichi
When renewing the food stockpiled in evacuation shelter, we raise awareness of disaster prevention, such as raising awareness of the stockpiled food in Yokohama and promoting domestic stockpiling, and reducing food loss, we use the stockpiled food at the evacuation shelter and distribute it free of charge to corporations and organizations. In addition, stockpiled food whose expiration date has expired is recycled (fertilized and feed).
Free distribution for fiscal 2024
1.Information on free distribution for fiscal 2024 ※The application period has ended.
For details, please refer to the following flyer.
Please access the "Yokohama City Electronic Application / Notification Service" from the [URL] or [2D code] listed in the flyer, and apply.
■ [Attachment] Flyer (PDF: 1,045KB)
2.Map of each distribution location
3.Announcement of lottery results
■ Lottery results (List of winning application numbers) (PDF: 312KB)
※ Only the application number of the winning organization is posted. Please note that does not publish the application number of the defeat group.
※ The stockpiled food to be distributed, quantity, distribution date and time, and distribution location are specified for each winning organization, so be sure to check it.
※ The map of each distribution location is posted on this page "2. Map of each distribution location", so please check it.
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Inquiries to this page
Regional Disaster Prevention Section, General Affairs Bureau Crisis Management Office
Phone: 045-671-2011
Phone: 045-671-2011
Fax: 045-641-1677
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 255-548-192