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Preventive measures for injury

Last updated on December 23, 2022.

Prevention Measures for Injuries

Analysis of the actual situation of past emergency transport in Yokohama City revealed that the percentage of those who were transported by emergency due to injuries was high, and there were many cases where it was thought that injuries could be prevented if they knew the danger in advance. I understand.
Preventing injuries is a common issue for all age groups. In order to increase awareness of injuries and prevent injuries, we will introduce some emergency transport cases and their preventive measures.

Graph of the cause of injury based on emergency transport data from Yokohama City
Cause of injury due to emergency transport data in Yokohama City

In all age groups, "falls" and "falls" account for a high percentage.
Other than "falling" and "falling" ...
Under the age of 10, in addition to "collision", "clogging, accidentally swallowing", "burning", and "slashing" are high.
In the teens, "collusion" is a higher percentage than other age groups.
From the 20s to the 60s, in addition to "cluttering", "cutting / stabbing" and "switching" are high.
For those over 70 years old, "things are clogged / accidentally swallowed" and "drowning" are high.

Emergency transport cases and preventive measures

Preventive image of injury

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Page ID: 471-141-940


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