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- Publication of research information (opt-out)
- Publication of research information (opt-out)
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Publication of research information (opt-out)
Last updated on September 13, 2024.
What is an opt-out?
For clinical research targeting humans, it is necessary to obtain direct consent from those who are eligible in accordance with the "Ethics Guidelines for Life Science and Medical Research for Humans" (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Guidelines, partially revised on March 27, 2023). In that case, if it is difficult to obtain consent from the target person and the requirements for simplifying the consent procedure are met, the clinical research can be conducted by publicizing information on the purpose and content of the research on the website, etc., and guaranteeing the opportunity for the research subjects to refuse. This information disclosure procedure is called "opt-out."
Research conducted by the authorities
Research name
"Backward-looking research on the difficulty of emergency transport during the 8th wave of COVID-19 infection in Yokohama City"
Joint Research Organization
Yokohama City Minato Red Cross Hospital
Yokohama Municipal Citizen's Hospital
Yokohama City University Medical Center
Yokohama City University
Information Disclosure Document
Inquiries regarding this study
If you have any questions or requests for confirmation regarding this study, please contact the following.
In addition, if there is a request from the person who is subject to this study or the proxy/agent (such as a person who has been entrusted with this study) to request suspension, we will take appropriate measures.
Affiliation: Emergency Guidance Division, City of Yokohama, Fire Bureau Emergency Department
TEL: 045-334-6797
FAX number: 045-334-6710
Email: [email protected]
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Inquiries to this page
Emergency Guidance Division, Fire Bureau Emergency Department
Phone: 045-334-6797
Phone: 045-334-6797
Fax: 045-334-6710
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 266-552-685