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- Isogo Ward Fire Service First Ceremony
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Isogo Ward Fire Service First Ceremony
Last updated on December 20, 2024.
2025 Isogo Ward Fire Service First Ceremony
We would like to express our condolences to those who lost their precious lives due to the heavy rain disaster that occurred on the Noto Peninsula in Ishikawa Prefecture in September 2024, their families, and related parties.
I sincerely hope that the affected people will be able to regain their daily lives as soon as possible.
The first ceremony of the Isogo Ward Fire Department in 2025 is scheduled to be held as follows.
Date and time: From 13:30 to 15:30 on Saturday, January 11, 2025
Location: Sugita Seaside Green Space (Address: 5-31 Sugita, Isogo-ku)
On the day, we will pick you up by shuttle bus from Shin-Sugita Station Bus Rotary.
R7 shuttle bus Departure and Operation Table (PDF: 286KB)
<Part 1> Ceremony, etc. (13:30 to 14:00)
・Declaration of Opening Ceremony
・Report of Participating Units
・Introduction of guests
・Congratulatory address, etc.
<Part 2> Comprehensive firefighting performance, etc. (14: 00-14: 30)
・Fire music band performance (planned)
・Vehicle march
・Comprehensive firefighting performance / simultaneous water discharge
<Part 3> Fire contact corner (14: 30-15: 30)
・Children's fire prevention dressing experience
・Mini fire truck battery car
・Firefighting vehicle display
・Fire equipment display
※The contents of the Isogo Ward fire ceremony will be updated from time to time.
2024 Isogo Ward Fire Service First Ceremony
We would like to express our condolences to those who lost their precious lives due to the earthquake with a maximum seismic intensity of 7 that occurred on the Noto Peninsula on January 1, their families, and related parties.
I sincerely hope that the affected people will be able to regain their daily lives as soon as possible.
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The first ceremony of the Isogo Ward Fire Department in 2024 will be partially reduced.
Date and time: From 13:30 to 14:30 on Saturday, January 6, 2024
Location: Sugita Seaside Green Space (Address: 5-31 Sugita, Isogo-ku)
On the day, we will pick up and drop off by microbus (28 passengers) from Shinsugida Station Bus Rotary.
Microbus Departures and Operation Table (PDF: 514KB)
<Award ceremony, etc.> (13:30~14:00)
Report of Participating Units
Introduction of guests
<Firefighting Comprehensive Performance> (14:00~14:30)
Vehicle march
Comprehensive firefighting performance / simultaneous water discharge (with fire boats)
※There was no participation in the aviation fire brigade in the overall firefighting performance.
※The performance of the Yokohama Fire Music Band will be canceled.
<Firefighting Contact Corner> Will be canceled.
※The performance without the cedar play recorder will be canceled.
※The appearance of Chibi Godzilla will be canceled.
[State of the day]
1_A set of participating units
2_ State of Guests and Visitors
3_Award Ceremony
4_ State of vehicle march
5_Comprehensive firefighting performance (rescue activities by fire brigade staff)
6_Comprehensive firefighting performance (transportation of rescuers by fire brigade staff)
7_ Simultaneous water discharge (water discharge from fire boats)
8_ State of simultaneous water discharge
9_ Visitors, fire chief and fire chief
2023 Isogo Ward Fire Service First Ceremony
Date and time: From 10:00 to 12:00 on Saturday, January 7, 2023
Location: Isogo Ward General Government Building (public hall Ward Office parking lot)
Poster photo of Isogo Ward Fire Department's first ceremony in 2023
2023 Isogo Ward Fire Department First Poster (PDF: 2,438KB)
[Contents of implementation]
[Part 1] Ceremony
[Part 2] Firefighting Comprehensive Performance
Comprehensive firefighting performance by fire brigade and firefighters (indoor/outdoor)
※Including simultaneous water discharge by fire brigade staff
Vehicle display, water discharge experience, fire prevention dressing experience, etc.
Jazz performance by Hitorizawa High School Jazz Club (public hall Isoko)
[State of the day]
The first firefighting ceremony of Isogo Ward was held in 2023.
Firefighting comprehensive performance simultaneous water discharge
(Photo Studio Arai Co., Ltd.)
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