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Business-related plastics

Last updated on October 16, 2024.

What is Business Plastics?

 Business-related plastics are plastic waste (waste plastics) discharged from business activities. All business-related plastics are classified as industrial waste, regardless of the type of business.
 Typical examples include packaging films, styrofoam, PP bands, waste tires, and synthetic fibers. Dirty containers, chemical fiber wastes, empty containers for lunch boxes and drinks from employees' eating and drinking, helmets, etc. are also business plastic, so when disposing of them, properly dispose of them as industrial waste. Please give me.

"Plastic waste generated in all business activities is industrial waste!" Flyer (PDF: 923KB)

Separation of waste

Figure of the separation box

 When placing a sorting box in an office or factory, prepare a sorting box according to the type of waste expected at the location of the waste. It is effective to display the name of the item to be separated using illustrations and photos in an easy-to-understand manner in the sorting box.
 Please note that it is forbidden to mix industrial waste such as waste plastics into business-related general waste (burnable garbage).

Download "How to separate business-related garbage and recyclables" brochure (PDF: 1,531KB)

Appropriate disposal of industrial waste

 When entrusting the disposal of industrial waste to another person, the discharge company must comply with the following:

  ① Have an industrial waste disposal business license and entrust the contents to be entrusted to a company that is included in the scope of the business license.
  ② Comply with the outsourcing standards, such as concluding a written contract.
  ③ A manifest (industrial waste management slip) must be issued when handing over industrial waste to a transportation trustee (in the case of consignment only for disposal, the disposal trustee).

 For details, please refer to the "Basic Knowledge of Industrial Waste" page.

 In recent years, due to the growing demand for recycled plastics, there have been many consultations regarding the use of used plastics as valuables. Whether it is a waste or a valuable material is determined by comprehensively considering the properties of the material, the status of discharge, the normal handling form, the presence or absence of transaction value, and the will of the occupant.

 For more information, please refer to the "Estimation of Waste Applicability" page.

Control and recycling of plastic emissions

 On April 1, 2022, the Law Concerning the Promotion of Resource Recycling of Plastics was enacted, and it is required that the following priorities be followed for recycling of waste plastics as much as possible.

 ①Reducing emissions
 ②Those that can be recycled must be recycled (* 1)
 ③Even those that cannot be recycled, those that can recover heat should be recovered (* 2)

※(1) Make waste plastics available to be used as part of parts, raw materials or other products.
※2. Collect heat generated by incineration of waste plastics or convert it into fuel through intermediate treatment.

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Inquiries to this page

City of Yokohama, Resources and Waste Recycling Bureau Business Waste Management Section Weight Reduction Promotion Section

Phone: 045-671-2513

Phone: 045-671-2513

Fax: 045-663-0125

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 371-595-709


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