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  6. About setting of opinion exchange meeting to affect community medicine cooperation

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About setting of opinion exchange meeting to affect community medicine cooperation

Last updated on April 5, 2023.

In order to respond to medical demand from 2025 on a limited medical resource, it is necessary to promote the division of roles and cooperation of medical functions.
This time, medical institutions will mutually exchange sufficient opinions on cases that require local discussions, such as changes in bed functions, plans to increase beds and establish new hospitals, with a view to further promoting regional medical cooperation from a medium- to long-term perspective. "Exchange meeting on community medicine cooperation (hereinafter referred to as" exchange meeting ") City of Yokohama, Medical Care Bureau and the Yokohama City Hospital Association will jointly establish the event, and will be held at any time upon request from the hospital establishment or prospective establishment.
Therefore, if you would like to have a discussion at the discussion meeting, please fill out required items in the “Request for Holding Opinion Exchange Meeting (Attachment 1)” and submit it to the address below by e-mail or fax.
※Please be sure to consult in advance before submitting the request form in order to confirm the case.

1 Submission address
 City of Yokohama, Medical Care Bureau Regional Medical Section Bed Maintenance
 E-mail: [email protected]
 FAX: 045‐664‐3851

2 Attachments
・Request form for holding an opinion exchange meeting (Attachment 1 (word: 23KB))
・Outline of the discussion meeting (Attachment 2 (PDF: 114KB))

3 Notes
・The contents of the request form will be shared by City of Yokohama, Medical Care Bureau and the Yokohama City Hospital Association.
・It is assumed that it will take about three months from the request to the holding of an exchange meeting.
※If you are considering applying for a bed maintenance prior consultation, please provide it with plenty of time.

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Inquiries to this page

Regional Medical Division, Medical Care Bureau Regional Medical Department

Phone: 045-671-2972

Phone: 045-671-2972

Fax: 045-664-3851

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 922-238-972


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