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 In order to prevent the destruction of the ozone layer caused by CFCs, we strive to properly collect and dispose of CFCs.

Last updated on April 1, 2024.

What are CFCs?

 The general term for fluorocarbons (composites of fluorine and carbon) is called fluorocarbons. Since it is chemically stable and easy to handle and has a low toxicity to the human body, it has been used in a variety of applications, including refrigerant applications such as air conditioners and refrigerators.
 However, the impact on the global environment, such as the destruction of the ozone layer and global warming, has been clarified, and alternatives to CFCs and other substances that have less impact are being promoted from fields where possible.

Collection of CFCs

 In order to prevent the destruction of the ozone layer by CFCs, try to properly collect and dispose of CFCs. Details vary depending on the device to be discarded, so please check each link.

1 Treatment of home air conditioners, refrigerators / freezers, washing machines / clothes dryers CFCs

 When disposing of household air conditioners, refrigerators / freezers, washing machines / clothes dryers, disposal based on the Home Appliance Recycling Law is required.

■ When discharging from homes
How to put out air conditioners, TVs, refrigerators / freezers, washing machines / clothes dryers (Resources and Waste Recycling Bureau Business Division)
■ In case of discharge from business sites
I would like to know how to dispose of home appliances (TVs, air conditioners, refrigerators / freezers, washing machines / clothes dryers) from offices. (Resources and Waste Recycling Bureau Business Waste Management Section)

2 Processing of CFCs for commercial refrigeration and air conditioning equipment (first-class specified products)

 When disposing of commercial refrigeration and air conditioning equipment (business air conditioners, refrigerators / freezers, vending machines, store showcases, etc.), a first-class CFC filling and collection company registered with local governments based on the CFC Emission Control Law You must ask for the collection of CFCs.

3 Treatment of CFCs in end-of-life vehicle air conditioners

 If you want to scrap a car, you need to ask a company that has registered for the automatic vehicle recycling law collection. 

If it does not fall under any of the above 1-3

■ In the case of household waste
Please consult with your Resources and Waste Recycling Bureau office in your ward.
List of Resources and Waste Recycling Bureau Offices (Resources and Waste Recycling Bureau Business Division)
■ In the case of business waste
It is not collected in Yokohama. For more information, please visit the following website.
Resources and Waste Recycling Bureau Business Waste Management Section

Obligations of managers (owners) of commercial air conditioners and refrigeration equipment (first-class specific products) (from April 2015)

 According to the Law Concerning the Rational Use of CFCs and the Proper Management of CFCs (abbreviated as the CFC Emission Control Law), managers (owners) of commercial air conditioners and refrigeration equipment are required to properly manage equipment and CFCs. Management is required.

Related laws and regulations

Law Concerning the Rational Use of CFCs and Proper Management (CFC Emission Control Law) (external site)
Law on Recycling of End-of-Life Vehicles (Automobile Recycling Law) (outside site)
Specific Home Appliance Recycling Law (Household Appliance Recycling Law) (outside site)

Inquiries to this page

Environmental Management Division, Green Environment Bureau Environmental Protection Department

Phone: 045-671-2487

Phone: 045-671-2487

Fax: 045-681-2790

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 271-270-425


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