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About license to use aerial photography

Last updated on February 1, 2024.

 In Motoichi, based on "Yokohama-shi intellectual property right use permission handling summary", about aerial photograph which Motoichi owns, we admit use permission about reproduction and sale to companies meeting the next condition I am.
 If you would like to obtain a license, please contact the person in charge.

Conditions for granting license

Condition 1: Have the ability to replicate aerial photographs

 For aerial photographs (negatives and development data), which are public survey results based on the survey method, the Geographical Survey Institute aerial photograph reproduction work rules, such as gradient reproducibility, sharpness, and accuracy control such as image distortion adjustment that conforms to photo reading Have the same technical skills as inspection standards in
 In addition, since the main purpose of purchase of aerial photographs in Motoichi is often used for various applications and notifications, duplicate records etc. shall be described at the request of the purchaser.

Condition 2: Being able to sell to citizens, businesses, etc. accurately and quickly

 Establish a system and system that accurately identifies the necessary position in response to requests from citizens and businesses who are purchasers, and can respond promptly to duties from duplication to sales.
 In addition, the expansion at the time of duplication shall be supported up to the current magnification of 12 times.

Condition 3: Maintain the selling price with the current selling price of the city as the limit.

 In addition, due to the recent spread of color printing, monochrome is also printed on color printing paper, and color and monochrome are sold at the same price.
 Click here for the current selling price (PDF: 39KB) 

Condition 4: Paying copyright fees to Motoichi

 Pay 10% of the copyright fee to the city for the sale of aerial photographs.
 Reference: "10% of works of photography" in "Yokohama City Intellectual Property Rights License Handling Guidelines"


・At the time of the contract, it is assumed that the person has not received the nomination suspension according to the provisions of the measures outline (April 1, 2004) such as Yokohama City nomination suspension.
・In copying aerial photographs, it is possible to separately propose proposals that will lead to the improvement of services of users such as citizens from businesses.

Period during which the license is granted

 The license period is up to one year, and the continuation shall be discussed thereafter.

About applications, etc.

Application for license to use aerial photography (word: 20KB)
Pledge (word: 18KB) (Pledge that has not received nomination suspension by measures summary such as Yokohama-shi nomination suspension)

Contact information

 Aerial Photography Officer, Housing and Architecture Bureau City Planning Division
 〒231-0005 25th floor of 10 City Hall 6-50 Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama City
 Phone: 045-671-2657

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Inquiries to this page

Urban Planning Division, Housing and Architecture Bureau Planning Department

Phone: 045-671-2657

Phone: 045-671-2657

Fax: 045-550-4913

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 583-469-142


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