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  6. Safety Management Guidelines for Vehicle Transfer in elementary school student at Childcare and Educational Facilities

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Safety Management Guidelines for Vehicle Transfer in elementary school student at Childcare and Educational Facilities

Last updated on April 25, 2023.

 A very painful incident occurred in Fukuoka Prefecture in July 2021 and Shizuoka Prefecture in September 2022, in which elementary school student was left behind in a shuttle bus died. Safety management is a daily routine work, and its safety is an important task that must be ensured at all times.
 In response to these incidents, the city has formulated safety management guidelines for transporting vehicles in elementary school student at childcare and educational facilities.
 In each garden, please refer to these guidelines to reexamine the safety management related to vehicle pick-up and drop-off in elementary school student, discuss at staff meetings, etc., and prepare manuals for each garden according to the actual conditions ofelementary school student.
 We ask that you take measures to prevent such an accident from happening this time.

Safety Management Guidelines for Vehicle Transfer in elementary school student at Childcare and Educational Facilities (PDF: 751KB)

An example of creating a safety management manual for pick-up vehicles (word: 84KB)

Questionnaire result about garden bus (vehicle pick-up) and absence grasp of elementary school student (PDF: 794KB)

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Page ID: 651-022-973


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