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Documents to be submitted Format Construction

Last updated on December 16, 2021.

You can download the following file and use the form of documents to be submitted in common with the construction under the jurisdiction of the Port and Harbor Bureau Maintenance and Maintenance Division.

Documents to be submitted (Construction)
Documents to be submittedDocument filePDF file
A matter
01Construction started registration formFinance Bureau HP
02Breakdown of contract priceFinance Bureau HP
03Process scheduleFinance Bureau HP
04Notice of Selection of Site proxy/agent, etc.Finance Bureau HP
05Reason for delay in submission of storage documents
(Construction retiree mutual aid system)
EXCEL (Excel: 15KB)PDF(PDF:47KB)
06Construction Industry Retirement Payment Mutual Aid certificate stamp Purchasing Status Report
(Construction retiree mutual aid system)
Link to Yokohama bid door-download file list (outside site)
07Pre-Consultation Sheet for Electronic Delivery
(CALS/EC) - Building equipment
Finance Bureau HP
08Pre-Consultation Sheet for Electronic Delivery
(CALS/EC) - Civil engineering and telecommunications equipment
Finance Bureau HP
A matter
21Construction Meeting BookFinance Bureau HP
22Construction planFinance Bureau HP
25Request for consent for construction materials, etc.EXCEL (Excel: 21KB)PDF(PDF:74KB)
26Specified in the design documents
Application for inspection of construction materials
Finance Bureau HP
27Construction System Ledger

"Kan," Finance Bureau HP

"Reference Form" Finance Bureau HP

28Construction Monthly ReportEXCEL (Excel: 31KB)PDF(PDF:164KB)
29Industrial Waste Disposal (Planning and Reporting)EXCEL (Excel: 18KB)PDF(PDF:114KB)
30Notification of confirmation and disposal of construction by-productsEXCEL (Excel: 18KB)PDF(PDF:118KB)
31Out-of-site inspection applicationEXCEL (Excel: 20KB)PDF(PDF:61KB)
32Application for extension of construction completion deadlineFinance Bureau HP
33Application for partial inspection of construction work completedFinance Bureau HP
34Notice of Emergency MeasuresFinance Bureau HP
35On-site leave notification, emergency contact numberEXCEL (Excel: 21KB)PDF(PDF:174KB)
36Accident ReportFinance Bureau HP
37Power failure approval requestEXCEL (Excel: 42KB)PDF(PDF:191KB)
41Completed construction registration form
Completed registration form
Finance Bureau HP
42Delivery of construction objectsFinance Bureau HP
43Construction Industry Retirement Payment Mutual Aid certificate stampLink to Yokohama bid door-download file list (outside site)
44Construction Industry Retirement Payment Mutual Aid certificate stamp Paste Performance ReportLink to Yokohama bid door-download file list (outside site)
47Electronic medium delivery note
Finance Bureau HP
51Inspection ReportEXCEL (Excel: 31KB)PDF(PDF:98KB)
55Scarecrow Report

EXCEL (Excel: 18KB)


If you do not have any of the above documents, please contact the following department.

Electricity in charge of maintenance and maintenance section641-7966662-6565

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Inquiries to this page

Maintenance Division, Port and Harbor Bureau Construction and Maintenance Department

Phone: 045-671-7200

Phone: 045-671-7200

Fax: 045-662-6565

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 164-364-181


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