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About outdoor advertising matter class

Last updated on November 8, 2022.

What is an outdoor advertising material workshop?

 In Kanagawa Prefecture, outdoor advertising seminars are held once a year by five prefectures (Kanagawa Prefecture, Kawasaki City, Sagamihara City, Yokosuka City and Yokohama City). In addition, in 2022, an outdoor advertising seminar hosted by Yokosuka City was held on November 7 (Monday).
 (Reference) 2022 outdoor advertising matter class (Yokosuka City homepage) (outside site)

Qualifications obtained by completing the course of the workshop

 When you complete the outdoor advertising class, you will be issued a certificate of completion and you can serve the following two.
 (1) Business chief who needs to be set up for each sales office when registering for the outdoor advertising business
 (2) Maintenance chief who needs to be installed when receiving permission for outdoor advertising materials of a certain size or more

About the holding in Kanagawa Prefecture in 2023

 In fiscal 2023, Kanagawa Prefecture will host the event. For more information, please visit the following website.
 Outdoor advertising matter class (Kanagawa homepage) (outside site)

About outdoor advertising matter class held outside Kanagawa prefecture

 In Yokohama City, the certificate of completion of outdoor advertising seminars held by local governments nationwide is valid. As for the holding information of outdoor advertising matter class outside Kanagawa, please see the next homepage.
 Japan Federation of Outdoor Advertising Organizations Homepage (outside site)

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