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  6. [Implementation Report] Announcement of adoption of a demonstration project proposal for “Smart Agriculture in Urban Areas” I. TOP Yokohama Lab

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[Implementation Report] Announcement of adoption of a demonstration project proposal for “Smart Agriculture in Urban Areas” I. TOP Yokohama Lab

Last updated on April 1, 2024.

List of Adopted Proposals

We reviewed "I. TOP Yokohama Lab" Smart Agriculture in Urban Areas ", which was recruited from January 27, 2023, and adopted the following six proposals.

List of proposals for adoption (6 in total) ※In alphabetical order
  Company name

[Business Name]
Demonstration contents, expected effects, value provided

Aoba Electronics Co., Ltd.

Aoba Electronic Logo

[VR x IoT x AMR Future Farm]
By combining AMR (independent transport robot), photo images using spectrophotography cameras, and VR (virtual reality), which enables unleveled driving, enables remote monitoring, measuring the sugar content of fruits, detecting pests, and repelling, aiming to reduce the burden on agricultural land.

Image of Aoba Electronics Business

Sobal Corporation

Soval logo

[Agriculture support by utilizing AI/IoT]
By examining the relationship between sensing data of soil and atmosphere acquired by IoT systems installed on farmland and cultivation conditions (harvest amount, disease occurrence, cultivation measures, etc.) and conducting correlation analysis, we aim to establish methods by accumulating cultivation measures effective for stabilization and quality improvement as know-how.

Business Image of Soval Company

East Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation

NTT East Logo

[Demonstration of use of the new Wi-Fi standard "IEEE 802.11ah (Wi-Fi HaLowTM)"]
For the purpose of monitoring the field, cameras using a new Wi-Fi standard "IEEE 802.11ah" (communication method that reduces power consumption and realizes long-distance communication) will be installed in several locations in the field to verify whether video transmission is possible.

NTT East Image

Plant Life Systems Co., Ltd.

PL logo

[Plant development that contributes to carbon neutrality]
When cultivating rapeseed on farmland, experiments will be conducted on increasing yield, improving functionality, cultivation potential without seasonal characteristics, and CO2 absorption by utilizing the light of a specific wavelength band.

Image of PL Company

Maxell Frontier Co., Ltd.


[Notice of measures against birds and beasts damage by IoT, illegal dumping and theft]
Using the Matagi Musume LTE-M version of the pest capture monitoring system, we aim to reduce the burden on patrols by capturing traps installed by farmers and monitoring crop theft.

Image of Maxell Business


McNica logo

[Smart Agriculture Platform]
We provide cutting-edge sensors and cultivation support technologies to farmers who produce strawberries, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc. in greenhouses. Integrate and visualize information obtained from sensors, provide remote consultants and environmental control services utilizing the latest farming know-how, and provide support for DX in agriculture, operational efficiency, increase yield, quality improvement, labor management, etc.

Image of Macnica Business

Application summary (Proposal application has been closed)

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