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Yokohama Business Grand Prix-YOXO Award-

A business plan contest to discover entrepreneurs and startups aiming to provide products and services that create new value in Yokohama, and to promote entrepreneurship and new businesses in the city by utilizing IDEC Yokohama's support menu. is.

Last updated on March 20, 2023.

About the results of the "Yokohama Business Grand Prix 2023-YOXO Award-Final"

Flyer surface

List of winners
AwardNameCompany name and school nameBusiness plan name
Grand PrizeMr. Junji FukudaTrichoSeeds Co., Ltd.Regenerative medicine for hair
General Category Excellence AwardMr. Hiroshi YamanakaLOOVIC CorporationHands-free physical navigator, where everyone can walk around the city without anxiety.
Student Division Excellence AwardMr. Yuki MatsubaraKanto Gakuin UniversityActivate the town with IT x FM radio stations
Audience AwardMr. Takumi Matsuzaka

kitafuku Co., Ltd.

Malt cake up cycle recycled paper "Craft Beer Paper"

Scenes of the final day/comments of winners, etc.

[Reference] Yokohama Business Grand Prix 2023 - YOXO Award - Overview of Final Presentation

Date and time

From Saturday, February 18, 2023 13:00 to 17:00


Jobun Hall on the 6th floor of Yokohama Media and Communications Center (11, Nihon Odori, Naka-ku, Yokohama)


〇 Presentation of business plan by finalists
 Presenter: 10 (8 in general and 2 in student)
 Time 10 minutes (6 minutes of presentation, 4 minutes of question and answer session)
〇 Exhibition Lecture
 Speaker: Mr. Takayuki Matsuoka, Representative Director, Plant Life Systems, Inc.
 (Yokohama Business Grand Prix 2022 - YOXO Award winner)
〇 Awards Ceremony

List of Finalists
DivisionsNameCompany name and school nameBusiness plan name
General DivisionMr. Nobuaki KanaiwaKanaiwa Hori Stick Office Co., Ltd.

The first time in Japan! Realize social inclusion through nationwide deployment of group homes with maintenance for para-athletes

Mr. Junji FukudaTrichoSeeds Co., Ltd.Regenerative medicine for hair
Mr. Tomohiro NittaNITTA JAPAN CO., LTD.General Rehabilitation YouTube Channel "Valina Channel"
Mr. Naoki MatsuokaAll Compass LLC

ASiRec SPORTS, a body size-based marketing platform

Mr. Ryota SakaiGUGEN Software LLCVisiting exchange app raeru
Mr. Tomomi GotoSUSTANABLEME Co., Ltd.The first time in Japan! Gender neutral menopause support "MENOME"
Mr. Hiroshi YamanakaLOOVIC CorporationHands-free physical navigator, where everyone can walk around the city without anxiety.
Mr. Takumi Matsuzakakitafuku Co., Ltd.Malt cake up cycle recycled paper "Craft Beer Paper"
Student DivisionMr. Yuki MatsubaraKanto Gakuin UniversityActivate the town with IT x FM radio stations
Mr. Gohei MiyakeYokohama City UniversityPocket Port Boat Sharing

Viewing costs

Free of charge


Yokohama Corporate Management Support Foundation
Management Support Division, Management Support Department
Reception: 9:00 to 17:00 (excluding weekends and holidays)

Inquiries to this page

Innovation Promotion Division, Economic Affairs Bureau Business Innovation Department

Phone: 045-671-4600

Phone: 045-671-4600

Fax: 045-664-4867

E-Mail address [email protected]

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