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  6. We will start offering subsidies for strengthening market export capabilities (FY2023).

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We will start offering subsidies for strengthening market export capabilities (FY2023).

If business operators in the Yokohama Central Wholesale Market headquarters and southern markets respond to changes in consumption behavior due to the COVID-19 and the shrinking market in Japan due to the declining birthrate and aging population, we will support some of the costs.

Last updated on May 29, 2023.

Application method and application deadline

Application deadline: Friday, September 29, 2023

 Please submit required documents, such as business plans, to the grant application form designated by Yokohama City.
(Note) Submissions submitted by 5:00 pm on the last day of the deadline shall be submitted within the deadline.
    Even before the deadline, the application will be closed when the budget is reached.

Target person

(1) Real: Fruit and vegetable wholesaler, fishery department wholesaler, fruit and vegetable department middle wholesaler, fishery department middle wholesaler, related
        Unions composed of businesses and their businesses
        (However, when an application is made by a wholesaler, one with a wholesaler or related company, etc.
        Only when conducting business.
(2) Southern Market: A union composed of businesses operating in fruit and vegetable building stores and fisheries building stores and their businesses

Subsidy rate and subsidy limit

 The subsidy rate is 1/2, the upper limit is 250,000 yen

Subsidized business (please confirm market export power reinforcement support project subsidy summary.)

・Exhibits at exhibitions and business meetings held in Japan and overseas (including online)
・Business negotiations with overseas companies (including online implementation)
・Overseas market survey (however, only when using external institutions)
・Multilingual support (multilingual support such as catalogs, pamphlets, and e-commerce sites)
※Businesses ordered and contracted before the application submission date are not eligible for assistance.

Subsidy target expense (please confirm market export power reinforcement support project subsidy summary.)

Exhibition fees, venue equipment costs, overseas travel costs, overseas accommodation costs, printed matter production costs, communication transportation costs, interpreting and translation costs, transportation and customs clearance costs, etc.
※Specifically, please confirm "market export power reinforcement support project subsidy summary".


・Submission of grant application by September 29, 2023
・Until March 2024    Project implementation
・Submission of reports and related documents until March 31, 2024
 ※Notice 1 This subsidy is for contracts and orders after submitting the application form.
       Therefore, expenses contracted and ordered before the date stated in the application form are not eligible.
     2 If the submission of reports is delayed, subsidies cannot be paid. Keep the deadline and allow enough time for the project implementation schedule
       Please start with it.

Documents required for grant application

・Grant application [Form No. 1]
・Business plan [Form No. 1-2]
・Business income and expenditure budget book [Form No. 1-3]
・For corporations, a certificate of all matters of history (within 3 months of issuance), for individuals, a copy of registration form, etc.
・Documents proving the status of tax payment (within 3 months of issuance)
  Corporate: Tax payment certificate of most recent corporate municipal tax Individual: Certificate of Payment of the latest personal business tax
・Pledge concerning application [Form No. 1-4]
・Estimate (if necessary, reason statement)
・List of Officers, etc. [Form No. 1-5]

 You can download the form of the documents you create in-house from the following.
 In addition, it is also possible to print on A4 and hand it over on paper.

※Please obtain a certificate issued externally, such as a certificate of all history items, a tax payment certificate, etc. by yourself.

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Inquiries to this page

Economic Affairs Bureau Central Wholesale Market Management Support Section

Phone: 045-459-3333

Phone: 045-459-3333

Fax: 045-459-3307

E-Mail address [email protected]

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