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History of the Market

Last updated on May 26, 2023.

Image at the time of the Yokohama Central Wholesale Market


The home of Yokohama City Central Wholesale Market was opened in February 1931 in Japan and the first central wholesale market in eastern Japan in Yamauchi-cho, Kanagawa-ku. With the enactment of the Central Wholesale Market Act (former law) in March 1923, Yokohama City immediately started construction with the aim of promoting a stable supply of fresh foods and other items that are indispensable to the daily lives of citizens and promoting fair transactions. Preparations have begun. The temporary plan was canceled due to the Great Kanto Earthquake that occurred in September of the same year immediately after, but it was planned again as part of the Motoichi Earthquake Reconstruction Project, and was constructed over four years from January 1927, Started operations.
After the war, facilities were gradually expanded and improved in line with the increase in handling volume due to the rapid increase in the population.However, due to the aging and narrowing of facilities, in order to further enhance market functions, The fishery building and related buildings were rebuilt in September 1986, and the fruit and vegetable building was rebuilt in March 1992, and the supply of fresh food is one of the nation's leading markets.
After that, based on the "Basic Policy on Reorganization and Function Enhancement of Yokohama City Central Wholesale Market", in April 2015, the Fruits and Vegetables Departments of the Southern Market were integrated into the home, and the Fisheries Building was opened as part of the enhancement of market functions. The facility was renovated and renovated into a temperature management facility, and started operation in April 2016.

History of Reality

Year (AD)

Major Events

1859 (Ansei 6)

Yokohama Port opened in June

1871 (Meiji 4)

The market for Western-style architecture will be opened for the first time in Kinumonzaka (now Yokohama Park).
1872 (Meiji 5)Kaemon Takashima opened a four-product market (seafood, bird meat, beast meat, fruits and vegetables)
1889 (Meiji 22)The Yokohama municipal organization was enforced in April.
1923 (Taisho 12)Promulgation of the Central Wholesale Market Act (former law) in March
The Great Kanto Earthquake occurred in September
1931 (Showa 6)Opened in February, started operations for fruits and vegetables, bird eggs, and meat (currently set up a branch in Kotobuki-cho, Naka-ku)
Operation of the Bird Division began in June
Operation of the Fish Division began in October
1945 (Showa 20)The market was partially damaged by the Great Yokohama Air Raid in May.
1947 (Showa 22)Established Yokohama Fruit Cooperative in February
Established Yokohama Fruit and Vegetable Commercial Cooperative in March
Established Kinko Seika Co., Ltd. in September
Established Yokohama New and Vegetables Commercial Cooperative in October
1948 (Showa 23)Established Yokohama Fishery Co., Ltd. in January, established Yokohama Marunaka Seika Co., Ltd., and Yokohama Maruuo Co., Ltd.
1949 (Showa 24)In April, vegetable prices and distribution control were completely abolished, and selling on the market would resume.
Established Yokohama Market Refrigeration Co., Ltd. in May
1950 (Showa 25)Established the Chuo Seika Cooperative in March
1954 (Showa 29)Completed the former fruit and vegetable wholesale plant in Hashimoto-cho landfill in March
Marukura Fruit and Vegetable Commercial Cooperative was established in September.
1956 (Showa 31)Established Marunaka Fruit and Vegetable Cooperative in May
The division was abolished in July
1958 (Showa 33)Completed expansion of the former fruit and vegetable wholesale plant in January
1960 (Showa 35)Yokohama Fish Market Wholesale Cooperative was established in December
1961 (Showa 36)Completed the former fishery wholesale plant in March
1962 (Showa 37)Established Yokohama Marine Products Commercial Cooperative in April
Established Yokohama Food and Bird Egg Co., Ltd. in September
1963 (Showa 38)Completed the former Fisheries Wholesale Plant and Office in March
1967 (Showa 42)Completed the former home management government building in October
1969 (Showa 44)Established Maruhama Vegetables and Fruits Cooperative in May
Opening of Market Ohashi in June
1971 (Showa 46)Promulgation of the Wholesale Market Law (New Law) in April
1972 (Showa 47)The Yokohama City Central Wholesale Market Business Ordinance was enforced in April
1973 (Showa 48)Established Yokohamachuo Market Fruit and Vegetable Wholesale Cooperative in March
1976 (Showa 51)Completed the old fruit and vegetable department wholesale plant in June
1977 (Showa 52)Completed the first refrigerator in March
1983 (Showa 58)Completed the second refrigerator in June
In August, the name was changed from the Yokohama City Central Wholesale Market Association (established in February 1931, after name and organization change) to the Yokohama City Central Wholesale Market-related Business Cooperative.
1984 (Showa 59)The Styrofoam treatment facility was completed in March.
Completed the new fishery building through redevelopment in September
A new building was completed by redevelopment in November.
1986 (Showa 61)Completion of the Fisheries Purchasing and Parking Lot Building in September
In October, the new management government building, market center building and fishery distribution center were completed by redevelopment.
1988 (Showa 63)Yokohama Central Wholesale Market CI decision in March
1989 (Heisei 1)The ultra-low temperature freezer facility was completed in November
1990 (Heisei 2)The authentic festival was held in March (held almost every year thereafter).
1991 (Heisei 3)Completed low-temperature wholesale plant in March
1992 (Heisei 4)Complete completion of the new fruit and vegetable building through redevelopment in March
2004 (Heisei 16)Operation of the fruit and vegetable distribution center in August
2006 (Heisei 18)In March, a comprehensive external audit issued an opinion calling for a review of the future market.
In September, the mayor consulted with the Yokohama City Central Wholesale Market Establishment and Management Council on the ideal way of the market.
2007 (Heisei 19)Completed a new delivery center in the Fisheries Department in December
2008 (Heisei 20)In March, the Yokohama City Establishment Management Council reported to the mayor about "the way of market"
The Fisheries Department Regional Exchange Project started in September (held on the first and third Saturday of every month)
The opening of the harbor main line in December
2010 (2010)In July, we decided on the “Basic Policy on Market Reorganization and Strengthening Functions”
2011 (Heisei 23)Following the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Great East Japan Earthquake, inspection of agricultural and marine products began in September.
2015 (Heisei 27)In April, the fruits and vegetables department and fishery department of the southern market were integrated into the home.
2016 (Heisei 28)Completion of low temperature renovation of the fishery building in March
2017 (Heisei 29)Removal of Market Ohashi in March
2018 (Heisei 30)The multi-story parking lot was completed in March.
2021 (Reiwa 3)The bird egg section was abolished in December

Image at the time of the Yokohama Central Wholesale Market

Aerial photograph after real redevelopment

Real market opening


The southern market was opened in Kanazawa Ward, Yokohama in 1973 to respond to the growing demand for fresh products associated with the rapid population growth of Yokohama during the period of high economic growth. In addition to having a fruit and vegetable department and a fishery department as well as the home, the flower department was opened for the first time as a central wholesale market in Japan. Subsequently, in response to changes in distribution patterns and requests for strengthening quality control, in 2018-2019, the Yokohama Fresh Center, the first joint processing and delivery center centered on fruits and vegetables in Japan, has been developed by market operators. However, in response to the recent decrease in market transaction volume, etc., based on the “Basic Policy on Reorganization and Function Enhancement of the Yokohama City Central Wholesale Market” formulated in 2010, the southern market was abolished as a central wholesale market in March 2015. The fruit and vegetable departments were integrated into the home, and the flowering department was converted to a private local wholesale market in April of the same year.

History of the Southern Market

Year (AD)

Major Events

1973 (Showa 48)Established Kanagawa Prefecture Flower Retailing Cooperative in January
Completed the Fruit and Vegetables Building, Fisheries Building, Flowering Building and Related Building in September
Opened in November, the Fruit and Vegetables Department, Fisheries Department, Flowering Department, and related business operations started
Also in November, the Southern Market Fruit and Vegetable Wholesale Cooperative and Kyoueikai were established.
1974 (Showa 49)Established the Yokohama Central Market Fisheries Intermediaries Cooperative in June
1977 (Showa 52)Completed in March 2013.
1980 (Showa 55)Completed the marine product delivery center in July
1985 (Showa 60)Completion of fresh food refrigerator in March
Similarly, in March, Yokohama Southern Fruit and Vegetable Commercial Cooperative was established.
1987 (Showa 62)Completed styrofoam treatment facility in March
1989 (Heisei 1)Opened the Seaside Line on the Yokohama Seaside Line in July.
Completed the fruit and vegetable processing and delivery center in November
1990 (1990)The first Southern Market Festival was held in March (held almost every year thereafter).
Completed a seawater supply facility for live fish in March
1991 (Heisei 3)Completed low-temperature wholesale plant in March
1993 (Heisei 5)Completed the fruit and vegetable department store in September
1994 (Heisei 6)Completed the vegetable wholesale refrigerator in March
1999 (Heisei 11)In July, service commenced between Honmoku Pier and Sankeien and between Sugita and Sachiura at the Metropolitan Expressway Wangansen.
2000 (Heisei 12)Completed low-temperature wholesale plant in the Fisheries Department in March
2001 (Heisei 13)In October, service between Sankeien and Sugita commenced at the Metropolitan Expressway Wangansen, which will allow direct access to the nearest Sugita IC from Tokyo.
2003 (Heisei 15)Expanded low-temperature wholesale plant in the fruit and vegetable building in July
2004 (Heisei 16)Completed low-temperature wholesale plant in Fisheries Department in June
2006 (Heisei 18)Operation of the first phase of the Yokohama Fresh Center (Fishing and Distribution Center) in April
2007 (Heisei 19)Operation of the second phase of the Yokohama Fresh Center (Fishing and Distribution Center) began in August.
2011 (Heisei 23)Inspection of agricultural and marine products began in September
2015 (Heisei 27)The Central Wholesale Market was abolished in March
In April, the Fruit and Vegetables Department and the Fisheries Department were used as a place for processing, delivery, and distribution (designated storage location outside the market) to complement the authenticity, and the flowering department was converted to a privately run local wholesale market.

Aerial photographs at the time of the opening of the Southern Market

The first joint processing and delivery center in Japan

Market Festival in the Southern Market

(3)Meat Market

The Yokohama Central Wholesale Market Meat Market was opened in 1959 as the first meat central wholesale market in eastern Japan. During this time, the liberalization of beef imports, the spread of pathogenic Escherichia coli O-157 nationwide, and the occurrence of cow spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) were affected. We developed a coughing inhalation removal device (Yokohama Safety), which inhales and extracts, to achieve results, and also used it in the meat market nationwide. In addition, among Japanese black beef, which was raised and shipped by Japanese beef fattening farmers nationwide, high-quality beef carefully selected by professional eyes has been certified and offered as the “Yokohama beef originating in the market” brand. We will continue to aim for a market that can provide a stable supply of safe and reliable meat.

History of the Meat Market

Year (AD)

Major Events

1950 (Showa 25)Established Yokohama Meat Commercial Cooperative in February
1959 (Showa 34)Established Yokohama Meat Co., Ltd. in June
In August, Yokohama City Central and Slaughterhouse Ordinance
Opened in November and started operations
1966 (Showa 41)Established the Yokohama Meat Sales Cooperative in September
1972 (Showa 47)Promulgation of the Yokohama City Central Wholesale Market Business Ordinance in March
1979 (Showa 54)Completed a comprehensive market building in October
1980 (Showa 55)Established Yokohama Meat Corporation in August
1989 (Heisei 1)Completed the main building in November
1991 (Heisei 3)Liberalization of beef imports in April
1994 (Heisei 6)Completed the wholesale building in September
1995 (Heisei 7)Completed F-class freezer in January
1996 (Heisei 8)In July, pathogenic Escherichia coli O-157 outbreak nationwide
1998 (Heisei 10)In June, Yokohama Meat Carrying Co., Ltd. changed its name to Yokohama Meat Market Co., Ltd.
1999 (Heisei 11)Established Yokohama Meat by-product cooperative in April
2001 (Heisei 13)In May, “Yokohama Beef from Market” was listed for the first time.
In October, as a countermeasure against the occurrence of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), all cow tests started.
Development of a spinal cord inhalation removal device (Yokohama Safetyfty) in November
2006 (Heisei 18)Renovation of small animal (pork) dismantling line in March
2009 (Heisei 21)Renovation of a large animal (cow) dismantling line in March
2010 (2010)Foot-and-mouth disease occurred in Miyazaki Prefecture in April and ended in August.
2011 (Heisei 23)Following the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Great East Japan Earthquake, the entire beef inspection began in August.
Refurbishment and expansion of small animal convulsions in October
2013 (Heisei 25)In October, swine epidemic diarrhea occurred for the first time in seven years, strengthening the epidemic control system.
2017 (Heisei 29)Opened the Yokohama Meat Market PR Center in August

Appearance at the time of 1962 (Yokohama City History Archives)

Image of an aerial photograph of the meat market

Image of meat fair photo

Image of PR hall photo

Inquiries to this page

Economic Affairs Bureau Central Wholesale Market Operation Coordination Division

Phone: 045-459-3323

Phone: 045-459-3323

Fax: 045-459-3307

E-Mail address [email protected]

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