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Skilled Worker Management Survey

 In this survey, we conducted a survey of skilled workers in Yokohama City on the current business situation following the expansion of COVID-19 infection, prospects for future recovery, and medium- to long-term prospects, including the impact on business succession. The purpose was to provide the basis for planning and drafting measures to promote skilled workers in Motoichi.

Last updated on March 11, 2021.

Method of investigation

(1) Survey area   : The entire Yokohama-shi area
(2) Survey target   : Companies extracted from businesses belonging to the Yokohama City Skills Organization Liaison Council
(3) Extraction method   : Yokohama-shi technical job group communication meeting company list
(4) Survey method   : Questionnaire survey of 4,000 businesses
             Hearing survey of 500 companies out of the companies that responded
(5) Survey period   : Questionnaire Survey From November 24 (Tuesday) to December 10 (Thursday)
             Hearing survey December 21, 2012 (Monday)-January 27, 2013 (Wednesday)
(6) Investigating Agency : Ax Corporation

Survey items

A total of 31 questions
(1) About the attributes of respondents
(2) Business description
(3) Recent business conditions
(4) Impact of the COVID-19 infection Problem
(5) Medium- to long-term management issues
(6) Reasons and triggers for becoming a technician

Results of questionnaire collection

Number of valid responses : 1,844 specimens
Recovery rate: 46. 1%

View of Survey Results

(1) n in the chart represents the number of respondents in the question. Depending on the question, the response target is limited.
   The number of valid responses may not be valid.
(2) Even if there is no answer due to the question, if one of the total answers is answered, it is included in the number of valid answers.
(3) Percentage ratio is calculated by n as 100.0%, rounded to the second minority to the first minority.
   For this reason, the total ratio may be less than 100.0% or higher.

Results of the survey

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Inquiries to this page

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Page ID: 509-006-793


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