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- About acceptance of certification of "Advanced equipment introduction plan"
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About acceptance of certification of "Advanced equipment introduction plan"
Last updated on June 7, 2024.
In Yokohama City, based on the "Small and Medium Enterprise Management Enhancement Law", SMEs with offices in Yokohama City examine the "Advanced Equipment Installation Plan" formulated for the purpose of improving labor productivity to a certain extent. We authorize when we match introduction promotion basic plan of Motoichi.
In addition to receiving a special property tax exemption for newly acquired equipment by March 31, 2025 based on the introduction plan for certified advanced equipment, etc., the city's system loan "SGDs Yokohama Fund" can be used. You.
Introduction plan flyer for advanced equipment (PDF: 749KB)
Specifically, please see management support "support by introduction system such as advanced equipment" (Small and Medium Enterprise Agency HP) (outside site).
Precautions for Application
- Until the certificate is issued, it will take about two weeks after receiving the mailed documents in this section. If there are any incomplete application documents, etc., it may take some time to certify, so please consider the period carefully before applying.
- When applying, be sure to send the data by e-mail along with sending the documents. For details on the destination, etc., please refer to “3. How to Apply and Receipt of Certificate” below.
Basic Plan for Promoting Introduction of Yokohama City
You can see the introduction promotion basic plan of Yokohama City here.
Yokohama-shi introduction promotion basic plan (PDF: 138KB)
About application for certification of "Advanced equipment introduction plan"
1.About new application
Required Documents to be submitted |
①Certification application for advanced equipment introduction plan and (attached sheet) introduction plan for advanced equipment (docx format (word: 26KB)) |
②Confirmation letter on advanced equipment introduction plan (certification support organization confirmation) [original] (docx format (word: 22KB)) (Note 1) |
③Pledge (docx format (word: 21KB)) |
④Check sheet for application submission (xlsx format (Excel: 27KB)) (Note 2) | |
⑤Reply envelope (with the applicant's Address, name and stamp attached) (Note 3) |
Required Documents to be submitted |
Confirmation letter on investment plans related to advanced equipment (certification support organization confirmation) [original] (docx format (word: 33KB)) (Note 4) |
Lease contracts | All of the following two points are required. |
When receiving the 1/3 special property tax exemption (2/3 reduction) (Note 5) |
Documents proving that employees have announced their wage increase policy [original] (docx format (word: 20KB)) |
(Note 1) Labor productivity is 3% per year on average (9% for a three-year plan, 12% for a four-year plan) by introducing equipment directly used for production and sales activities necessary for improving labor productivity Please attach a confirmation letter (original) from a certified management innovation support organization that is expected to improve.
(Note 2) Please be sure to check all items for items II and III.
(Note 3) We use to send copy of certification book (one A4 size) from Yokohama-shi and certification application (including introduction plan such as advanced equipment).
- We recommend that you use letter packs and letter pack lights for reply envelopes so that you can check the transmission record.
- For the address, please include Address and name of the application form (if it is sent to a third party, we may ask you to resend the envelope).
- Please attach a stamp (the amount that can send the same heavy items as the application documents) to the reply envelope. (Not required for letter packs)
(Note 4) Please submit the attachment of the confirmation letter on the investment plan issued by the accredited support organization and the status of conformity with the attached standards.
(Note 5) The wage increase policy can only be positioned within the plan at the time of new application. When applying for a change, the wage increase policy cannot be added to the plan. This document must be signed by the employee representative (seal is also acceptable). (Only registered names are not allowed)
2.About change application after plan authorization
After the plan is approved, if you intend to change the introduction plan for advanced equipment that has been certified by additional acquisition of equipment, etc., you need to apply for a change. However, in the case of minor changes, there is no need to apply for change. (Note 1)
Required Documents to be submitted |
①Certification application for changes in the introduction plan for advanced equipment, etc. and (Attachment) introduction plan for advanced equipment, etc. (after change) (Note 2) (docx format (word: 24KB)) |
②Confirmation letter about introduction plan such as advanced equipment (certification support organization confirmation) [original] (docx format (word: 22KB)) |
③A copy of the introduction plan of the old advanced equipment (copy of what was returned after certification) (Note 3) | |
④Reply envelope (with the applicant's Address, name and stamp attached) |
Required Documents to be submitted | Confirmation letter on investment plans related to advanced equipment (certification support organization confirmation) [original] (docx format (word: 33KB)) |
Lease contracts | All of the following two points are required.
(Note 1) Minor changes that do not change the purpose of the certified advanced equipment introduction plan, such as slight changes in the acquisition amount and financing amount of equipment, changes in the model number of equipment, changes in the model number of equipment, changes in the representative of the corporation, etc. is.
(Note 2) Please make it in a form that revises the introduction plan for certified advanced equipment. Underline changes and postscripts so that changes can be easily understood. Also, if you want to introduce additional equipment, please revise your target so that the labor productivity growth rate is higher than the previous plan.
(Note 3) Please state that it is the plan before the change by handwriting in the plan.
3.How to apply and how to receive the certificate
How to apply
Please apply for required documents (paper) by simple registered mail or other means at the time of application. In addition to mailing, please send the introduction plan (Word file) of advanced equipment in required documents to the following e-mail address.
Application Destination
〒231-0005 31st floor of Yokohama City Hall 6-50-10 Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture
To Yokohama City Economic Affairs Bureau Manufacturing Support Division
“Application documents for certification of the introduction plan of advanced equipment, etc.”
How to send e-mail
Destination: [email protected]
Title Application for introduction of advanced equipment, etc. (XX Corporation)
Text Please specify the company name, person in charge, and contact information.
Points to note
- Please send only the introduction plan of advanced equipment by e-mail.
- The application will not be accepted by sending the above e-mail. You will be required to mail required documents (paper) upon application.
- If there are any deficiencies in the application documents, we will notify the applicant of the correction by email.
- If the correction is not made within a certain period of time after sending the correction request e-mail, or if the correction request cannot be notified, the complete set of application documents may be returned in a reply envelope. Thank you for your understanding.
How to receive the Certificate
The certificate will be mailed with the reply envelope enclosed at the time of application.
4.Points to note
- It is "essential" to acquire advanced equipment after the plan is approved. Therefore, after the equipment has already been acquired, it is not possible to obtain the certification of the “Advanced Equipment Installation Plan”.
- As the system was revised in April 2023, plans approved before March 31, 2023 cannot be used.
- After the plan is approved, a questionnaire survey may be conducted to understand the progress of the introduction plan for advanced equipment.
- Please note that the requirements for certification of the introduction plan for advanced equipment and the requirements for receiving special measures for property tax are different.
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Inquiries to this page
Manufacturing Support Division, Small and Medium Enterprise Fisheries Promotion Department, Economic Affairs Bureau
Phone: 045-671-3490
Phone: 045-671-3490
Fax: 045-664-4867
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 590-428-266