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  6. Yokohama City Workers' Welfare Mutual Aid (Hama Friend)

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Yokohama City Workers' Welfare Mutual Aid (Hama Friend)

"Hama Friend" is a welfare service for small and medium-sized businesses in the city implemented by Yokohama City.

Last updated on March 25, 2024.

What is the Yokohama City Workers' Welfare Mutual Aid Project (Hama Friend)?

Yokohama City Workers' Welfare Mutual Aid (Hama Friend) was launched in 1970. Since then, Yokohama City and small and medium-sized business owners have cooperated to implement welfare programs that take advantage of economies of scale. We offer a variety of welfare programs for business establishments with less than 300 employees in Yokohama.

Subscription conditions

Business establishments (companies, shops, etc.) with less than 300 employees in Yokohama city.
※You can also join sole proprietors, public interest corporations, hospitals, NPOs, etc.
※Due to the welfare system of the establishment, individuals who do not run the business cannot join.

Membership fee

The membership fee is 500 yen per month per member, and the employer is responsible for the full amount.

Scope of use

The users of the various services are the members themselves and their relatives within their second degree.
※The scope of the benefit business and some services is different.

Overview of Service

We provide various benefits to members, support events such as sports competitions, stays, and health checkups.
For details of the service, please refer to the "Hama Friends" website below.

Requests for materials and inquiries

Hama Friend Office
Address: 2-4-7 Bandaicho, Naka-ku, Yokohama City Skills cultural center 5F
Phone: 045-662-4435
Fax: 045-224-5868
Reception hours: Weekdays from 8:45 to 17:15

Yokohama City Workers' Welfare Mutual Aid Management Council

Overview of the Council

Date of installation: June 1, 1970
Purpose of installation: Established as an affiliated organization of the mayor to discuss benefits and other important matters related to the operation of worker welfare mutual aid.
Main deliberations: Business performance report, explanation of business plan for the next fiscal year, commission of council members and election of chairpersons, etc.
Number of committee members (28th term): 10 people
Committee member list: List of the 28th committee members (PDF: 93KB) (as of September 1, 2024)
Next time schedule: Monday, March 24, 2025 (PDF: 104KB)

Council minutes


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Inquiries to this page

Employment and Labor Division, Civil Economic and Labor Department, Economic Affairs Bureau

Phone: 045-671-2341

Phone: 045-671-2341

Fax: 045-664-9188

E-Mail address [email protected]

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