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- Sales channel development support business
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Sales channel development support business
Last updated on April 15, 2024.
Yokohama City is conducting a sales channel development support project as part of a support project for new technology development. We certify businesses that produce and own excellent products as eligible businesses for sales channel development support, and provide various support menus such as trial use at administrative sites, support for exhibition exhibitions, and dispatch of consultants.
Recruitment Guide
Recruitment guidance for 2024 (PDF: 1,761KB)
※Please be sure to read the application guide before applying.
1.Companies eligible for support
・Small and medium-sized enterprises that have a main office in the city and have no delinquency of city tax that has been operating in the city for more than one year.
・Be a business operator that develops and produces the products to be applied for.
・Being a business operator that implements initiatives that lead to decarbonization in management and business activities. (※)
※If you are not sure whether your company is applicable, please refer to the items in the application form and the "Decarbonization Guidelines for Small and Medium Enterprises in the City".
2.Overview of Business
Target products
・ It must be a good thing. ※Provision of services (services) is not eligible.
・ Sales have started at the time of application, and sales have started within 5 years from the time of application.
Support menu after certification
Grant menu | Details |
Purchase and trial use at administrative sites in Yokohama City |
If there is a request for a trial from the administrative site of the city and conditions such as prices match, purchase and trial in the city. (We do not promise to purchase.) |
Technical Show Yokohama 2025 (outside site) Exhibition in Yokohama Monozukuri Zone | Free exhibit |
Free dispatch of consultants for sales channel development and PR | Up to 12 times |
Exhibit at PR exhibitions | Free exhibit |
Support for financing related to products, etc. | Yokohama City Small and Medium Enterprise Loan Program “Public Business tie-up fund” |
3.Flow of Procedure
① Prior consultation 17:00 from Monday, April 15 to Friday, May 24 ※Essential
② Application After prior consultation-Friday, June 7 23:59 Deadline
③Visit survey From late June to mid-July
④Examination committee Early to mid-September
⑤Notification of Examination Results Mid-October
4.How to apply
①Prior consultation
Prior consultation period: From Monday, April 15, Reiwa 6 to Friday, May 24, 17:00
※Reservation is required for advance consultation.
※In addition, "account for business" of "Yokohama-shi electronic application, report system (outside site)" is necessary for reservation.
If you have not completed user registration, please register as a business operator.
However, if you have a "G-Biz ID", you can log in with the "G-Biz ID".
②Application ※If you have not received prior consultation, you will not be able to apply.
Application submission period
Prior consultation-Friday, June 7 23:59 ※Punctuality
How to submit an application
Please submit the application form in one of the following ways:
・Application from a dedicated web form
Click the image below to access the dedicated web form to apply.
※File size limit
The file size that can be uploaded is as follows.
Please check and compress the file size before applying.
If you are unable to upload due to the maximum file size, please contact us.
・1 File size upper limit "10MB"
・Maximum total of all files "100MB"
・Application by mail
Please send a complete set of application documents to the application below.
6-50-10 Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama 31st floor, Yokohama City Hall
Economic Affairs Bureau Manufacturing Support Division, New Technology Development Section
※Notes on Application
・The application shall be one case per applicant.
・Please submit all documents by the deadline. If you do not have the documents or required items is not filled out, we will not be able to accept them.
・Accepting an application is not eligible for certification. Accreditation and non-accreditation will be determined through the examination committee.
・After submitting the application form, please note that the person in charge of Motoichi may contact the person in charge of confirmation of the application details to the person in charge of the company outline (second style).
・We will contact you separately for the visit survey schedule.
・The submitted documents will not be returned.
Application Form
・Complete application form (word: 60KB) (first style, second style)
・Visit survey schedule adjustment table (Excel: 11KB)
・Application Document Checklist (word: 28KB) ※If you submit by mail or bring it, please submit it together.
・Questionnaire (word: 25KB) ※If you submit by mail or bring it, please submit it together.
・INPIT Kanagawa Intellectual Property Support Desk (Click the image below to open the website.)
5.Certification method
Authorization is decided after examination in support project examination committee such as Yokohama-shi new technology development based on documents which had you submit.
About support project examination committee such as Yokohama-shi new technology development
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Inquiries to this page
Economic Affairs Bureau Manufacturing Support Division, Yokohama City
Phone: 045-671-2567
Phone: 045-671-2567
Fax: 045-664-4867
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 679-848-003