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Manufacturing Attractiveness Improvement Subsidy

Last updated on April 26, 2024.


 By subsidizing a part of the expenses for efforts to promote residents' understanding of manufacturing of small and medium-sized manufacturers in the city, foster human resources, and disseminate the appeal of manufacturing, and to solve problems in industrial areas. The purpose is to contribute to the improvement of the attractiveness of manufacturing and industrial areas, as well as to the cooperation and revitalization between regions.

Application guide (Please be sure to check the application guide before applying.)

Overview of Grants


  1. Being a person who conducts business in cooperation with three or more small and medium-sized manufacturers with offices (head office, branch office, factory, research institute (research department)) in Yokohama city for at least one year. (Hereinafter referred to as "subsidized partner companies") (excluding deemed large companies)
  2. Being a "Regional Industry Association that is a member of the Association of Yokohama City Industry Association" or "Yokohama City Industry Association Federation Yokohama Youth Management Association". (Hereinafter referred to as "Regional Industry Association, etc.")

Projects to be subsidized

Being a business that is sponsored by the grantee and conducted in Yokohama City and a voluntary non-profit business that falls under any of the following table.
For details, please refer to the application guidelines.

Expenses to be subsidized

Dissemination of the appeal of manufacturing

Human resource development subsidy

・Businesses that contribute to promoting the understanding of residents, etc. of manufacturing and local industries or disseminating attractiveness
(Example: Open Factory, Workshop, Local Industry Introduction Event)
・Projects that contribute to the development of future manufacturing human resources mainly for elementary school student students in elementary, junior high and high schools
(Example: Work experience for dispatch lecture/off site lecture and elementary and junior high school students)
・Creating videos to disseminate the appeal of manufacturing

・Training and study session holding business for human resource development
Subsidy for solving problems such as industrial areas※

・Installation of night lighting in industrial parks
・Flower planting and planting activities to prevent illegal dumping
・Traffic volume survey to solve traffic congestion

・Creation of educational materials related to disaster prevention

※Subsidies for solving industrial areas, etc. are only for regional industrial associations, etc. specified in 2 of the recipients.

 Expenses to be subsidized

Of the expenses in the tables in the following (1) and (2), all contracts, acquisitions, implementation, etc., and payments have been completed by the date of the performance report.
For details, please refer to the application guidelines.

(1) Dissemination of manufacturing appeal and subsidies for human resource development




Reward expenses

Rewards to instructors, performance fees, etc.

The instructor fee must be appropriate for the business.

Travel expenses

Transportation expenses for instructors, etc. 

Travel expenses for inspections of applicants are not covered.

Cost of consumables

Paper costs for flyers required for dissemination, material costs, production costs for information signs, etc., souvenirs distributed free of charge to event visitors (disclosed in advance in flyers, etc.), clothing costs for staff

The quantity must be appropriate for the business. General consumables such as office supplies are excluded.

Printing and bookbinding costs

Printing costs for posters, flyers, conference materials, etc.

The quantity must be appropriate for the business.

Advertising fees

Newspaper insertion costs, etc.

The quantity must be appropriate for the business.


Loss and liability insurance premiums, accident insurance premiums, etc.


Consignment fee

Venue commissions, venue security commissions, etc.
Video creation commission fee, brochure creation commission fee, etc.


Rental fees and rent

Venue usage fee (Oma fee), rent, equipment rental fee, sound equipment rental fee, etc.


(2) Subsidy for solving problems such as industrial areas (target expenses vary depending on the business content)

Business description



Installation of night lighting

Equipment costs

Those used as night lighting (excluding those prepared in advance)

Installation costs

Related to the installation of night lighting.
Installation costs by the applicant are not eligible

Flower planting and planting activities

Purchase costs

Purchase costs for soil, trees, flowers, etc.


Of the expenses required for maintenance costs such as sawing materials and fences at the planting site, cleaning costs, etc., those approved by the mayor

Traffic volume survey to solve traffic congestion

Outsourcing and outsourcing expenses

Consignment costs for surveys, etc.


Other expenses required for the survey expenses, those approved by the mayor

Creation of educational materials related to disaster prevention

Outsourcing and outsourcing expenses

Outsourcing and printing costs for creating pamphlets, etc.


Other expenses required for the creation of enlightenment materials recognized by the mayor

1 Expenses that can be confirmed (use, unit price, scale, etc.) can be confirmed, and that can be clearly classified as related to this subsidy project are eligible.
2 The cost of purchasing equipment and audio equipment is not covered.
3 Excludes expenses for the applicant's own products, services, and personnel expenses.

Grant rate and grant limit

1/2 of the subsidized expenses (up to 200,000 yen)

Submission of grant application (please be sure to do before project implementation)

Prior consultation

First of all, please provide advance notice by the following e-mail address or telephone, and advance consultation. (The person in charge will contact you to return.)
[Advance consultation deadline] 5:00 pm on Wednesday, January 15, 2025
TEL: 045-671-2567 (weekdays from 9:00 to 17:00)
E-Mail address [email protected]

Grant application

After prior consultation, we will apply for grant from the electronic application system.
If it is difficult to apply electronically, please contact the person in charge. (Phone number: 045-671-2567 (weekdays from 9:00 to 17:00))
Please refer to the application guide for documents required at the time of application.
Please download the list of names (second style) for officers from "Summary / Style" at the bottom of the homepage.

[Application deadline] 5:00 pm on Friday, January 31, 2025

You can access the application form by clicking the image below.

Performance Report

Once the project is implemented, we will report the results.
If it is difficult to apply electronically, please contact the person in charge. (Phone number: 045-671-2567 (weekdays from 9:00 to 17:00))
[Application deadline] Within 60 days from the date of completion of the project or until Friday, March 14, 2025, whichever comes first.
※The application form for the performance report is currently under preparation.
As soon as you are ready, you can access the application form by clicking the image below.

Performance Report Application Form

Outlines, styles, etc.

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Inquiries to this page

In charge of Economic Affairs Bureau Manufacturing Support Division, Yokohama City

Phone: 045-671-2567

Phone: 045-671-2567

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 260-928-925


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