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  5. Cooperation with businesses related to material procurement and business reconstruction support in the event of a disaster
  6. Cooperation agreement companies and organizations related to material procurement and business reconstruction support in the event of a disaster

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Cooperation agreement companies and organizations related to material procurement and business reconstruction support in the event of a disaster

Last updated on January 29, 2024.

Cooperation agreement companies and organizations related to material procurement and business reconstruction support in the event of a disaster

Cooperation agreement companies and organizations related to material procurement and business reconstruction support in the event of a disaster
Cooperation in supplying daily necessitiesWith the cooperation of groups and companies, when there is a shortage of food etc. stored by Motoichi at the time of disaster, or when it is deemed that there is a possibility of shortage, based on the request of Motoichi, receive the supply of handling goods from cooperating companies I have an agreement.

City Section
Commercial Promotion Division
TEL: 045-671-3488

Cooperation in supplying emergency suppliesAt the time of disaster occurrence and when there is a possibility of occurrence, we have concluded an agreement to receive the supply of emergency living supplies from cooperating organizations based on requests from Motoichi.
[Cooperating organization] Co-op eucorp

City Section
Consumer Economy Division
TEL: 045-671-2584

Support for business reconstruction of affected businesses
(Industrial one-stop center in the event of an earthquake)
With the cooperation of specialized organizations, we will provide one-stop business reconstruction support, such as "information provision," "consultation," and "procedures," in response to the needs of the affected businesses.
[Related Organizations]
  • Yokohama Corporate Management Support Foundation
  • Yokohama Chamber of Commerce
  • Yokohama Credit Guarantee Association
  • Kanagawa Social Insurance Labor Professionals Association
  • Kanagawa Bar Association
  • Kanagawa Prefecture Japan Information Service Industry Association
  • Japan Finance Corporation Yokohama Branch
  • Kanagawa Small and Medium Enterprise Diagnosis Association

City Section
Finance Division
TEL: 045-671-2592

Inquiries to this page

Economic Affairs Bureau General Affairs Department General Affairs Division

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