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  5. Economic Affairs Bureau, Yokohama The Challenge - Yokohama The Challenge-YOKOHAMA, 2020 Japan Barrier-Free Project, The Dream -YOKOHAMA, Video Works

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Economic Affairs Bureau, Yokohama The Challenge - Yokohama The Challenge-YOKOHAMA, 2020 Japan Barrier-Free Project, The Dream -YOKOHAMA, Video Works

Economic Affairs Bureau, Yokohama The challenge-YOKOHAMA, 2020 Japan Barrier-Free Project, and The Dream -YOKOHAMA, which are supported by Yokohama City. Each project is sponsored by Economic Affairs Bureau in Yokohama as a public interest initiative aimed at expanding opportunities for children to play an active role in society, enhancing corporate value, and actively promoting barrier-free activities. (Organized by Body and Brain Co., Ltd.) Please refer to it as an initiative related to local, social and employment by companies.

Last updated on June 14, 2022.

Notes on external links

Since the linked organizations and contents are not under the control of Yokohama City, the city shall not assume any responsibility based on the Yokohama City Internet Information Receiving Guidelines. In addition, Yokohama City does not recommend its contents.

The Challenge -Yokohama The Challenge -YOKOHAMA

The Challenge - Yokohama is a project for "Yokohama Corporate Report" and "Workplace Experience" for children with disabilities.

The Challenge -YOKOHAMA - 9 brave men x Inet Co., Ltd.

2020 Japan Barrier-Free Project

The 2020 Japan Barrier-Free Project is a project to expand the opportunities for children with disabilities to society together with the government, government, embassies and companies.

YokohamaINITIATIVE-SDGs Barrier-free starting from the future city Yokohama!


This is a project in which children with disabilities in Yokohama, sports teams in Yokohama, and companies in Yokohama co-create with the theme of dreams.

The Dream -YOKOHAMA Y.S.C. meet children! -Daisuke Matsui, Pie Riyan Eun, Shunta Nishiyama

2020 JapanBarrierFreeProject Other Open Works

Inquiries to this page

Economic Affairs Bureau Small and Medium Enterprise Fisheries Promotion Department Small and Medium Enterprise Promotion Division

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Phone: 045-671-4236

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