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Consultation and support for small businesses

In Yokohama City, we will strengthen support for small and medium-sized businesses that support the Yokohama economy, especially small businesses.

Last updated on October 30, 2024.

Support menu for small businesses

Free business trip consultation by experts

In IDEC Yokohama, we will establish a team to support small businesses and open a dedicated dial, go to the site of small businesses, and work with the Yokohama Credit Guarantee Association and financial institutions to organize and resolve issues. We will provide support while cooperating.
Business trip consultation handbill (PDF: 21,192KB)
(Inquiry) Economic Affairs Bureau Small and Medium Enterprise Promotion Division 045-671-4236

Fundraising support (financing system)

In the Yokohama City Small and Medium Enterprise Loan Program, we offer "Small Enterprise Special Funds" and "Small Enterprise Funds Stable Support Funds" as fund menus for small businesses.

Special funds for small businesses
 It can be used for both working capital and capital funds at low interest rates.
"Small Business Cash Stabilization Support Funds"
 Within a loan period of one year, there is no need to repay the principal every month and continuous use is possible.

※For other information on SME loans, please see the information on Yokohama SME Loan.
(Inquiry) Economic Affairs Bureau Finance Division 045-671-2592

Digitization assistance

We will establish a new introduction course for small businesses in the SME digitization promotion support subsidy, and support the expenses related to software, etc., introduced by small businesses to improve productivity through digitization.
2024 Small and Medium Enterprise Digitalization Promotion Support Subsidy Yokohama City (
(Inquiry) Economic Affairs Bureau Manufacturing Support Division 045-671-3490

Those who can use it

Employees who have offices in Yokohama City and always use them.
①Manufacturing, construction, transportation, and other industries are less than 20 companies
②Wholesale, retail, and service businesses are less than 5 companies and sole proprietors
※However, only funding support, the accommodation and entertainment businesses in the service industry have less than 20 employees.

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Inquiries to this page

Economic Affairs Bureau Small and Medium Enterprise Fisheries Promotion Department Small and Medium Enterprise Promotion Division

Phone: 045-671-4236

Phone: 045-671-4236

Fax: 045-664-4867

E-Mail address [email protected]

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