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Construction Industry Revitalization Measures Subsidy

※Registration will begin on April 15, 2024.

Last updated on April 18, 2024.


For the purpose of contributing to the revitalization of the construction industry and the securing of human resources for the future, we will support a part of the expenses such as businesses related to securing and fostering human resources performed by small and medium-sized construction companies based in Yokohama City.
When conducting online recruitment activities and acquiring national qualifications related to the construction industry (reception starts on April 15, 2024!) It can also be used to introduce new technologies such as BIM and drones, and to attend seminars to achieve zero carbon!


(1) Being a company engaged in the construction industry, a small business person, or a construction industry organization
(2) Comply with relevant laws and regulations
(3) Do not be a gangster based on the Yokohama City Gangster Exclusion Ordinance. Not be a corporation that has a representative or officer who falls under a gangster
(4) Other not being a person deemed inappropriate by the mayor

Projects to be subsidized

Businesses that fall under any of the following table

List of projects eligible for grant
Classification Projects to be subsidized Expenses to be subsidized Contents Grant limit
Recruitment Activities

Joint company briefing
Exhibit at interviews, etc.

Exhibit expenses Booth usage fee 100,000 yen
Venue maintenance costs Exhibition booth decoration lights
Wiring and piping charges in the exhibition booth
Water and utility costs in the venue
Rental fees for equipment, etc.

Other required for exhibitors
Of expenses, those approved by the mayor

Posting on employment information sites, etc. Publication costs Information publication fee
Recruitment Activities
(Environmental improvement)
Introduction of web interview tools Communication and transportation costs Usage fees for web interview tools, etc. 50,000 yen
Outsourcing expenses Consignment costs related to environmental improvement

Other web interview tools
Required for introduction
Of expenses, those approved by the mayor

Recruitment Activities

Creation of workplace PR videos, etc. Outsourcing expenses Consignment costs for creating videos, etc.

For creating other videos

Of the expenses required
Thing which the mayor recognizes
Create a website Outsourcing expenses Website creation commissions

For other homepage creation

Of the expenses required
Thing which the mayor recognizes
Creation of pamphlets, etc. Printing and bookbinding costs Printing costs
Outsourcing expenses Design commissions

For the preparation of other pamphlets

Of the expenses required

Thing which the mayor recognizes

Human Resource Development Business

Participation in lectures, seminars, etc.

Participation fee Participation fee for lectures, etc.
Acquisition of qualifications for construction industry※ Examination fee Costs for employee qualification exams borne by the company

※Including those that are conducted and held online.
※Eligible "qualification of construction industry qualification" is limited to any of the following cases.
(1) Qualification to be a national qualification related to the construction industry
(2) Those that are not acquired by attending skill training, etc., but can be obtained by tests that involve pass / fail

Regardless of the above, if any of the following applies, it will not be a subsidized project.

(1) Businesses that violate or are likely to violate public order and morals
(2) Business that outsources all business
(3) Business related to political or religious activities
(4) Business to sell and publicize our own products
(5) Businesses seeking profits from participants
(6) Businesses that have received or are planning to receive other subsidies in Motoichi and subsidies from other systems from the government, prefectures, other local governments, etc.
(7) Other businesses that the mayor deems inappropriate

Grant limit

Up to 50,000 yen or 100,000 yen for each business category (depending on the business category)
※The maximum subsidy limit for applying for multiple classifications is up to 100,000 yen in total within the same fiscal year.
※The number of grants that can be granted within the same fiscal year is up to once per category.

Submission of Application Form

Application deadline

[Reception for FY2024]
From April 15, 2024 to the end of February 2025
(If the budget is reached, it may end early.)
※Inquiries and consultations on whether the business being considered for application is eligible for the grant are accepted at any time.

How to apply

①Please fill in the application documents and send the complete set of application documents to the e-mail address below.
E-Mail address [email protected]
・It may take several days to check the contents.
seal is not required for the application form.
②When the confirmation is completed, the person in charge will contact you.

As a general rule, it is necessary to receive an application / grant decision before the start of the business.
However, you may be able to apply for “qualification of construction industry qualifications” to be taken during FY2024 (reception starts: April 15, 2024) even after applying for the exam.
Please contact us for more information.

Documents to be submitted

Please consult with us before applying.
(1) Construction industry activation measures subsidy grant application (first style)
(2) A copy of documents that show the breakdown of expenses to be subsidized, such as quotes.
(3) Documents that give an overview of the business
※In addition, we may ask you to submit additional materials if necessary.

Submission of Performance Report

Submission deadline

In principle, within 30 days from the date of completion of the project and during FY2024
※All procedures such as payment must be completed at the time of performance report.

If it is difficult to submit a performance report, etc. within the deadline due to payment timing, etc., please consult us in advance.
In that case, we may separately check the implementation status of the subsidized projects.

Submission method

①Please fill in the report documents and send the complete set of report documents to the e-mail address below.
E-Mail address [email protected]
・It may take several days to check the contents.
seal is not required for the performance report.
②When the confirmation is completed, the person in charge will contact you.

Documents to be submitted

When preparing the performance report, please refer to the example below.
(1) Construction industry activation measures subsidy results report (No. 9 style)
(2) Copy of documents proving expenditure of subsidized expenses (invoice, receipt, deposit and withdrawal details, etc.)
(3) Materials (products, photographs, examination vouchers, etc.) that show the status of implementation of the project
※In addition, we may ask you to submit additional materials if necessary.

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Inquiries to this page

Maintenance Planning Division, Public Architecture Department, Housing and Architecture Bureau

Phone: 045-671-2956

Phone: 045-671-2956

Fax: 045-664-5477

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 871-818-192


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