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Last updated on December 27, 2024.

Mayor's regular conference photo


Yokohama City and Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd. aim to strengthen mutual cooperation in multiple fields such as safety and disaster prevention, sports promotion, and food education, to improve citizen services and revitalize the local community.
We concluded a comprehensive partnership agreement in November 2018.

Company Overview

Company name: TOKYO GAS Co., Ltd.
For more information about Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd., please visit the company's website (outside site).

Cooperation items

Fields covered by the Comprehensive Partnership Agreement
No.Fields covered by the Comprehensive Partnership Agreement
Thing about citizen's safety, disaster prevention
Thing about sports promotion
Health promotion and dietary education
Promotion of a symbiotic society
Energy and Environmental Conservation
Other matters related to revitalization of local communities and improvement of citizen services

For details, please see the press release document (PDF: 631KB).

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Inquiries to this page

Co-creation Promotion Section, Policy Administration Bureau Co-creation Promotion Office

Phone: 045-671-4391

Phone: 045-671-4391

Fax: 045-664-3501

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 515-741-070


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