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Utilization of public space

Last updated on April 16, 2024.

Overview of Public Space Utilization

In Yokohama City, there are many public spaces such as roads, parks, and harbor green spaces, which support the lives of citizens.
In order to maintain and improve citizen services in each public space under severe financial conditions, in addition to appropriate maintenance and operation using conventional methods, by incorporating utilization through public-private partnerships, the location environment, etc. It is necessary to maximize the potential of each public space and make it an attractive space while taking into account the situation.

Public space utilization vision-Expecting for public space utilization of Motoichi-

  • Improvement of attractiveness of town by utilization of public space in the whole city area
  • Activation of local communities
  • Pursuit of the possibility of utilization for sustainable town development
  • Directing a new attractive space unique to Yokohama

Attitude of Motoichi toward utilization of public space

  • Improvement of environment for utilization of public space
  • Utilization of public spaces according to the characteristics of each region
  • Improvement of migration by utilizing public space in the coastal areas of central Tokyo
  • Reduce the burden of management of public facilities

Guide for Utilizing Public Spaces

This guide is for private businesses interested in the use of public spaces in the city, regardless of the city center or suburban areas, including the background of the city's efforts to consider the use of public spaces. After showing the vision and the approach attitude of the city in promoting utilization, in addition to the guidance of the permit window and the flow of procedures, we will introduce examples of model initiatives that have been realized so far.
We hope that you will demonstrate your business know-how and enhance the appeal of the public space in Yokohama City, so we hope that you can use this guide to help realize your ideas. .


Guidance of public space utilization (April, 2024) (PDF: 1,978KB)

About general window of public-private partnership

In Yokohama City, we have established the “Co-creation Front” as a point of contact for private businesses to consult and propose public-private partnerships, not only for the use of public spaces. The proposal received will be made by the Co-Creation Promotion Office as a bridge between you and each department of the city hall, and will consider and coordinate for realization.

In order to promote the utilization of individual parks through public-private partnerships, city park has established Park-PPP Yokohama (P×P) in Environmental Planning Bureau as a contact point in cooperation with the co-creation front desk.

Contact point for public-private partnership

Proposal for the utilization of public spaces that will enhance the attractiveness of urban coastal areas

In fiscal 2017, we solicited business proposals that would enhance the attractiveness of the coastal area of the city center, and promoted the commercialization of 14 projects that were evaluated to be realized in fiscal 2018. ※We are not currently accepting applications.

Proposals that have been commercialized

List of commercialization proposals
No.Date of implementationBusiness nameBusiness operatorsImplementation site
1July 2018

Press release document (PDF: 386KB)

MIRAI Festa Executive CommitteeNippon-Maru Memorial Park
2August 2018
April 2019

Yokohama Dog Week Marine Dog Party (Night Dock Run)
Press release document (PDF: 576KB)
Yokohama Dog Week Marine Dog Party

Yokohama Dog Week Executive CommitteePacifico-yokohama
Rinko Park (Seaside Park)
3From November 2018

Yokohama Manhole! Nordic Walking Tour
Press release document (PDF: 398KB)

Sport IntelligenceMinato Mirai Course, Yamate Motomachi-Chukagai Course, Kannai-Basyamichi Course
4March 2019~Business and work style transformation!
NPO Hama no Todai
Business HP (outside site)
Rinko Park (Seaside Park)
5March 31, 2019Katabira River SUP Station

Business HP (outside site)

Katabira River
(including estuary stairs revetment)

Public Offering Documents

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Inquiries to this page

Co-creation Promotion Section, Policy Administration Bureau Co-creation Promotion Office

Phone: 045-671-4395

Phone: 045-671-4395

Fax: 045-664-3501

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 439-767-814


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