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Third-Party Evaluation System

Last updated on November 19, 2024.

Certification of Third-Party Evaluation Organizations in FY2024 and Registration of Third-Party Evaluators, etc.

In Yokohama-shi, we perform authorization of designated manager third party evaluation organization and acceptance of application for training training such as third party evaluators for a certain period of time.
About certification application of Yokohama-shi designated manager third party evaluation organization of 2024 and training training such as evaluators, we carry out as follows.
Guidance of 2024 training (PDF: 440KB)
[Application Documents]
(1) Complete set of documents for evaluation organization certification application (word: 26KB)
   Yokohama-shi designated manager third party evaluation organization authorization application (style 1), consent form of payment situation investigation of Yokohama-shi tax (style 1 attachment 1),
   List of names of officers, etc. (Form 1 Attachment 2), List of evaluators, etc. (Form 1 Attachment 3),
   Letter of consent pertaining to the implementation of the Yokohama City Designated Manager Third-Party Evaluation (Form 1 Attachment 4)
(2) Documents related to training attendance
   ・Intention record (Excel: 21KB)
   ・Training training attendance application (style 1) (word: 19KB) such as Yokohama-shi designated manager third party evaluator ※New only
   ・Registration update application (style 7) (word: 20KB) such as Yokohama-shi designated manager third party evaluator ※Update only

What is the Third-Party Evaluation System?

In Yokohama City, in addition to reports, surveys, guidance, etc. based on the Local Autonomy Law, users' voices are used by methods such as "user meetings", "user questionnaires" and "opinions and requests by telephone and fax". We have been promoting initiatives to reflect them in facility management.
In addition to these efforts, the designated managers themselves conduct more objective and multifaceted inspections and evaluations by third parties with the aim of improving the quality of services.

Operation of the Third-Party Evaluation System

For all facilities that have introduced the designated manager system, a third-party evaluation is conducted in one of the following three methods according to the type of facility, and the evaluation results are published on the website or in the facility. By doing so, we use it for business improvement of designated managers and future system operation.

  1. Inhabitant of a ward facility where there are multiple similar facilities in the city, such as district centers, evaluations were conducted by evaluation organizations certified by Yokohama City.
  2. Facilities that are subject to third-party evaluation of welfare services, such as special elderly nursing homes, are evaluated by a third-party evaluation organization for welfare services.
  3. For other facilities (facilities with high expertise, facilities with different evaluation viewpoints for each facility, facilities that verify including management, etc.), evaluations are conducted by the designated manager selection evaluation committee.
Method of Third-Party Evaluation and Target Facilities
 Evaluation by 1 Designated Administrator Third-Party Evaluation Organization2 Evaluation by the third-party evaluation system for welfare servicesEvaluation by 3 Designated Manager Selection Evaluation Committee
Target facilities

District center, public hall, sports center, welfare center for the elderly, welfare and health activity base, community care plaza, child log house

Special elderly nursing homes, persons with intellectual disabilities, nursing care facilities, community nursing centers, shelter facilities

Yokohama Museum of Art, International Pool, History Museum, Gender Equality Center, Park, Zoo, etc.

Flow of Evaluation

Flow of Third-Party Evaluation Implementation by Designated Administrator Third-Party Evaluation Organization

Evaluation organizations and facilities to be evaluated

Yokohama City Designated Manager Third-Party Evaluation System Evaluation Manual


Certification of a third-party evaluation organization and registration of third-party evaluators, etc.

In Yokohama City, the designated manager third-party evaluation organization is certified and applications for training courses such as third-party evaluators are accepted for a certain period of time.
※The implementation in FY2023 has been completed.
2023 Yokohama-shi designated managers, etc. Training effect measurement results Total evaluation (PDF: 99KB)

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