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Regional Revitalization
Last updated on October 24, 2024.
Against the background of local voices, we provide menus that meet local needs, such as providing an easy-to-use budget system and responding to today's issues, and support motivated areas. It is a system.
The government will support “independence, independence, and self-consideration” initiatives in the region, revitalize the local economy and create local employment.
In promoting regional revitalization, it is even more effective to utilize other measures necessary by the region, such as by utilizing special measures of regulations based on the Special Zones for Structural Reform.
Please use both the regional revitalization and the special zone for structural reform as "two wheels of a car".
Please take advantage of the regional revitalization plan.
Ideas to comprehensively support local voluntary and independent initiatives such as transfer of authority from the government to local governments, respect for voluntary discretion through subsidy reforms, correcting vertically divided administration, and utilizing private know-how and funds. Accept (= proposal) and provide support for those that can be implemented in a limited area.
Local governments select from the support menus (= support measures) that can be used by local governments that match the voluntary and independent efforts of the region, create a "Regional Revitalization Plan", apply to the country, and certify. Only after receiving, support measures will be applied only to the region.
Regional Revitalization Plan for Yokohama City
[Inquiry about plan contents: Policy Administration Bureau financial resources securing promotion section 045-671-4809]
International Affairs Bureau Global Network Promotion Division, 045-671-4889
International Affairs Bureau Global Network Promotion Division, 045-671-4393
[Inquiry about plan contents: Zero Carbon and GREEN×EXPO Promotion Bureau SDGs Future City Promotion Division 045-671-4371]
[Inquiry about plan contents: Economic Affairs Bureau Innovation Promotion Division, 045-671-3487]
[Inquiry about plan contents: Economic Affairs Bureau Innovation Promotion Division, 045-671-3487]
[Inquiry about plan contents: Economic Affairs Bureau Small and Medium Enterprise Promotion Division 045-671-4236]
[Inquiry about plan contents: Sports, Culture and Dynamic City Development Bureau lively creation strategy section 045-671-4851]
[Inquiry about plan contents: Zero Carbon and GREEN×EXPO Promotion Bureau SDGs Future City Promotion Division 045-671-4371]
[Inquiry about plan contents: Port and Harbor Bureau Logistics Planning Division, 045-671-7305]
Regional Revitalization Plan for Yokohama City, where the plan period has ended
[Inquiry about plan contents: Policy Administration Bureau financial resources securing promotion section 045-671-4809]
[Inquiries about the contents of the plan: International Affairs Bureau Policy General Affairs Division 045-671-3826]
International Affairs Bureau Global Network Promotion Division, 045-671-4703
[Inquiry about plan contents: Zero Carbon and GREEN×EXPO Promotion Bureau SDGs Future City Promotion Division 045-671-4371]
[Inquiry about plan contents: Economic Affairs Bureau Employment and Labor Division, 045-671-2341]
International Affairs Bureau Global Network Promotion Division, 045-671-4703
[Inquiry about plan contents: Economic Affairs Bureau Small and Medium Enterprise Promotion Division 045-671-4236]
[Inquiry about plan contents: Economic Affairs Bureau Innovation Promotion Division, 045-671-4600]
<To Business Operators (Notice)>
Currently, in Yokohama City, there is no creation of a regional regeneration land use plan based on Article 17-17 of the Regional Revitalization Law (Act No. 24 of April 1, 2005). Therefore, there is no area in the city that is subject to reports such as buildings prescribed in Article 17-18 of the Act.
In the future, if there is a creation of a regional regeneration land use plan, it will be posted on this website.
(March 30, 2022)
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Page ID: 529-147-818