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- Lease of temporary classroom at Sasayama Elementary School
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Lease of temporary classroom at Sasayama Elementary School
Last updated on July 9, 2019.
Lease of temporary classroom at Sasayama Elementary School
Bid results
Order information
Date of public notice
May 17, 2019
Bidding method
Nomination competition (public offering type)
Qualification for bid participation
Events (rental, etc.)
Rental of temporary buildings
Location classification
None Specified
Corporate size
None Specified
Other Conditions
1 Being not a person listed in Article 3, Paragraph 1 of the Yokohama City Contract Regulations (March 1964 Yokohama City Regulations No. 59) and a person who has the qualifications specified by the provisions of Paragraph 2 of the same Article.
2 Among the registered companies of the Reiwa Moto / 2nd year Yokohama City General Competitive Bidding Qualified Persons List, those who are registered in "401: Temporary Building Rental".
3 A company that has been registered as a design office and can perform design and construction including legal procedures. (Confirmation will be made by submitting an architect office registration notice.)
4 On any day from bid participation intention application deadline to bid date, person who has not received nomination suspension measures based on measures summary such as Yokohama-shi nomination suspension.
Tender start date
June 20, 2019
Bid date details (time, etc.)
2:00 p.m.
Scheduled opening date
June 20, 2019
Scheduled opening date details (time, etc.)
2:00 p.m.
Places to bid and open bids
Shared meeting room on the 2nd floor of Kannai Ekimae No. 1 Building (2-12 Masagomachi, Naka-ku, Yokohama)
About application
Documents to be submitted
・Open call for participants type nomination competitive bidding participation intention application form (word: 25KB)
・Copy of building office registration
Place of submission
2-12, Masagocho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi
3rd floor of the first building in front of Kannai Station
Education and Facilities Division, City of Yokohama, Board of Education Secretariat Office
How to apply
Please bring the above documents and hand them directly to the staff, or mail them to Address, where you submit them.
Submission period
From May 17, 2019 to noon on Friday, June 7, 2019
(From 9:00 am to noon and from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm every day except Saturday, Sunday and public holidays. The 7th day of the last day is until noon.
Application deadline
June 7, 2019
About design documents
Design documents
Please refer to the order information details (PDF: 34,986KB).
Question answer
The answer will be posted.
Answers to Questions (PDF: 69KB)
When bid participants have questions about specifications, etc. and ask for an answer, by 3:00 pm on Tuesday, May 28, 2019 (must arrive), according to the attached "Questionnaire" style Please submit the question items to the Education Facilities Division by facsimile or e-mail. If you send the questionnaire, please contact us by telephone to send the questionnaire.
Submission of Questionnaire Kawabe, Facility Department, Education and Facilities Division, City of Yokohama, Board of Education Secretariat Secretariat
Facsimile 045(664) 4743
E-mail address [email protected]
Telephone 045 (671) 3256
The deadline for submitting the questionnaire is 3:00 pm (must arrive) on Tuesday, May 28, 2019.
Answers will be posted on the website by Wednesday, June 5, 2019.
Nomination / Non-Nomination Notification Date and Notification Method
The following notice will be given by Thursday, June 13, 2019.
Open call for participants type nominated competitive bidding nomination letter or open call for participants type nominated competitive bidding non-nomination letter
Other Documents and Communications
Order information, etc.
・Order details, etc. (PDF: 34,986KB)
Documents to be submitted (one A4 vertical sheet)
1Questionnaire (word: 15KB)
2Open call for participants type nomination competitive bidding participation intention application form (word: 25KB)
3Tender book (word: 25KB)
4Notification of bid decline (word: 28KB)
Ordering Division
Items | Information for each item |
Section in charge | Board of Education Secretariat Educational Facilities Division |
Address | 〒231-0016 2-12, Masagocho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi |
TEL | 045-671-3256 |
Fax | 045-664-4743 |
Other Contacts |
Contract Section
The same as the Ordering Division
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Inquiries to this page
Education and Facilities Division, Board of Education Secretariat Facilities Department
Phone: 045-671-3254
Phone: 045-671-3254
Fax: 045-664-4743
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 988-331-925