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  3. [End] Conducted dialogue (sounding-type market research) in the Yokohama Call Center business

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[End] Conducted dialogue (sounding-type market research) in the Yokohama Call Center business

Last updated on March 6, 2024.

Background of the Study

Business Overview

The Yokohama City Call Center Business operates the Yokohama City Call Center, which responds to inquiries about various procedures, window guidance, city facilities, event information, municipal transportation, etc. We also carry out business.
In addition, the Yokohama AI chatbot is operated on the Yokohama City website and official LINE.

Review of issues

The financial situation of Motoichi is in a critical situation, and we will continue our efforts for the realization of sustainable administrative administration. In order to maintain the necessary quality as a citizen service, grasp the elements of appropriate prices and take measures to reduce operating costs, we are examining how to reduce call volume using new technologies and how call centers should be in anticipation of five years. I am.

Implementation of this dialogue

Listen to ideas, know-how, etc. through dialogue with private businesses about what kind of business method would be efficient and effective to operate the call center business with a view to five years from now. We carry out for the purpose of reference of future examination.

Overview of Dialogue

(For details, please refer to the guidelines.)

About Yokohama-shi call center business

Contents of dialogue

Please submit a "hearing sheet" as a dialogue material by the deadline and implement it.


A business operator with a track record of operating call centers by the national or local governments

Implementation method Direct dialogue (individual, non-disclosure)
Implementation period

From Monday, February 5, 2024 to Thursday, February 15, 2024
※1 hour per business operator
 The date and time will be adjusted after application.

Implementation site Meeting room in Yokohama City Hall (Location: 6-50-10 Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama City)
How to apply

Please fill out the entry sheet and question sheet (optional) with required items and submit it by e-mail.
(Please download the "Entry Sheet" from the following materials.)

Application deadline 5:00 pm on Friday, January 19, 2024
Application and contact information

Yokohama City Citizen's Bureau Public Affairs Consultation Section
E-mail:[email protected]
Phone: 045-671-2117

Documents such as implementation guidelines

Conducting sounding-type market research and results

We will announce the results of sounding-type market research conducted between February 5, 2024 and February 15, 2024.

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Inquiries to this page

Public Affairs Consultation Section, General Affairs Department, Yokohama City Citizens Bureau

Phone: 045-671-2117

Phone: 045-671-2117

Fax: 045-663-3433

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 742-732-363


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